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Prayers and condolences Glenn, family and friends


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I never got to meet Glenn but this forum has had an impact on me,  the collection of smithing knowledge here is beyond anything seen in previous generations.   Rest easy Glenn, your legacy is above and beyond what you may have thought it could ever be.   Foo I hope you and your family find peace and will forever cherish the time you had with Glenn.  

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  • 2 weeks later...

We spend a lots of time writing about smithing, and he gave lots off advices not only on smithing part but on life in general.

I just now saw this message that he is passed away.

He was good and patient man, I asked him a lots of questions and he always answered them with clear description how something should be done and why it should be done that way.

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I never met Glenn in person, nor talked to him on the phone - but we did have many conversations via messages and exchanged a few cards via snail mail. He imparted many words of wisdom and I'm sure he'll be in my thoughts regularly as I often think of him whenever I'm doing something which he's guided me on. 


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  • 2 weeks later...

I haven't been around IFI for quite some time. Just dropped in today by chance.  I am devastated to learn of Glenn's passing.  I remember when IFI was just starting out.  I had many on line conversations with Glenn, and I will always remember his call to me when my wife Candy died.  He was a great guy.  Some of the Good has gone from the World with his passing.  "Eternal rest grant to him O'Lord and let perpetual light shine upon him.  May he Rest in Peace.  Amen."

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've been absent from blacksmithing and from this site for some time. Found out today that Glenn had passed, and moments ago about Thomas. To their family and friends, I am sorry for their loss, the world was a better place for having met them. I learned a lot from each, and I am sorry to know they're gone. The world is dimmer without them.

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  • 7 months later...

Oh my gosh. I haven't been on IFI in so long and I had no idea that Glenn AND Thomas Powers passed away. I am heartbroken to hear this. My condolences to both families. 

I spoke with Glenn on several occasions. He tried so hard to help me in my blacksmithing journey and in a few other subjects like knots for use in hauling logs.

Such a big hearted, kind man. I'll miss him dearly

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Dear CGL,  Yes, it is very sad for us that both Glenn and Thomas have passed over the Rainbow Bridge but I expect we'll see them again.

On a happier note, I am tickled to see that you are back.  We've missed you.  Tell us what you have been doing, particularly about blacksmithing, over the last couple of years.


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3 minutes ago, George N. M. said:

Dear CGL,  Yes, it is very sad for us that both Glenn and Thomas have passed over the Rainbow Bridge but I expect we'll see them again.

On a happier note, I am tickled to see that you are back.  We've missed you.  Tell us what you have been doing, particularly about blacksmithing, over the last couple of years.


So sad. Both those guys were such heroes for the craft. I still can't get over it. 

I've been thinking of all my old friends here and you were one of them. I'm better these days. Quite a lot going on in my life over all this time. I don't feel right chatting about it while on this topic but perhaps I can make a new thread. Or go to Show Me Your Goats lol. So good to talk to you!


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Got a bigger herd now and we introduced a Kiko buck onto the Boer herd. Got 8 good looking, very healthy babies in February. I'll have to put up some good pictures. AND...pictures of my dairy cows ;) I'm a genuine milkmaid now :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Good, I'll be watching for pics. Maybe not in this thread though though Glenn was kind of an old goat maybe he reincarnated in Texas?

Frosty The Lucky.

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And there is so much I don't want to know!

Do you talk to him? We could always get a little "buck speak" out of the boys. I'm sure you know but don't pet the bucks!

Frosty The Lucky.

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They don't have to be in the rut to want to smell nice for the ladies. :rolleyes: Sure, in the rut you can smell them at a distance upwind but ours always had that . . . I pee in my whiskers musk.

Now I'm missing the goats. <sigh>

Frosty The Lucky.

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