anvil Posted July 27, 2021 Posted July 27, 2021 So they still have grocery store paper bags in Arkansas? The danged libs got rid of them here nearly 40 years ago. They wanted to save the trees. All we have is plastic. Now the trees burn every summer and our world is choking to death on plastic bags. Thank goodness for Thrifty Nickels! Quote
TWISTEDWILLOW Posted July 27, 2021 Author Posted July 27, 2021 Well I haven’t had a chance to try out the fire starter ideas yet, I’m buried under with work and on top of that the humidity has been through the roof and it’s dang near 100 Fahrenheit in the shade and no breeze, looks like we are starting to come into the early dog days of summer. the heat is supposed break in about a week an a half, back down to the high 80s yay! maybe I’ll feel more like dragging everything out and firing up then if I’m caught back up with work Quote
ThomasPowers Posted July 27, 2021 Posted July 27, 2021 I'm always amused to see them closing down schools and factories in Europe and the UK for temps we consider to be a lovely break from *hot* weather. Having spent a summer in Germany, I realized that most people didn't have access to AC and were not acclimated to such temps and so it made sense that their personal heat calibration was 10 degF lower than ours. OTOH I remember VICopper shivering at a quad-state and wearing a jacket when everyone else was fine in shorts and a T shirt. (He was from the US Virgin Islands in the Caribbean). Quote
TWISTEDWILLOW Posted July 27, 2021 Author Posted July 27, 2021 Lol I know what you mean Thomas, I’ve been a lot of places around the US and across the pond some hot some cold and it’s fun to see how different people react to different weather myself included, Here it’s really not the 100 degf that bothers me it’s the 100 percent humidity yuck! It’s like working in a sweat lodge, this time of year I always joke that if the humidity get any worse we’re all gonna grow gills around here lol. Quote
ThomasPowers Posted July 27, 2021 Posted July 27, 2021 I found it nicer to work at the forge sometimes in OKC as it would produce a dry heat that would help with the sweating. When I moved to a place where single digit humidity was common, I had to train myself to drink enough water as you never felt dripping with sweat. After 6+ months I went back to pack up my shop in Ohio and I found myself with sweat running off my nose---not dripping, a continuous stream. Right now we are have a high humidity climate and our swamp coolers don't work well above 30% humidity and we are suffering. Of course 90 degF weather is expected for the next 10 days with humidity up to 75%!!!! (Which compared to 7% is a lot for out here!) Quote
TWISTEDWILLOW Posted July 27, 2021 Author Posted July 27, 2021 I used swamp coolers out in California when I worked out there and they worked pretty good there, here they aren’t good for anything except maybe a fan lol, ive threatened several times to get me a diesel reefer unit off a semi trailer and hook that dude up to my shop lol, ive heard they can keep those trailers down around-30! Quote
ThomasPowers Posted July 27, 2021 Posted July 27, 2021 Unfortunately I don't think I want to put moisture into the shop; my neighbor's doing a good job of that and I've already had to wire wheel and BLO over 100 tools because of them. (Not required the first 15 years I lived here!) But I may use a swamp cooler carcass just for the air flow. I'm looking for some barn fans or a "whole house fan" that I can mount in the gable of my shop and pullout the hot air. I mainly worry about my wife; she's 10 years older than I am and a bit less robust and she doesn't work so no access to AC. Quote
TWISTEDWILLOW Posted July 27, 2021 Author Posted July 27, 2021 I wish you was closer I could help you out with big industrial chicken house fans, sorry to hear about your neighbors causing trouble, that’s one nice thing about living in the country, my neighbors are far enough away that we don’t get on each other’s nerves lol, maybe you could get your wife a cheap ac window unit to help out in times like these? Quote
arkie Posted July 27, 2021 Posted July 27, 2021 Thomas, I hear you about the adaptation from different climes. We went on a once-in-a-lifetime vacation to the Bahamas for a week. Great weather, but on about the third day a rogue cold front from the States blew through! Temps dropped into the 40's and we about froze our fannies... only had shorts and T-shirts to wear! The locals were worse off...I don't think there was a coat or sweater on the island! Quote
