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This hammer followed me home from the market this morning for, I think, the bargain price of $14 Aussie. It's a 4 pound True Temper - USA. The straight peen looks a little sharp to me but then I'm new at this. Anyone know these hammers?



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Welcome to IFI Raturay.

I've never seen one like that, it's an interesting design. Hopefully one of our american friends will be able to tell us more.

By the way, if you haven't already, please pop your name on the 'Oz Roll Call' thread, Dale's trying to create a bit of a database of Aussie smiths. :)

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...and was looking a small cross-pein hammer on one gentleman's table. "Like blacksmith stuff?" he asks. "I buy a little for my shop here and there"' I reply. "I have a 5-gallon bucket full of tongs in my truck if you would be interested. Too heavy for me to lift in and out" he says. Turns out he had (notice I said "HAD":D) 22 sets of tongs in very good condition plus a top fuller and a wrench in that bucket. After the dickering was done, I relieved the gentleman of his heavy old bucket of tongs! Not including the fuller and wrench, they cost me about $4.50 apiece. Life is indeed good!!!

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This hammer followed me home from the market this morning for, I think, the bargain price of $14 Aussie. It's a 4 pound True Temper - USA. The straight peen looks a little sharp to me but then I'm new at this. Anyone know these hammers?

It is likely a HOT CUT tool with a handle. I have 3 of various sizes and tapers. Nice deal. Edited by steve sells
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This hammer followed me home from the market this morning for, I think, the bargain price of $14 Aussie. It's a 4 pound True Temper - USA. The straight peen looks a little sharp to me but then I'm new at this. Anyone know these hammers?

That is what is known as a spalling hammer, used to cut and shape stone or concrete. You can see one here Masons Hammers

Could be used as a hot cut, I suppose.
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This hammer followed me home from the market this morning for, I think, the bargain price of $14 Aussie. It's a 4 pound True Temper - USA. The straight peen looks a little sharp to me but then I'm new at this. Anyone know these hammers?

There is no reason you can't refine the peen end with a grinder or beltsander to a more effective size (say 6or 7mm radius). Just go slow so as not to "lose your temper"
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That is what is known as a spalling hammer, used to cut and shape stone or concrete.

That makes sense as the head is larger mass than any of mine, and the acute angle of attack at the cutting edge leads me to believe that you are correct KeyKeeper.
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Well, Uh, Thank Ya, Thank ya very much (In my best Elvis impersonation!)

I see a lot of these at flea markets and on eBay. A lot of the sellers assume they are a blacksmith tools, because "hey, it's a hammer, so a blacksmith must have used it for something". (Actual seller quote)

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ever since I made a buddy of mine a wizard head bottle opener, he has been looking out for blacksmith tools and parts, it just so happens he has an auction business, so yesterday he called and said he had a couple items for me, turned out to be a very cool score! See what happens when you pay it forward!!

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I have a smallish spalling hammer I "converted" into a straight pein and the balance isn't good. the Face side is too heavy making it darned tiring to use. I have given thought to cutting the face side down but haven't.

It does work though, making it a LOT better than nothing.


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