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Happy Halloween, blacksmithing related ghost stories.


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Happy Halloween!  Let's hear your best or real ghost or creepy stories that you have experienced. 

My uncle died in my shop and I prefer to not say how. The man door is on one end and the garage door on the other end. Normally with the garage door open and the man door open the cross draft will slam the man door shut. Tonight I was forging with the garage door shut and the man door almost shut but all the sudden the man door creaked open. The hairs on my arms stood up. That was a new one. I invited in any good natured spirits then closed the door. 

Do you have any strange blacksmithing related stories? Please share. 

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Well, I'm not one for ghosts and goblins, but we do often have visitors to our complex who say there is a 'presence' in one of our buildings. It's a dress shop and we have a few old time Victorian funeral dresses on display. Some people just won't go in there. A few weeks ago we had the paranormal investigators come and stay overnight with all their sophisticated electronic equipment that senses electromagnetic fields and vibrations and infra red etc, but they are yet to come back to us with a report on their findings. If it was significant I'm sure they would be back for more.

And Halloween is not such a big deal in Australia.

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 Well it's big here in the US. and we have paranormal groups here too. I was part of a group for a while and I will say out of all the places we investigated I only sensed something at one place we went. other then that it seemed like a lot of hype or over dramatized emotion (feelings). 

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My wife and I don't believe in ghosts and such but we've recently had some uneasy feelings at home and in my shop (behind the house) almost like someone watching. Saturday she came out to see what I was working on as we turned back towards the house we saw a shadow in the back door. Being the gentleman I am I told her to wait outside so I could make sure nobody broke in the front door while we were out back. After going room to room clearing the house military style with a knife drawn (ptsd and spooks don't get along lol) I stopped in a spot when a chill hit from head to toe. Every hair on my body stood on end. When the feeling passed I went to move again just to get another chill. I got a total of four deep chills while standing in that spot. 

We checked on our family's and everyone was ok but it's still got me on edge. 

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About 20 years ago, a buddy and I were returning to Santa Fe from a trip to Texas. Our car broke down about 12 miles east of town, twilight approaching and a chill in the air. It was Halloween night. We were about 200 yards from a filling station, the station being closed. There was a phone booth, but I had not the proper change. I knew that the owners lived behind the station, so I hiked to their mobile home and asked if I could use their telephone having explained our plight. I was not treated politely. After all, children were supposed to be asking for candy; an adult male was not to be trusted, apparently. The door was closed on me. As I made my way toward the highway, I saw that they turned their dog loose. The dog came trotting toward me, growling. The glass enclosed telephone booth was about 15 feet from me, so I quickly ran to it and slammed the door just in time. The dog kept growling and lunged himself repeatedly against the booth's door. Needless to say, I was unhappy and was beginning to think, "This really was Halloween!" The dog finally gave up and headed in the direction of the mobile home. I waited about 20 more minutes till all was quiet. I opened the booth door and tried to walk quietly through the gravel, my plan being to hitchhike, even though it was now dark. Luckily, I got a ride to Santa Fe in about 5 minutes. In town, I arranged for a tow truck to take me to our car where my friend had built a fire and was standing, warming himself. From that point forward, things got better.

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9 hours ago, John McPherson said:

I once sensed the presence of spirits, but then my glass was empty.......

I too get that sneaking feeling that Spirits are invading my body from time to time. The twenty year old single malt variety are particularly intent on finding a way to show their presence around 5pm on a cool Autumn evening. ;-)

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9 hours ago, wicon said:

Some small ghosts were dancing on my anvil.


Cool ghosts wicon. The middle one looks pretty happy. 

Wayne, I have those same kind of gremlins :)

Michael, that sounds unnerving. I've felt cold spots like that before. It's a really strange feeling. 

Frank, arnt cell phones great? I haven't seen a phone booth in a long time. I'm no fan of dealing with mean dogs. 



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We had an old Firehouse which was just an oversize 2 car garage setting up on a 4' cement wall for height and when our Chief of many years passed away suddenly we started hearing movements in the attic when we were in there at night.  Foot steps and squeaking floor boards, we would look and nothing there, not even marks in the dust????  After a while we decided that it was Howard (the old Chief) keeping an eye on us and we make a joke of it.  If we happen to be holding a meeting with outside people they would look up and point and we would just say oh that's just Howard.

When we built a new station next door and moved in, the old station was moved up the road for an office addition.  The first evening meeting the officers of the department held there was walking and noise in the new attic we would check and nothing so we just figured Howard had moved with the rest of us.  I've been gone for a number of years but was back in town recently and attended a pancake breakfast there and asked a couple of the firefighters that I knew then if Howard was still around, Oh Yes was the reply every time there is an evening meeting we hear him.  The New Chief told me he never feels alone when working in his office at night.  We laughed and said the Town has changed a lot but Howard is still on duty.  This is no joke either.


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My grandmother lived in London from the early thirties to 1980-ish and rarely left. I can only remember her once visiting us during my childhood. When I was in my early twenties she gave me a quarter chime mantle clock that my Grandfather had been presented with by his fellow Masons. I had it restored and my parents used it for a few weeks with all the chimes going...we then left the chimes unwound because they were so irritating, and continued to just wind the actual clock spring for the next decade.

When my grandmother eventually had to leave her London flat she came to stay with my sister in the village. On her first day walk around she called in to say hello, and as she crossed the threshold the old clock chimes started up for the first time in ten years...


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