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What did you do Outside the shop today?


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Looks like you're having a pretty good time there Billy. I think we've gotten one trick or treater here in the 26 years we've lived here. Seems to be something about living a couple hundred feet back in the woods damps the trick or treater's spirits.

Frosty The Lucky.

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  I knew somebody that attached a pair of boots to some denim jeans and then stuffed them full of rags to fill them out.  He then hung them out of his cars trunk and splashed some red paint all over.  Ain't Halloween fun?  Of course it was an old beater he used for different holidays in different ways.

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This is extent of my Halloween decorations:


Ive always thought it would be neat to fabricate arms with claw like fingers, but I’m afraid the effort to get the effect I want would take the fun out of it…

Keep it fun,



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16 hours ago, George N. M. said:


David, I like your foursquare house


George, we absolutely love this house. I drove past it every day going back and forth to work for ten years. Then it went up for auction in the last recession and we got it for a very good price. We’ve put a lot of time and money into over the past 15+ years, but it has been well worth it. I could go on and on about the property… (It was a good place to be stuck during the height of the pandemic! I can’t imagine how people living in apartments/condos survived that time period.)

 Keep it fun,


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A week or so ago, we got a kabocha squash (aka "Japanese pumpkin") in our weekly farm share, and a day or two ago, I roasted it and included the flesh in a really delicious soup with a lot of onions, carrots, celery, vegetable stock, and cubes of a very garlic-y kielbasa sausage. Yesterday, I decided to dig the seeds out of the trash, clean them off, and save them for planting next year.


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Billy, great hearing from you, I’m just getting around to reading this thread, I’ve been pretty busy the last few weeks and haven’t taken the time to check IFI. I was wondering last week if you had put up the decorations yet and what you had done this year. Looks like you’re having fun with them again. 

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On 10/9/2023 at 4:47 PM, Goods said:

This is extent of my Halloween decorations

That looks Amazing!!!!!! 

On 10/9/2023 at 6:52 PM, BillyBones said:

TW, if they were drinking Coor's light, i cant blame them for passing on to the next world.:lol:

Good sir! Just what exactly do you have against the cheap stuff?!?!?! :lol:


i haven’t got everything out yet but I’m working on it!  

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  • 3 weeks later...

Happy Halloween everyone!!!

me an my kid brother handed out candy at the westville trunk o ween today!!! 

the event had a good turn out!! 700 kids from all over the county!!! 

I ran my booth till I was the last one on Main Street and I’m glad I did I had one family show up that got the wrong times for the trunk o ween and by the time they got there everybody else’s had already shut down and that poor kid had an empty bucket and I loaded up that kid nine ways to Sunday!!! Lol 

Max road a dinosaur around with mom and had a blast! And the daycare he used to go to before starting school this fall was hosting a Halloween party for all the kids so he got to got here and visit with all his old friends 

Lessons learned…

I’m gonna need more skeletons for next year 

and you can’t buy enough candy for those ravaged masses!!!! 

it was a good time can’t wait to give it another go next year! 

hope everyone here has had a spooktackuler day! 






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Y’all don’t be picking on my pipe that’s my favorite one in my collection!!

it’s a Peterson from Dublin with the p-lip mouth piece and sterling silver band

it’s the system body that allows the water vapor from the pipe tobacco to cool and become trapped in a reservoir allowing for a dry smoke 

15 hours ago, Frosty said:

There IS something whacky about the skeleton, does it look like it's coughing to you to, Scott? 

I don’t smoke THAT kind of tobacco good Sir!!! :rolleyes:

15 hours ago, Scott NC said:

Prince Albert

No No No No No No a thousand times No!!!!

one does not buy his pipe tobacco and or fine cigars at an establishment that sells…. Prince Albert!!!!! 

Only tobaccos hand blended and flavored in house!!!
Or tinned tobaccos from from reputable companies that know how to blend tobaccos 

Prince Albert is by name only a pipe tobacco!!! The very thought!!! 

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2 minutes ago, gewoon ik said:

whatcha smoking?

this morning I’m having a aromatic that’s a blend of red Virginia and black cavendish with a little vanilla and caramel 

I also like trying different burley's and Latakias too! 

I know some people that really don’t like Latakia but think it goes good with hot coffee in the morning, 

I’m not overly a fan of plugs I’m to lazy to cut them up i like mine already cut up lol 

commercially i really like tobacco from Cornell  & Diehl and the tins that Peterson’s sells that used to be Dunhill blends 

theres a really nice place north of me that blends in house and they always have something new with every season it’s expensive but i really like trying custom house blends from them 

I currently have 10 pipes some are antique estate pipes and some are modern that I bought new, 

I bought my first pipe years ago when I was younger and in the Navy it was a Peterson Shannon model, I still have that one today 

Do you smoke pipe? If so what tobacco you like? What kind of pipes do you use? 



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I smoke a couple of years pipe.

I like virginia's, vaper and vabur. Also some oriental is never a bad thing

Latakia is for me autum, winter.

Viginias and semois summertime.

More a fan of the unflavered or light aromatics.

Have an old stock of tabaco from 2015 when i bought a lot. Still some dunhills from when they stopped.

Almost always have something of MacBarren open, navy flake or now scottish mixture.

Also brown sugar flakes from gatwick. A one of they did in 2014. Very nice!

And dunhill london mixture

Not a big smoker. I think 2 or 3 tins yearly.

Pipes almost all estates. Cheapies. Also some good new ones. Yearpipes of a pipesmokersforum (there is another member here also a member there). Around 12 pipes or so. New one comming with christmas (prf pipe)

At this moment i have 2 broken mounthpieces and one i think is broken but i don't see it. All of them eboniet and all minimum 50 years old.

Mostly billards, canadians, ... straith pipes. I have a couple of bent ones as well.

But the tabaccoprices will hike in Belgium next year, so time to go shopping and storing again. Before they stop importing some brands I have to travel for.


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