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Anvil near Tampa

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Yes, Glenn, it was.  Apparently I got a warning and point was deducted, even though I have no financial interest and was merely trying to help folks out....so much for trying to be helpful.  This is one of the reasons why I limit my participation on this forum.

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I'm sorry but I'm not Glenn; Glenn owns the site and the rules for using it are posted and you agreed to follow them when you signed up.   If you don't remember them; expect a reminder from time to time. Most of us probably have had a couple; shoot I was once moderated for a typo! We survived.  The link ban can usually be gotten around---I found it just with the info that there was an anvil near Tampa and hopefully my posting can be an example on helping others to find it.

edit  The language rule is one a lot of us have run afoul of---I'll freely admit that most blacksmiths tend to be a bit more "earthy" in their language than what is allowed on this site.  (I was once moderated here for the exact words I had used speaking to my Pastor the previous Sunday in Church!) However; just as I have to watch my language around my 8 grandkids (or suffer the wrath of my kids!); I can watch my language here. I understand that having a resource you can send kids of single digit ages to without worrying about what they will run into is worth the overhead of running a censor program on my typing!

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Billy: Don't let that zero point that lasts forever warning get to you, it's part of the operating system Iforge uses and they can't do anything about it.  It's irritating as all gitout I know, it makes me want to unsub and look for another forum every time I see it. It is NOT from IFI, it's from Invision or whoever owns the OS now. 

It takes some time but remembering to say something like "Anvil on Tampa Craigslist" is clear of the rules, it doesn't even skirt them. 

One trick I use to help control how angry the "eternal nothing" warning  is to think of it like therapy for my post TBI accident brittle emotions. Since the accident my emotions are on a hair trigger. Have you ever been subjected to therapy? I went through a lot after the accident, physical tyranny got less painful and I kind of liked the stretch my joints till the tyrant looked worried he was going to break something, part.  I went through a LOT, learning to swallow again was incredibly frustrating and took years before I could tilt my head back and suck water our of a bottle without choking. I still have to be careful and it's coming up on 11 years since the accident

I live with brittle emotions every waking moment and have had to develop work arounds or I would've been banned from IFI and probably divorced a long time ago. Previewing my posts before and after posting so I can edit out mistakes and things I shouldn't have said really  helps illustrate to ME when I'm saying things in an out of bounds mental state. I also get lost in telling stories or envisioning things often to no good purpose. I delete more than I post and will I'm sure go over this one and clean out a LOT. Mostly it helps me edit out things that will get that blankety blank eternal nothing warning in my inbox. 

That STUPID "Nothing Forever" penalty pushes my buttons like a red hot poker. I manage to stay a member of IFI by telling myself it's good therapy and that it was written by some poorly socialized IT living in his parent's garage attic.

Take a breath brother, don't do something you'll regret. BUT if you do NEED to unsub do NOT do so with a post that will get you banned forever. What you're feeling right now WILL pass, I know.

Frosty The Lucky.

P.S. I'll put money on Thomas NOT being sorry he isn't Glenn!. 

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</begin rant>

for some odd reason BIlly thinks IFI needs to pay for him to advertise other people sales? He is welcome to pay for advertising here if that is how he wants to spend his money.  A few of us do pay to advertise here and its annoying to those of us that do pay a fee for our products to see others getting free adverts, I mean in that case why am I paying, Oh right it keeps the site online, which is NOT free to do either

</end rant>

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Ah ease up on him Steve, he just didn't think when he sent the link. I'll bet even you have been admonished by a mod. Billy's suffering a little PTSD reaction is all. If he were advertising I'm betting it wouldn't be for something in Florida, he lives in Oregon. 

Frosty The Lucky.

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Frosty I admire your brain and the cognizance you have with respect to how it has changed. You were a “pistol” before the accident - I am pretty sure of that. Love your wit. Occasionally you provide a bit of good smithing advice as well. Just kidding of course. 

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Bunch of us seem cranky lately; I sure won't blame it on too much time in the shop; perhaps not on being able to blow off steam with our friends face to face!

