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Currently working on this beastie. Not sure what to call it other than beastie.

The horns are car hood hinges, and that is where the idea originated as horns. Couldn't decide if I liked the up horns or down horns so why not both. 

It will be a goaty/dragony  creature with a humanoid body I think. So far the spring neck makes the head pretty animated. The length I clamp in the vise determines it based on the weight so I have to finish the head first to know where to cut the spring. 

No one really knows or could understand that I've been in a "writers block" as far as creating anything goes. I have ideas constantly but can't get moving on anything for reasons. This is just the beast to help me get out of it. Well, this and another sci-fi kind of thing. Just some free creative sculptures. 

Hopefully this start will progress and I will flesh it out.

More to come. 





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  I love it!   Those horns are perfect.... Now I know what I will be piling up next.  I also like gears for eyes, spring neck.... Wonderful....  :)

  I know what you mean about writer's block.  Beastie will get you back on track.  Btw, your workbench looks startlingly like one of my old ones.... :)

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The hood hinge horns are from subaru vehicles. They are nice because they are match opposites. I've been saving any double replacements and also any neat looking door hinges. 

Hah, yeah the work bench could use a good sorting out. From doing some other organizing it has been catching a lot of odds and ends. 

I really hope I can find some ball bearings to fit in those eye gears. If not I'll think of something else. Maybe cut some lense material and hook up some led lights into them. Actually that might be a better idea. 

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I've got lots of supplies for the beastie. I just gatta dig em out of the heaps. I sure hope they aren't too juicy lol. The ball bearings might be juicy if I have to pull them out of a bearing assy. 

Don't worry Frosty, I've got a Lot of scrap art supplies to fill in the beastie. 

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  I've got a can of tapered roller bearings in a box buried somewhere I been meaning to dig out and send u some.  Round ones probably look better though?  I think lenses with led's would look cool.  I was fooling around with colored glass beads for a while but don't care for the look.....

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I've been saving the magnifier lenses out of busted headlights to use for dragon eyes if I ever get around to making some large dragons. They are too big for this but some red tail lamp lense cut to size would work. 

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Might make a full size sheep someday. Might be a limited market in my area but you never know. 

A full size horse would market better in my area. There Are 2-3 stables located close to me and two of them are on a road that I'm on the corner of.  I see horse hauling trailers turning on to that road often. 

In all honesty I've been neglecting a good market that could be seen from my own front yard. 

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  Ha!  I wasn't joking about your work bench, I was admiring it!  How can you find the perfect part stored away in a can on a shelf.  Haha, I wish I had taken pictures of the inside of my old shop so I could show you.

  Can I ask what that main head piece they eyes are attached to is? 

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I think I was doing my best and most work when I had bits and pieces scattered all over the floor in a section of the shop. Visually is the best way to see what can fit where.  I'd love to get big benches setup to just spread out certain stuff to pick through.  A sorting table that tilts to funnel and dump stuff back into buckets would be nice too. 

Got more ideas than time and energy. 

The main part of the head is just the halves of the hinges bolted and tack welded together. 

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  I have had a project in my mind of a humanoid/animalish/robotic sculpture.  There was a leather store in Omaha I used to frequent and it gave me the idea to stretch leather "skin" over it partialy, letting large holes here and there showing the metal "robot" skeleton underneath.  Hard to explain.  I never got past the planning stage. Someday.....

  I really like your tilting sorting table idea.  I never would think of that.  No more scraping parts off the bench with your hand/arm into a bucket and picking runaway parts up off the floor... :)

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Sounds like it would be a cool project Scott. I think we missed out on education and opportunities in the animatronics industry.  I've been interested in that kind of stuff for a long while. There is the Tom Savini school of make-up effects near me, they do have prop making in their courses but I don't know if any animatronics is included. I'm also not very interested in the make-up part. 

Anyway, yeah the sorting table would save a lot of work. Probably should include a finer mesh so dust, dirt and water fall through and isn't included back in the container. 


Thanks TW. Lol I remember those guys. There is always influence from what we have seen or experienced. 



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IFI has more than one member who has robotics listed in their profile. While animating a sculpture isn't quite robotics I'm thinking it's close enough to adapt. Hmmm?

Anybody in the field or with the hobby know of any "robotics for dummies" type links?

Frosty The Lucky.

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Robotics is a bit more technical and would have a lot more computer related wizardry. Animatronics can be as simple as just making something move realistically. Years back I made an animatronic set of wings with a 14' wing span. Got them functional as far as opening and closing with a drill battery pack, two power window motors and a switch. Then the project took a back burner then got tucked away in the attic. One day I will drag it back out and finish it. Might be good for a large dragon...

Might have to look into something like that Thomas. 

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