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Jocko, you really need to get out more.
Moonys birthday today, 25 and never been kissed (if you believe that you'll believe anything) (that he's never been kissed, he really is only 25, he's just had a really hard life so far)

If anyone has a special request for steel let me know and I'll see what I can bring. (and i don't want a request like "oh phil could you bring 24 lenghts of angle iron for me to make a new tool rack, you can buy that yourself. I'm talking alloy steel or steel for tools.

Phil, Happy Birthday for the other day, I sent a PM but your inbox is full. I cant think of any steel I need ,but if I do I'll certainly take advantage of your offer. I started a thread in General Blacksmithing titled 'Steel identification' the other day about some steel I picked up at a garage sale, I'd appreciate if you could throw your two bobs worth in. I'll bring some down to Moony's for some hands on ID as well.

Cheers Ian
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Less than a week to go before I head off (I'm visiting family en route).

Must remember: biltong, port, tools, sister's coffee, comp knife.

By the way, if any of you own a knife with a blade around 10" long, make sure it's sharp & bring it with you. ;)

What do I need to bring a 10" long knife for?
We aren't going to be playing stab toe are we?

While we're on the subject of things that cut, when packing tools to bring, what kind of metal cutting equipment is avail at Moonys or will be brought by others. I was going to bring down some of the 1" thick leaf spring I have. Should I leave it behind?
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What do I need to bring a 10" long knife for?
We aren't going to be playing stab toe are we?

While we're on the subject of things that cut, when packing tools to bring, what kind of metal cutting equipment is avail at Moonys or will be brought by others. I was going to bring down some of the 1" thick leaf spring I have. Should I leave it behind?

When I was down there the other weekend I gave the moon a hand to bring the big shears into the workshop I seem to recall they have a capacity of 60 dia round bar shearing. If not there is always the gas axe, or a 9" with a cut off in it, Or we can use the hammer cutters, "Oh no" thinks Moonie, "not Phil with the hammer cutters again". Bring it along we'll bite in half with our teeth if need be, us blackies are tough!


thats not a knife, this is a knife!
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I'm going to take some offcuts/scrap 4140, 4340, EN36, 5190, spring round, 1045, in assorted sizes up to about 160 dia. I'll also take some good hunter valley gas works coke (a few bags) to give the moons stockpile a bit of relief. If you blokes want anything else that you can think of that I may have lettuce now. But be warned young fellas, I plan on being a bit more strict on forge fire housekeeping this time, I'm not there to keep on cleaning out your forges for you after you neglect them and let them get full of clinker, "Gee I dont know whats wrong with the forge, but it does'nt seem to be getting hot any more"


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Adam, Longstrider is one of the UK's cutting competition instructors & a serious competitor himself. I'm bringing my comp knife as he suggested having a bit of fun 'on the side' so to speak & figured some of you migh like a go.
Basically, you can use a knife limited to max. dim's of 10" blade, 5" handle, 2" height in the blade. No limit on width. It MUST have a lanyard (although that can be improvised - my Parachete has some paracord tied around the choil, for example).
And then you cut stuff. Rope, beer cans (don't worry Dale, no beer is wasted. We'll fill your empties with water), tennis balls, golf balls, jelly babies (they're seriously hard!) an anything else you can think of really.
Daft but lots of fun. :D

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5 Sleeps for me , but i'm headin' up early ... :)

BTW , MOONY should ave picked up Jeremy K from airport this mornin' ( 7.30 am OZ time ) Headin' ta the BHP work's for a tour , then off ta pick up a truck load of coke . Wonder ow many hr's sleep Jeremy got on the plane , cos now he's with Glenn he's bound not ta get much ... ;)

Dale Russell

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If he's in the truck with Moony I hope he packed some ear plugs too, I went for a run over to Nowra with him the other weekend and jeeze were my ears sore by the time we got back, (OK I may have yacked just as much as Glenn, but I'm not admitting to that, oh I just did).

Counting down to Friday, I better get all my ducks pointed in the same direction, some time soon or I'm going to be a wreck on Friday.

Hopefully I'll pick up Mr Starling at 1pm on Friday from Kymon Forge on the way down.


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G'Day all,
Get HAMMERED is this coming weekend .

Hope all of you are ready for it .. :)

Don't forget camping gear , beer , food ( except for Saturday nite ) beer , steel for any project you want to do ( MOONY will ave " some " stock on hand too ) beer , tools( but you don't need ta bring your whole shop ) beer , PPE ( this is a must ave item ok , safety glasses /ear plugs or muffs / gloves ) beer , a dunny roll will come in handy :) & most of all BEER

Don't forget to sign in on arrival as well

Dale Russell

P.S .. 2 more sleeps for me ... ;)

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