A lot of folks are under money pressure too; a friend is selling off her forging stuff and blacksmithing books; I offered to buy back the postvise I sold her at the same price I sold it.  I guess I won't have to unbolt one in my own shop to send to my SiL.  As I'm still employed I'll see what I can do to buy up as much as I can to help her out---and always give her the option to buy it back at the same price later. I told her to put the swedish cast steel 66 pound anvil on Craig's list as I don't need one that small!

Some of us here remember Frosty: Before, During and After he was birched.  We're glad he made it through!

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I can find this site a bit restrictive from time to time - BUT on the other hand I have never spent a penny for the absolutely invaluable information I have gathered. I seldom post mostly lurk and read but when I am in my forge I hear curmudgeon voices helping me out. Thank you for the site the help and the information. It is awesome. Would not be the same without the cranky experts that post near daily. 

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Weekends?! You've been off since I've known you Thomas. My kind of guy. 

I can't go back and read posts from during and quite a while after the accident. The Prayer section from the day scares me.

"The Lucky" in my signature isn't an accident though it is the result of one.

Frosty The Lucky.

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Thanks for the words of encouragement, folks, but they were unnecessary.  I'm not that easily offended, merely stating the facts.

4 hours ago, Steve Sells said:

for some odd reason BIlly thinks IFI needs to pay for him to advertise other people sales?

I'm not sure how you jumped to this assumption, but I'll resist the urge to rant back.

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Billy, I realize you were trying to be helpful and do not fault you for that. The site is about blacksmithing and metalworking information and is NOT a sales vehicle for the world to use. 

We have a section called tailgating where the members can buy and sell their items.  Any post there is good for 30 days and can be reposted if the item is still for sale.  When the item is sold the posts are removed. This means there is very little clutter, and anything in the section is open and for sale.

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I'm a mite confused.  When I was frantically (disappointingly) searching for an anvil and a vise, I think several people put me on the "scent" of a trail.  And I could be wrong, but I think someone even did exactly the same thing Billy did and said they'd seen one on Craig's List in my area and to check it out!  I honestly don't "get" what all the hullabaloo is about.  He was just trying to help.  I didn't see his post as trying to use the site as a "sales vehicle".  Goodness gracious folks, lighten up!

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Did the tip you received put a link to the Craig's list add? If not that is the difference as direct links are not allowed. I got dissed for putting a link to something in Anvil fire, not knowing Anvil fire does not allow links to their site. All the hullabaloo is about putting links to sites that are advertising stuff for sale like Craig's List, Etsy, eBay, Amazon etc. which are not allowed like it or not, I see the reasoning behind the rule.

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11 hours ago, ThomasPowers said:

I'm sorry but I'm not Glenn

Yep, my bad, sorry 'bout that, Thomas.  

2 hours ago, Glenn said:

Billy, I realize you were trying to be helpful and do not fault you for that.

Thanks Glenn.  And I'm sorry you felt you had to take time out of your day to respond, both here and in the message.  I completely understand not wanting this site to turn into a free advertising space, and I appreciate your efforts to maintain that. 

So just to be clear, if another offer like this comes up in the future, we're to post something in the tailgate section about "XXXX is advertised in XXXXX craigslist"? 

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The rules for the tailgating section are in the first post in that section.  The tailgating section is for a members to post items they would like to purchase, or items they own for sale. The post of "XXXX is advertised in XXXXX craigslist" is not  your ownership of the item, but acting on the behalf of the seller.

For those interested in anvils, widgets, what-nots, etc, they can use the many sales sites already available. Many times they are looking for what is available in their area or within what they think is a reasonable distance for then to pickup the item.  

If someone on the site is LOOKING for a specific item, helping them find that item is not a problem. Saying "Anvil on Tampa Craigslist" may slide past once, but it will be frowned upon if used on a regular basis.  Send them a Personal Message with the details.

Links to Anvilfire are NOT allowed at the request and direction of that sites owner, Jock Dempsey.  He does not allow links, hot links, or use of their information in any way.  This has been clearly stated on the Anvilfire site.  We are simply following his rules for his site.

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9 hours ago, Glenn said:

Send them a Personal Message with the details.

PMs are also a great way to get around ANY of the IFI rules: religion, politics, cussin', you name it. If it's not on public view, anything goes!

(But be nice to each other. Harassment is still not good.)

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