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I Forge Iron

Looking for forge shop

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Hello all members.

I'm new to forum and i'm asking you for help finding forge shop.

long story short, I'm working one project that has forge part welded to a tube and I'm looking for shop that did the the "ring" 

There is symbol (I believe its forge trademark) and here is my question... do you recognize it? Picture below.  I hope you can help.


If this is not right place to post my question please move my post.

Thanks in advance 



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One thing that is the most important and will help us the most, is telling us where in the world you are. Not all manufactures ship world wide, and so some shops may be area specific.

Also taking a picture of the actual component, as some smiths have a certain style that is easily reckonized.

Was this hand forged or mass produced, made to look like it was hand forged?


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I'm in New England area, it's a filter. I think is mass production.

Here is picture of hole unit. the forged part is top part (ring with ears) 

I hope is not from china...

There is number 8-6494 probably the part number, WCB - material(steel) ? and 12-08 -->date I guess




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ooohhhh, see, I thought it was some ornamental ironwork.

I don't have  a clue.


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if its for pool water  It could be made from 304 tube with "" ears welded on for guys ïn the know"" not really difficult nor that spendy. if its for low pressure and potable water a galvanised top ring and pvc parts could do the job.

however none of this work requires a forge!

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that said it would be easy to whip up something suitable with schedule pipe, tools req. lathe welding machine and a couple of plasma/laser/flame cut "ears" depending on location bolts like that/or similar cam be "off the shelf "or made up none the less not really difficult stuff, 

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With that grainy texture and raised trademark, it is definitely cast, but from what? Something weldable and machinable.

Castings became hard to make in the US due to OSHA and clean air laws, most production moved overseas years ago.

If you have to have it made in the US, welding it up and machining it down is the way to go. It is a simple fabrication job, but you may not like the price for just a few.

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There's nothing magic or special about producing a flange like that but this isn't really the forum to look. I have some misgivings personally about this. You want to reverse engineer the component and put it in production. That sounds like a cheap knock off to me and possible patent infringement just like China makes a national tradition of doing to manufacturers around the world.

I'm out.


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Frosty, I don't see what is wrong with getting production back to the States. Like other users suggested the flange is probably cast from china.

Personally, I'm 100% in to 'made in USA' staff or other country then China (tools etc.) Even if the price is a little bit higher...

 But that's your opinion. 

Thanks everyone for suggestions.


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1 hour ago, gosak said:

It is not protected. If you get approved than yes you have the rights to produce it.

How do you know it is not protected? if you have approval then why do you not know who made it and why do you have to reverse engineer it?

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you of course have legal proof of this?

people have copied my work in the past, they regretted it.

there is very little to stop you saying you own the rights to mc donalds golden arches logo and that I can make things with it on but mc donalds would very soon have something to say about it if I went into production

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Guys, I am not here to spam about legal proofs etc. It was checked by people who getting paid for it in our company. I cannot share comapny's documents with the public. And trust me, it not worth risking money coping someone work if it pratented. Like Mv donalds exapmle above.

It is not my company, i just working here.

To answer Smoggy's question. You have to reverse engineer it to start production.(read: make a drawing, bill of materials, cost analysis...)

Smoggy you know that the Big Mac is made by Mc Donald right? Do you know where the meat is coming from? Same thing here. We know part number of the hole unit but we don't know who did separate components.

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The more you talk the less I believe you. You need a better translation program at least, even your syntax is pitifully wrong. If your "company" had legal rights to build these things you'd have a copy of the blue prints and list of subs. 


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WCB is cast steel  I think it is basically a mild steel. While the cast metals industry has taken a beating over the last several decades there are still lots of foundries around in North America, Canada US and Mexico. I can easily think of 5 or 6 foundries within an hour of me that could and would cast those in quantities of 4-5 to hundreds.  The number that would only cast one is smaller but there are another couple that typically cast larger castings but would cast them in higher volumes. 

While you would have up front Pattern costs, I  suspect they could be cast for less than they could be fabricated if you are talking any volume.  As well you would not be restricted to stock sized pipe for the diameter. 

You guys need to calm down about the patent infringement issue.  This is a filter body hundreds perhaps thousands of companies make something similar. It is a ring for a dogged door a feature that has been used on hundreds of applications for centuries.   This is significantly different from copying a piece of art or a new invention. 

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I agree with John N.  Not a particularly complicated or proprietary product.  Manufacturing back in the USA? Great.

That said it looks like a fab job with a cast ring on the top.  Good luck to the OP, my first job out of college was as a draftsman/part number chaser who was tasked with reproducing badly documented products designed by someone who had left the company x years ago.  So I feel your pain.  

On 6/28/2017 at 6:43 PM, Frosty said:

You need a better translation program at least, even your syntax is pitifully wrong. 

Frosty, as a New Englander I find nothing wrong with his syntax aside from typos and that xxxx autocorrect.  After all we have a BIG WIDE language.   Also, I have noticed in the last few weeks the automatic spell chech here on IFI has stopped workingdr.  Problematics for those of us whoo've aleays struggled with spelling even in outs fiorst langueage.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Ищу кузницу в аренду желательно с оборудованием .Молот, тиски,горн

 Seeking a forge for rent preferably with equipment. Hammer, vise, Horn

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