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I Forge Iron

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so I had a lady send me these pictures awhile back and ask if I could make them for her, they look like easy peasy projects an I’m rusty so I said yes, 

I’m interested in hearing what y’all think about them? What’s your take, ideas, ect… 

I think i definitely would do a little fancier scroll on the horse shoe thingy, (I’m not sure what it’s supposed to function as)

the crosses on the other hand im not sure how they are connected? The picture is to fuzzy, how would you attach the pieces and what would you do differently on them? 

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Hmmmm, I'm wondering if the horse shoe hanger is a coat and hat hanger. The horizontal shoe is far enough from the wall a moderate sized brim would clear. However if you turned the shoe heels down you could hang a hat with less marking and almost against the wall. It would hang bottom in of course.

I can't tell how the crucifixes were made either, all I see are hints. The joinery isn't consistent where the three are joined appears different, less wide. 

If I were to make it on a best guess I'd Punch and drift all the joins be they the crucifixes or where they join to make the hanging. Forge welding would look nice with a little dressing too but harder to make them all consistent. 

Frosty The Lucky.

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If I had to guess, I’d say they were MiG welded then wire wrapped. I like the idea of slit and drifted with a heat shrink fit.

Not sure what to think about the hanger. It’s just not my style… I would agree with you that it needs a little more of something.

Keep it fun,


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Thanks Guys!!! I appreciate your thoughts!

I was thinking of using square stock for the horse shoe thing and then tapering and rounding it off, then doing a snail lookin scroll with it to give it a little more life? 

I really like the idea of the punch and drift on the crosses that would be sturdy!

A forge weld would be cool but I don’t think I could do three in a row to match 

my only thought so far had been to either rivet them together and use copper wire 

or like Goods said cheat with a mig an wrap it in bright copper wire to hide it

both pieces seem simple but kinda boring in my humble opinion, 

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The horseshoe thing looks like a cowboy hat stand. Being made from horseshoes, it would fit the theme. There are so many ways to make crosses that it seems that wouldn't be difficult. Just talk to the person and throw ideas at them and see what sticks. I would ask for better pictures and closeups of the joinery if they need to be exact copies. As far as the horseshoe thing, if it is a hat rack, it's best to leave it oriented the way it is. Over time gravity will deform a felt hat and reblocking a hat every few weeks can get expensive, fast. The forked nature of the top shoe cradles the hat in such a way that the crease sits neatly between the gap and gravity pulls down equally all around preventing deformation. Really the best way to store a high quality felt hat.

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1 hour ago, TWISTEDWILLOW said:

both pieces seem simple but kinda boring in my humble opinion, 

I agree on the hat rack, but again it’s not my style. I am really drawn to the clean lines and simplicity of the crosses. 

Keep it fun,


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I agree with Das that the central join of each of the 3 crosses is an X union.  However, the attachements of the left and right crosses to the central one is less clear.

I also agree that the horizontal horse shoe is to hold a hat.  I'd put a twist in the arm joining the 2 horse shoes.

"By hammer and hand all arts do stand."

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I would start with instead of the scroll welded to the horse shoes rivet them together. Seeing as how it seems that it has been determined that is is a hat hanger, leave the horse shoe at the top. Add a coat hanger cause a cowboy also needs a place for his coat. Does the part that attaches to the wall have to be a a horse shoe? Or could it be the shape of say Texas? ( hope you caught that:D , funnin' ya)  

The crosses, if they do not have to be duplicates i would do something  like rivet them together but the rivets look like nails. 

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A google image search of the crosses' picture yielded a couple different sites with the exact same image.  Same item description for each also.  Furthermore, one of the sites which was revealed also had the project on Pinterest, but I don't have an account there to examine it any further.  Certainly not pipe joints.  It is wire wrapped around to make it appear bound together.  Probably covering up MIG welds.

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8 hours ago, BillyBones said:

Or could it be the shape of say Texas? ( hope you caught that:D , funnin' ya)  

Oh boy, don’t get that started!!!! Lol :lol:

14 hours ago, George N. M. said:

put a twist in the arm joining the 2 horse shoes

That sounds nice!

8 hours ago, BillyBones said:

Add a coat hanger

That’s what I was thinking of doing with a snail shaped scroll bring it out farther so you could hang something on it

4 hours ago, LeeJustice said:

Certainly not pipe joints.  It is wire wrapped around to make it appear bound together.  Probably covering up MIG welds

That’s good to know, we solved that mystery thank you!

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