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I Forge Iron

New Anvil ID and Use

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I'm new to the forum and have probably "forged" more gold and silver over the past 40 years.  That being said, I've needed an anvil and came upon the one pictured.  From past experience, I know iron needs to be hot but can non ferrous metals be forged on an anvil when cold and annealed?  And I would appreciate any advice as to the use of the anvil I just picked up since I don't want to misuse it.  My research indicates its a 137 pound English forged anvil c1780 - 1830. Thanks in advance.  Steve










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The anvil is a tool. You can use it to form many things such as copper, brass, etc. just be sure to annealed them if they work harden.

I heard my anvil being used and it was a thump, not a metal type noise.  Upon investigation it was being used to crack black walnuts for cookies.  Worked just fine and the cookies were good.

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It looks to me to be a M&H Mouse Hole Forge anvil or one of the many anvil makers who got their start there then went out on their own.

A grand old gal indeed. To be treated with respect and doing no harm by grinding, milling or welding on the hardened steel face plate.

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I love working properly with the old tools.  I’m involved in the antiques business and always look forward to foraging in the basement of an older home.  I treat all my tools with respect. Knowing the age of this anvil I wanted to hear from folks knowledgeable to be sure it would work for me. It will be an honor to work with something that’s been around so long and survived in nice condition. Wouldn’t want to change that.


I’ve casted sterling before but no hot forging.  I have sterling scrap I can make into ingots and try to be creative.

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Be careful about forging in a basement because they are often not well veltilated and carbon monoxide is a greater danger than someplace drafty.  Get one of more CO detectors and if they go off immediately kill the fire and get out until the CO can disperse.  Don't try to finish something.  Also, in a house it may be a risk to folk in other parts of the house, particularly if the furnace picks up its air near your forging area.  It can be done but be aware of the risks and err on the side of caution and safety.  Even if it doesn't kill you a trip to a hyperbaric chamber is not fun and CO poisoning is not at all pleasant.  Sort of like a bad hangover without the benefit of an earlier high.

"By hammer and hand all arts do stand."

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Thanks for the comments, information, and advice. Since we’ve downsized to a more residential area, conditions are limited so I’m looking into an electric forge.  I still have my small Jelenko Accu-therm 150. No worries on the CO. I’m also a master diver and agree that I want to stay away from the chamber.

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No, the IFI terms of service do not permit posting information about any sales other than member-to-member sales in the Tailgating section. 

(Also, since this comes up frequently, direct links to commercial sites are forbidden, but it's perfectly acceptable to state the name of a company or website that you purchase from.)

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You've provided enough of a description to google the auction. A bit more would be helpful like the name of the auction company or name of the place being auctioned off. Say the "going going gone company" or "Old McDonald's farm auction." 

It's common enough to let members know something juicy is up for sale and stay within the rules. It just takes a little practice. 

Using what you posted I found one with the PA Auction Center on Sat 19. but it only lists the firearms and some sports equipment. As the date closes a more detailed listing may be posted. OR this may be another auction all together. Anyway, it's just fine to post clues so folk can search it out if they're interested. Living in Alaska I searched more as an example than out of a chance to buy something. 

Frosty The Lucky.

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