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Hey, I let my 89 pickup go 2 years ago, had it hauled and crushed that is but it'd lived past it's worth fixing date. made 200k and some. 

I've taken a number of walks outside in my T shirt, sunny and clear. -3 right now but hit 5 for the high. Walked to the wood sled just off the porch steps that is. For once it was clear for a sky event! Got to watch the eclipse start to finish, beautiful show. Usually it's overcast for anything interesting going on  in the sky, be it: meteor shower, aurora, comet, whatever. CLOUDS. 

I got to enjoy some 100 f. degree weather summer before last and that did it for me for another couple decades. 

Alexandr: I'm happy to say we rarely get that much snow at one time here and I have a pickup truck with a plow for when we do. Beautiful as it is I don't miss shoveling snow that deep. Even if it is cold, light snow. 

Frosty The Lucky.

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On 1/19/2019 at 4:50 PM, Marc1 said:

105F to 115F in Sydney this past week, however only in one particular area, Penrith,  notorious for being hot and humid, worst possible location for a city.

Exactly! And you guys get the horrific hail storms causing millions in damage , while we pay the high insurance premiums up here because we are in a cyclone area. The media love rough weather - we get the same somber faces, dire warnings, State Premiers seeking the limelight on TV complete with signing interpreters, all predicting doom and gloom. All it does is scare people away from coming north. Our visitor figures have been way down. Sure it's hot, but we can handle that. The media is so patronizing it's ridiculous.

And Marc, I have visited Penrith once. Never again. Your traffic is horrendous.

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Yes, Penrith is a lovely city but the traffic in peak hour is bad. Used to go for training in Penrith at night time, and at that time the street was deserted. 

As for media coverage of weather issues, they report what sells. The public is brainwashed into believing humans ( only the rich mind you, oh ... and cows as well) are responsible for the weather, so weather doom equates to rich bashing by elevation. Global warming will go down as the second biggest fraud in human history.

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Ha ha, Penrith at 3am is likely to allow you to have a nap in the middle of the road ... :)

Training was between 7pm and 9pm Very reasonable traffic at that time. Have not been back in the last 6 month since trying to recover from a shoulder injury. The city of Penrith is constantly being mentioned in the weather bulletins when talking temperature. It is a pathetic trend that started some 20 years ago. Before, the weather was used to inform and Penrith was known to be an anomaly and avoided for general information. Today it is an instrument to alarm for political purposes. 

Sydney has a large variety of temperatures and when there are areas that can get to 40C, at the same time there are suburbs that can be as low as 27. Notably Palm Beach due to being a peninsula and smack on the ocean. Using Penrith as a temperature parameter would be like placing temperature gauges inside a greenhouse.

A bit of trivia ... the workers that built the Hawkesbury bridge were from New York and they named the island opposite "Long Island" and the town, "Brooklyn" and the name stuck till today. 




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Australia has everything at the moment. Tasmania is on fire, Adelaide was the hottest city in the world yesterday, 49 degrees C in Port Augusta, Cyclone Ryan off the WA coast and Cyclone Savannah about to give us a touch-up here in NQ. Never a dull moment.

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Alexander ... yes, winter is when it is cold, you have -40C really ... wow i thought that is only in Siberia.

Funny enough we have summer at the moment and for the last ... well since humans were able to observe seasons changes, summer means heat. There is an idea floating about that humans are responsible for this heat. :P ( pull the other one) 

I am sorry to however feels a bit hot under the collar, I confess that I burn coal (shock horror) and i generate CO2 by existing ...  ( shock horror) my garden seems to love it. You keep on doing those wonderful things you do Alex ... -40C or +40 C does not matter, we can take it. The rest can go jump :)

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On 1/25/2019 at 1:26 AM, alexandr said:

Interesting. What's better? -40 or +40 C :o

Well, either way it's uncomfortable, but I think I'll take the heat. The media is bleating about Cairns getting 300mm of rain tomorrow. That's nothing unusual - a normal wet season, monsoonal downpour for us. Media hype again.

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5 hours ago, Marc1 said:

Alexander ... yes, winter is when it is cold, you have -40C really ... wow i thought that is only in Siberia.


Fortunately, I do not live in Siberia. Today, only -20. I remember only one winter in 1978, the week was about 40 degrees.

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On 1/25/2019 at 2:53 PM, Marc1 said:

How is Siberia in summer? 

Siberia is very big, different. I was on the shore of the Arctic Ocean in Pevek in the summer of 83. It was hot 25 degrees +.

In St. Petersburg, summer is usually not hot at 20-25 degrees. Very comfortable weather. But sometimes there can be prolonged rains for 1-2 months, or it can be hot up to 30 degrees, but not more than 2 weeks.


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