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What did you do Outside the shop today?


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Howdy everybody! How’s it been going around here? everyone doin alright? 

well I’m busy here in eastern Oklahoma as always gettin into everything under the sun and usually over my head! :wacko:

recently we started gutting out a really old house in westville we bought to fix up for a rental property, it used to be a hotel for the Frisco railroad that shut down here locally back in the 1940s, im not sure when it started or when the house was built, im assuming sometime before state hood in 1907

we started finding newspapers and paper bags in the walls and under the floors! I found one complete newspaper from the town in westville from the spring of 1912! It’s pretty cool! B)

We are still working on our ol commercial building downtown westville too,

on top of that been looking for a bigger house for us to move into

the mower shop has been busy an behind but I called up my ol partner from the shop I used to work for and he’s been helping me try an keep things goin! 

on the weekends I try to slip out to the creek or river an catch a few fish if I can get a break!  :ph34r:

Max has started school this year!!! Which has been a whole new adventure! Lol

also he’s playing on a 3 year olds soccer team and that is the most hilarious thing I’ve ever seen!!!! :lol:

I’ve also started trying to figure out the whole VA thing and that’s a bit mentally draining… 

Anyways just busy busy busy here running around! 

how about everyone all y’all?
What adventures has everyone been gettin into outside the smithy? 

Jerry, have you received any Okie post yet? 

Randy, how you liking that new set of peepers?

Scott, you found any new train stuff? 

Frazer how’s camping? 

Jennifer, you always got something new going on! 

Shaina, thank you for pickin up that fishin pole for me! 

Les, I ain’t tried that bowl yet but imma try it out soon on some Christmas stuff! 

John, any jet setting? How’s the store? 

Mr Goods how about you? 

any everyone else that I didn’t mention what all y’all been doin? 


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1 hour ago, TWISTEDWILLOW said:

Randy, how you liking that new set of peepers?

It's amazing how much clearer everything is now the cataracts are gone. The only thing I have to get used to is to have a pair of tinted safety glasses when working in the forge or shop. Been busy with follow up Dr. visit's and a dentist appointment last Thursday the 21st to have my teeth cleaned and a check up. The problem with that was my dental tech. was coughing & sneezing through the appointment. Even though she wore a surgical mask and said it was her allergies, which I understand because mine have been giving me fits also. Well Monday morning I woke up sicker than a dog so it wasn't allergies after all. Feels like a bad cold to me with all the aches and pains associated with that. I've taken 2 Covid tests and both were negative so I guess it's just a bad cold.


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10 hours ago, TWISTEDWILLOW said:

Scott, you found any new train stuff? 

  Now that you mention it.... I will be studying the Frisco Line.  I love fallen flag history.  The railroad hotel project is pretty cool and if the walls could talk (other than the newspapers) I bet they would have some interesting stories....:rolleyes:  I've found an abandon spur and have been spinning my wheels figuring out how best to get permission.  Other than that, not much on the train front.  Just life in general.   Spending time with family and trying to stay in touch with friends back home.   Keeping up with things as they break, fall apart, etc....  I quite smoking finally and that was nerve wracking.  Sounds like you have been very busy and that's good medicine as long as it doesn't over run you.  Idle hands, you know....  Fishing is good unwinder too.

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TW, nice to see ya been a minute. 

Between working in the shop at home, building an "office", and working in the shop at work not much time for other pursuits. With the economy though that may change. We dropped to a 36 hour week, no OT to be authorized, even salaried employees took 10% cut in pay, and they have asked anyone willing to take unpaid time off. But at least we are not laying off like other shops. 

I did get a bunch of green beans canned, made some salsa with the many, many tomatoes i grew, (have to give thanks to Scott for planting the salsa idea in my head, first time i ever tried) harvested a few watermelon as well. Potatoes and sweet potatoes did not do very well though. And something ate every single apple i had growing but 1. 

My dad and i did get the Monte sanded down and ready for paint. Have to find the leak around the windsheild before we paint though, put on a new Edelbrock carb, high rise intake, and chrome valve covers. 

