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Forge name  

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  1. 1. Hi guys, I'm looking to officially name my forge soon, and I justwanted to run past you guys that the name "Flaming Raven Forge" isn't taken.

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Hi guys, I'm looking to officially name my shop soon, "Flaming Raven Forge" , I just wanted to run past you guys that the name isn't already taken ? ( in case I sucseed in making it into a business , I don't want to struggle with all that then )




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I think you can do a LOT better than naming a business the "Gay Raven" anything. It may not be universal but there are at least 300 million people on this continent that associate a "flaming" as a metaphor for out of the closet or actively homo sexual.

Then there's the association implied in the name and how it will stick in people's memory. What does being on fire have to do with a Raven? What kind of catch phrase is that? Is there a regional association between ravens and fires? If there were that would make it catchy but only to folk who know the story. Then again there could be an oxy moronic association that would make a mental image people would remember say, "Flaming Snowball." A certain level of absurdity can be darned memorable. The trick with this kind of name is not making it insulting or too silly.

Do you have any local legends or historic characters? How about just changing "Flaming" to something else similar say, Fiery Raven? Something like, "The Upset Raven," would require some smithing knowledge to get the connection but it might draw a memorable mental image. Here a popular video game name of "Angry Birds" would make an up to date association and the name would lend itself to a catchy shop sign.

There are endless possibilities I just think this one of yours isn't a good one unless you're targeting the Gay community.

Frosty The Lucky.

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A business name should be chosen with the intent to market and sell the business later, and have the new owner be comfortable with moving into the business association. If you buy a business and then change the name you just lost the association and business reputation and in effect are starting a new business.  No one has heard of it yet.

This is why businesses go to great lengths to protect their branding, business name, etc.

You can set up a new business called McDonnalds and do iron work, but if you want to sell fast food or burgers, then expect a knock on your door. Same with DisneyLand Blacksmithing, so stay away from entertainment or a theme park.

What name would YOU pay extra for when purchasing a blacksmith shop so you could move right into and associate with the old customer base and reputation?


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Glenn is correct on this one.  The name needs to be "sellable" (even if you never do).  This is because a sellable name has the secondary benefit of not only being good for buyers but customers.  You'll never please everyone but you want to make sure that you don't raise hackles more than minimally, even if the name is a little more boring that way.

You also need to look at simplifications of a company name.  "Flaming Raven Forge" should also be evaluated as "Flaming Forge" (meh) "Raven Forge" (sounds passable to me) and "Flaming Raven" (the local lesbian bar).  People take short cuts in their minds so you need to make sure the short cuts work as well as the full name.

Maybe time for a re-think using a thesaurus for ideas.  "Soaring raven forge"?  

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Once you choose a name, have your friends try to figure out how many ways it can be misinterpreted or ridiculed. You would be surprised how YOU may overlook something so simple by being too close and thinking it WAS the perfect name, first time around.

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"there are at least 300 million people on this continent that associate a "flaming" as a metaphor for out of the closet or actively homo sexual." Frosty.

Thats not a thing in ZA, luckly :lol:.

The area I live in has 4 different raven species and some of the old Xhosa ( an indigenous people to south Africa) stories tell of how ravens are ash that was brought to life by shaman to enable them to scout the area easially.

It is also for Odin's ravens , Hüggin and Münnen ( spelling may vary ) who was said to go out and gather Intel for him .

So the flaming part is then the forge / what made the ash for the ravens to spawn from .

My sign will be a wooden anvil with a ravens outline painted on the side in firey colours ( my favourite idea so far ) 

I have to keep in mind my dads oppinion as well ( we share a shop building) he is super Christian so he won't accept anything he feels is evil ... I build a copper gauntlet once, I had to stop cause my dad said the spiky fingers on the gauntlet looks demonic ( just to give you guys an idea ) ... 

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There is a regional context for a Flaming Raven on your side of the planet to  make it relevant where you are and it sounds odd to say the least on our side. Similar to the Phoenix story. Being risen from ashes isn't an uncommon story.

Bearing in mind the local context it doesn't sound so bad though I'd still pick another term for fiery just because. How about this for a shop sign. The anvil and beside it a nice masonry forge with a fiery raven rising from the coals? Hmmm?

How's your Father feel about incorporating a shop name that's based on two non-Christian creation stories?

Frosty The Lucky.

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What is tubal chain ? 


A quick scetch of the sign I invisioned, a simple wooden hanging sign in the shape of an anvil .

I can get past my dad by saying the it's a local legend , he'll accept that .

I like burning raven , that'll be my first choice if flaming raven doesn't work, thanks 

Thanks for all your help,


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2 hours ago, ThomasPowers said:

Don't you love auto correct?   BTW the idea about asking your friends to tell you possible issues with a name is *genius*; especially other smiths as we will be cruel in the kindest ways....

Won't I get the same if I ask it here ? Cause my friends are gamers so they all want me to make it like something in "skyrim"<_< ... And I don't know any blacksmiths ... 



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On 6/5/2016 at 10:49 PM, ThomasPowers said:


On 6/5/2016 at 11:34 AM, Charles R. Stevens said:


Ooooh, I wish we had some real gamers here, I'd love to play old school RPGs but no one I know of has the patients for them ..


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Consider joining the next online blacksmiths in weird situations RPG here on Iforge. Have you been following Iron Fjord? 3 of the 5 guys playing have never gamed before so they're getting the hang of it. There'd be a LOT  more horrible if rewarding things happening if we had more gamers playing. I've been using 3 D6 for rolls when I don't just decide, I can be pretty arbitrary. ;)

The next game is being GMd by someone else so I get to play. :ph34r:

Frosty The Lucky.

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