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I Forge Iron

Long awaited addition to the shop.

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Hail gets to be a bit loud. We probably get more hail than snow and sleet down here.  To the good, a bad hail storm results in a lot of roof repairs---the side walls of my shop extension were originally a hail damaged steel roof from a co-worker's house and I'm hunting for more for the planned "carport extension".

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The contractor is all done. Got the roof shingled just in time too. The weather turned to typical Ozark weather, started Friday with rain, which turned to sleet Friday night then to snow Saturday with freezing rain mixed in for a coating of ice about a 1/8 inch coating. The good thing is the addition is weather tight no leaks in the roof yea. Today it's all melting off and the rocks have turned to mud. The garage door is supposed to be here this week and the mud will have turned back into rocks. :D

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The garage door folks showed up today as scheduled. I really didn't expect them because of the weather. This morning at 0600hr the temperature was 16° F with sleet falling. By 0730hr the sleet changed to snow and the temperature was up to 32° F which then turned into rain. The door installer arrived around 1000hr and had the door installed by 1300hr. Axle has given his mark of approval.:)


Now my work begins. Remove the half wall and rearrange or get rid of 30+ years of accumulation and junk. Finish the dirt work/landscaping. Then paint the whole shop/garage in the spring.



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  • 2 months later...

Every time the weather cooperated, we had other things that needed doing. Debi took a trip to south Florida to celebrate her mothers 91st birthday. She was gone from Feb. 21st to March 12th. had to get her to the airport at 0400 hours, in a driving snow storm. So I was batching it then and really didn't get motivated to work on the addition. She got out of Fla. just before the COVID-19 started heating up there and made it back safe & sound. I had to pick her up at the airport at midnight and we stopped at a Denny's for a very early breakfast.

Today the weather was very nice (tee shirt weather and no rain) so I did some stuff in the addition. I took apart the half wall and salvaged the lumber from it. Then I ran the electric line from the service panel the whole length of the garage and into the addition. Haven't done that much work in months and had to get creative with the ladder work in the crowded garage. Spent as much time moving stuff as running the line.  Sorry no pictures worth taking of the grunt work.:)

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2 hours ago, Irondragon Forge & Clay said:

Spent as much time moving stuff as running the line.

Ayup, the bane of working on an occupied house. As soon as Deb and I moved into this unfinished house everything took many times as long to do. Maybe if we clear everything out I'll get it finished. 

I'm really looking forward to a photo walk through your new shop.

Frosty The Lucky.

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My wife is getting a lot of back piled sorting done in our house---the problem being we can't get rid of anything and so it gets piled in new piles and will have to be done all over again later.

I'm cleaning out my SF & Fantasy books and dropping them off at the University for dorm bound students to have for free.  The public library is closed and I have another life's worth of books I will never read again and can't get much for at the used bookstores when they re-open.

I'm trying to split my free time between working in the shop building up stuff to sell and working on the shop/yard/house.

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Today the weather is great again, so I was able to hook up the electric and an LED shop light. There is one outdoor outlet and a four outlet inside. A few pictures to show the amount of work ahead in moving 30 years of accumulation around and getting rid of a lot of stuff that I had to admit it was foolish to save it in the first place. The outdoor outlet is just to the left of the door, didn't show in the picture and the inside one is right behind it.


This shows how crowded the garage is and shows the outside outlet.


From inside the addition looking into the existing shop and a lot of junk that needs cleaned out.


This is looking at the addition from the forge.


This is about half way by the interior door from the garage to the shop.


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