Scott, congratulations on quitting smoking. If i could go back and change one thing in my life that may be the one. 

To quote Blackberry Smoke "gonna soothe my soul with a fishin' pole."

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I've been in hot sauce mode. I planted 2 habaneros and they are 3x3'+ and producing like crazy- 60- 80 pods picked every 3 or 4 days. I have 2 batches of my roasted red pepper with habanero and cilantro sauce, and 1 batch of smoked habanero with pineapple  and basil. There are 40 habs in each batch of 6-8 bottles. I just bottled up a 17 day fermented habanero with onion and garlic  sauce- my first try at lacto fermentation in a brine (think sauerkraut ). I was planning on a 21 day ferment, but just couldn't  wait. And it is yummy. Lost more peppers to do, and I have ideas for a few tweaks. We'll see.


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On 9/29/2023 at 1:42 PM, BillyBones said:

Scott, congratulations on quitting smoking. If i could go back and change one thing in my life that may be the one. 

  Sorry, I missed this.  Thanks.  I had to poke a new hole in my belt.  Seems eating, for me, curbs the crave.  I wish I'd done it long ago.

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When i was in high school, back in the Cambrian age i believe, in health class i remember our teacher telling us that it is quite common that when people quit smoking they gain weight. He said it was becuase smoking takes away our taste and when you quit you start to taste things again so you want to eat more. Now how true that is i do not know but that is what we were taught. 

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On 9/28/2023 at 9:24 PM, Irondragon Forge ClayWorks said:

It's amazing how much clearer everything is now the cataracts are gone.

Sweet! Glad to hear it!

On 9/29/2023 at 12:42 PM, BillyBones said:

Between working in the shop at home, building an "office", and working in the shop at work not much time for other pursuits

Office and car projects sound pressure cool! 

sorry to hear they cut your hours back though!

salsa sounds great!

On 9/29/2023 at 2:32 PM, Stash said:

producing like crazy- 60- 80 pods picked every 3 or 4 days.

Dude! That’s crazy I’ve never had a pepper plant produce like that!!!! 

9 minutes ago, Scott NC said:

  I will probably go from a slim smoker to not being able to fit through the kitchen door

Grow a beard and you can play santa for the grandkids!!!!

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Good to see you taking a little time to put fingers to keyboard Billy. This being too busy to take a break couldn't have anything to do with you taking on so many labor intensive projects could it? 

An old hotel sounds like fun to tear down. Back in the day when I lived a few miles north of Talkeetna folks would "help" anyone wanting to upgrade their house with real insulation because in the gold rush days newspaper, old books, etc. was what folks had for insulation. Probably the best interesting thing I remember being found were a couple bundles of letters from someone trying to buy the house and land. They kept getting angrier and more threatening and folded with them was the angry guy's obit in the local paper. 

You should've done what I did Scott, my kitchen doesn't have a door. ;)

Frosty The Lucky.

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Well recently I’ve been spending a couple sessions a week in the shop!

Recent times aside, we’ve had a challenging year. My wife had surgery back in February and I was off work for a couple weeks doing my best to take care of her and everything else. The surgery didn’t go very well and she’s had a couple follow up surgeries the help resolve the issues. She’s finally starting to feel like she’s getting better, but may never be the same. Honestly, probably just the unlikely 1 out of 100 cases… 

My older son is now in his senior year in college and has at least one good standing job offer. (So, I guess we didn’t fail with home schooling!).

The younger boy is diving into world history, linguistics, and culture. Very different from me or the other boy, we’re both techies and I’m quickly lost in our conversations. (His mother, being an English historian couldn’t be happier.) He also just last week switch scout troops which my wife and I are very please with, but now the meetings are a 1/2hr drive after work. Well worth it to get the results of a strong program.

Work has also been keeping me pretty busy. New models, new products and manpower/skill gaps all taking their toll. I love the job, just the same!

