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I Forge Iron

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I could use a little help. 

Im a young, new smith, out of tulsa Oklahoma, and I have been doing a fair amount of forging. I’ve been using metals like leaf springs and even started with stuff that I didn’t even know what it was. Like welding stock from a hardware store, and the odd piece I found in a dumpster here and there on a job site I was working on.

The problem lies in the fact that most of them are a flat stock. I personally think that’s kinda boring. There isn’t much hammer work involved there. It’s usually just smacking the handle shape and working the bevel(s) down a bit then you take to the grinder.

does anyone have any suggestions as to where I might come by some round stock or square stock of good quality, so that I might actually begin to make some pieces that matter?

i know a coil spring is kind of a round stock, and would be interesting to work, but is there a business out there that’s reasonably priced that ships out 1” diameter 1095 or any Carbon steels at a reasonable price? 

ive got “the complete blade Smith” in the mail on its way and I’m super excited for what knowledge it can bring me! Here’s a little picture of my set up in my falling down shop for your viewing pleasure. 



Alro steel in Tulsa Ok has L-6 rounds.  I don't know if they deal in small quanties.

googling high carbon steel Tulsa seemed to be pretty easy; you didn't have any luck?


Must have missed it. I’ve got patchy service and lose track of what all I’ve covered

I have contacted Alro and they were really the only one that would take to me about what I was looking for. I was hoping for more options, but I’ve just gotta dig a little deeper by myself


Or, if you don't want to cross the state line into Arkansas, there's also the Knife Group Association of Oklahoma, who probably could offer you a lot of help.


Don’t forget the Saltfork Craftmen either. 

Spring stock makes nice rough service knives and many of the tools you will want. Round from front springs of cars and trucks or the square sections attached to the truck mudflaps littering the highway shoulders. 


Try to get stock close to the size you need. Saves a lot of unnecessary hammering. You can weld several pieces of metal together to get larger stock, it is called damascus. :)


E-bay has every size, shape, type and quantity delivered to your door.

Might get some small samples untill you find what you like to use.

Maybe try some old allen wrenches or hammer bits or axles or .....

good luck and show us what you make :-)

On 6/4/2018 at 1:20 PM, Charles R. Stevens said:

Don’t forget the Saltfork Craftmen either. 

I keep running into and visiting with different salt fork members here and there and constantly forget to look into going to their meetings! I know there’s a ton of knowledge there I’m missing out on! As far as the few I’ve talked to, they’re always excited to talk to me if I’ve got legitimate questions! You blacksmiths are a pretty friendly lot! Haha


Thank you all for your help and suggestions!

there are only 38k posts in the knife making section. I figure if I read 10 or so a day it would only take me 10 and a half years to get them all under my belt. Then at the age of 32 I could start on the sword making threads! Haha



Actually I think we will have added more posts by the time you get to the end of the ones already there....Sort of a combination of Sisyphus and Tantalus....

Wonderful mix of info here from the sublime to the ridiculous!  (Like CRS----He can clean the frogs of the horses hooves of Aristophanes, and others here can quote that in Greek).

Lots of SF and Fantasy readers here; but unfortunately the more you know about blades the harder the "willing suspension of disbelief" becomes for certain writers...

1 hour ago, ThomasPowers said:

there was no need to quote the entire previous post

Lucky for me I do find reading (not all but)a lot of these threads to be slightly more entertaining than rolling a rock up a hill! Haha


With 47,736 threads and 567,267 posts, all of them can not be exciting. Skip on past until you find something of interest to you. The site has an ignore feature where it does not even show certain posts, if that would help.



  • 3 weeks later...

Check local scrapyards for suckerrod.  Look in to farrier supply stores in your area (horseshoes are great for getting the imagination going) some will order steal for you and some will already have blacksmithimg steal on hand.  My local carries s7 and 10xx series in roundstock.

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