ThomasPowers Posted July 27, 2021 Posted July 27, 2021 Been talking with her about a small AC for the bedroom---would help with the continuously barking LGD's, the crowing of roosters and the noisy guinea hens as well. What part of OK are you in? I go through it from side to side visiting the kinfolk in NW AR. Wouldn't be the first time I got some stuff for the shop; PTree sold me my roll up doors that I picked up after quad-state one year on my way home, (He's near Lousiville KY IIRC). Quote
TWISTEDWILLOW Posted July 27, 2021 Author Posted July 27, 2021 North east Oklahoma, Stilwell Oklahoma to be specific, not sure we’re in northwest Arkansas you go but I’m ruffly 25-30 minutes from Siloam springs and 45-60 minutes from Fayetteville. Time Depends on how many tractors and feed trucks you get behind lol. Quote
ThomasPowers Posted July 27, 2021 Posted July 27, 2021 Fort Smith and Fayetteville areas; Going up to Noel on AR Hw 59 is a favorite of ours, especially when the road runs under the bluff face! Quote
TWISTEDWILLOW Posted July 27, 2021 Author Posted July 27, 2021 Ark 59 runs parallel to Oklahoma 59 were I’m at and in some places it’s only a few miles between both highways, next time you head up this way let me know how many fans you want and I’ll have you some setting here at the shop, Quote
Donal Harris Posted July 29, 2021 Posted July 29, 2021 We never had a swamp cooler. Dad wouldn’t go for it. The doors and window frames in the house would swell, plus mold can be a problem. I sure wanted one though. It wasn’t until sometime between my Freshman and Senior year that Dad finally got the house sealed up enough to buy a window A/C unit. Quote
Irondragon Forge ClayWorks Posted July 29, 2021 Posted July 29, 2021 (edited) We have a large swamp cooler in the blacksmith shop. Installed it when we used to raise show rabbits and the shop was the bunny barn. It hasn't been run in ages and when I think about using it for a fan, I'm afraid to open it up because ya never know what is living inside it.Don't really need it because the 30 ft upper half of the wall is open and I can roll up the chicken house curtains for ventilation. Edited July 29, 2021 by Irondragon ForgeClay Works Add picture Quote
TWISTEDWILLOW Posted July 29, 2021 Author Posted July 29, 2021 Irondragon, if you do open it up I’d wait for about the middle of January lol, that way whatever may be hanging out in there doesn’t move to fast! that looks like it’s mounted about head level and I’d be afraid in warm weather of a massive colony of hornets or a copperhead come flying out right square in face, Quote
Frosty Posted August 1, 2021 Posted August 1, 2021 If you want to open it, make sure the power is off in the shop and sprinkle the evaporator thingy with gasoline. The fumes will kill insects quickly and drive off rodents and snakes. When I was still doing chainsaw work here I carried mix gas in a squirt bottle. It not only made refilling the saw fast and easy, I didn't have to pack a gallon jug with me and a little squirt took almost instant care of yellow jacket ground nests. Paper nests in trees took a squirt of carb cleaner to reach. It's sweltering here, positively SEARING it's supposed to hit the high 70s and gasp maybe low 80s for the next week. <sigh> Frosty The Lucky. Quote
ThomasPowers Posted August 2, 2021 Posted August 2, 2021 I feel for you Frosty; Highs in the 70's; earth quakes in the 8's! Quote
TWISTEDWILLOW Posted August 3, 2021 Author Posted August 3, 2021 The heat broke for a couple days and it’s in the 80s but the next week it’s supposed to go back up in the the 90s agin, it’s only the 3rd of august and I just heard on the radio they were talking about fall pumpkin spice season starting back up… next thing you know their probably gonna start slipping in a Christmas song every now and then lol. Quote
ThomasPowers Posted August 3, 2021 Posted August 3, 2021 We tend to get our worst heat in June and then July and August are generally 10 degrees cooler. Rough front loading it that way as you don't build up your tolerance as much before it hits. On the other hand the "cool down" is nice; temps only in the high 80's and low 90's! degF of course----it only feels like degC at times... Quote
TWISTEDWILLOW Posted August 4, 2021 Author Posted August 4, 2021 Speaking of the high temperatures, I took advantage of the weather to paint the pancake forge today, I used rustoleum flat stove paint, I think it turned out okay, i think it looks way better than it being multi colored lol. Quote
Frosty Posted August 4, 2021 Posted August 4, 2021 Flat charcoal gray and red isn't multi colored? O K A Y. Frosty The Lucky. Quote
TWISTEDWILLOW Posted August 4, 2021 Author Posted August 4, 2021 Lol your right Frosty! I guess I should have clarified, Okay I think it looks better than a blue compressor pan with a gray tuyere, rust colored legs and a red blower lol Quote
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