Sorry, a little long winded, but you asked…

Keep it fun,


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My GOODNESS David, that was almost 3 paragraphs! Give the missus my best please and a firm attaboys to the kids. I loved the Scouts, some of my best times ever.

I haven't been to the PO box Billy and Deb has the car in Anchorage, I'll have to check tomorrow if Deb doesn't beat me . . . to it.

We don't have to worry about spoilage stinking :wacko: up the PO do we?

Frosty The Lucky.


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I washed the classic Chevrolet Cavalier Z24 Hatchback. I drive it occasionally but not near enough. I sits in a covered car port the rest of the time. It gets all dusty and sometimes it gets so thick it looks grey. I noticed critter tracks all over the hood, top and deck the other day. Sad thing is the dogs must have smelled it and when I got it clean noticed scratches all over the hood and RF fender. Think I was upset to say the least. A picture I took a couple of years ago when it had 233,333 miles on it still runs and looks the same (except for the scratches) hopefully I will be able to rub them out with some black paste wax that matches the color.


I can't control the wind, all I can do is adjust my sail’s.
Semper Paratus


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I never in my life thought i would hear the words classic and Chevy Cavalier in the same sentence. But i still kind of see them as "new models". I am getting old.  Looks like you have taken quite good care of it. Animal scratches can usually get buffed out with out to much trouble. With in reason of course. Bear claw marks may need a bit of touch up paint. 

I am already getting fat, i would have to re-enforce the floors if i quit smoking. :lol:

Thought i had a couple pics of the Monte but i can not seem to find them. I will try and get a couple next time i am over at my dad's. 


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Deb got home a little after I posted last and it seems I have a subscription to Oklahoma Daily! I only got to browse a little last night before the power went out, then I woke up this morning in my chair. Looks like Oklahoma is a happening place.

Are a lot of people turning their suburban yards into vegetable gardens? I like the idea but we have too many resident moose to make it worth the effort at our place. 

Very cool, thank you Billy.:D

Frosty The Lucky.

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thank you for the Alaska subscription! I just received my second one!

I didn’t know Oklahoma even had a magazine, I had to google it, and sure enough we did, so I ordered myself one to check it out and then I thought I’d repay the gesture and send you one as well! Lol

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I was going to say something about seeing how many folks on the forum we could get to exchanging regional magazines and am really glad I didn't. There are literally thousands of them out there. Some look interesting, some look really lame and some are positively scary!

I'm enjoying Oklahoma Daily quite a bit, even some of the ads have me intrigued and I am NOT a magazine kind of guy. I don't know why but I never have been. 

Thanks again,

Frosty The Lucky.

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TW, somewhere in an old trunk I have some early 1900's newspapers. From what I remember they have a bunch of adds. Might remember some from the fourties in my paps war trunk or maybe they were in my grandmas old hope chest. 

Really interesting to read something that old and see what was news or adds of the time. 

Irondragon, that is a real survivor cavalier. 

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Well, it was my turn for a (minor) medical procedure today. Feeling fine and want to get out in the shop to get some work done, but I’ve gotten a stern warning from my wife not to. I know she’s right, but now I’m home alone, with nothing to do but watch TV or read. I’m going crazy knowing that I have work to do!

Keep it fun,


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Yesterday... one of my favorite Dr. visits a 90 min. dentist appointment for a "deep scaling periodontal with laser, antibiotics. My Dental tech is great and has a warped sense of humor just like me. She only could do the left side as for some goofy insurance rule. So I'll be back there on the 18th for the other side. Took until this morning for the numbness to totally dissipate so I could drink without drooling. 

I can't control the wind, all I can do is adjust my sail’s.
Semper Paratus


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Today i started putting out the Halloween decorations! 

got the mailbox done up! 

got a loafer in the repair shop!

and then I took the big 8’ skeleton to town an stood it up in the window of our building downtown…. Directly across the street and starring at…. A day care…. Bahahahhahahahahahahahahaha :lol:

I haven’t figured out what imma do in the field this year yet, I’m thinking about putting the ol flat bottom boat out there and sticking some skeletons in it fishing and drinking beer! Lol





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