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I Forge Iron

Set up a blacksmith shop

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Neighbors are the biggest concern for smithing. Forging can create alot of noise. My anvil is very quiet in the scope of anvil ring but the wife can  still hear me  bettin on it. I have a detached garage and even with the doors shut she can tell when im forging. With the bog door open you can clearly hear it across the street. I sounds like thud thud thud. Not anoying but not silent. Then there's smell. I use coal and you can definatly smell it. Not a bad smell and usually not too strong but it still doesnt smell like a bbq grill. I can understand how someone would not enjoy it. Gas forges don't smell but there loud. Frosty has a story about people hearing his from a distance. 

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I moved your post to the section Building, Designing a Shop. Some answers are there already.


6 hours ago, Dave51B said:

I can't imagine anyone on this site that will say it is not feasible.....unless your in a high rise apartment.

 We had one fellow actually build a shop on the balcony of his apartment. It was not at ground level either.  

Another fellow used a bicycle to transport his entire blacksmith shop and all equipment from his home in the city to a building he rented outside the city. It was transported to and from every time he wanted to work with the forge.

If you WANT to do something, you will find a way.

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You come here where we have hundreds if not thousands of people who have home blacksmith shops and ask if it's feasible?

Are you trolling?

Provide some of the details and we can offer suggestions on how to deal with various limiting factors *you* may have---like using a quiet anvil and a "smokeless" forge to not annoy neighbors.

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9 hours ago, Glenn said:

We had one fellow actually build a shop on the balcony of his apartment. It was not at ground level either.

 Thanks Glen, You caught me thinking inside the box again.......               Dave

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Good Morning,

For some reason, someone asked a question. There hasn't been an addition to his question. Nice Troll, he caught fish.

Dave, "Sometimes, I'm not sure if I'm playing with a full deck". Deck of what, cards? or ........... LOL


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