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I Forge Iron

Two simple questions

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Got two questions here. My friend Jim Slining gave me two (3/4"?) bars of wrought iron. I want to know what sort of things turn out well in wrought iron and what things are harder to do. Oh, and is wrought iron easy to weld?

The other question: My uncle is getting married and I want to make something for the couple, but I am having trouble coming up with any ideas. Can you help me?

Thanks for your help,  Anthony

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Second question How are we supposed to guess what your uncle would like?  At random I'd make him a double heart bottle opener. (Heart on either end)


1st question; what grade of wrought iron?  The coarser grades are good for items that will be etched to show the striations: leaves, limbs, knife furniture, animals etc.

Wrought iron forge welds nicely at high heats.  Wrought iron frays apart if forged at regular heats. Wrought iron is harder to fusion weld or arc weld.

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How are we supposed to guess what your uncle would like?

I was just wondering about wedding gifts in general. But I found another thread about wedding gifts using the ------------> SEARCH FUNCTION! (should have done it sooner.) 


Thanks guys.

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I have a wine rack planned as a wedding gift for a friend of mine. I'll probably forge out the rings I need in class later this month when I have access to the long gas forge, so I can do the rings in one heat to try and keep them even. I may do a leaf and vine motif on it, but I haven't made up my mind on that part yet.

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Dont bother Frosty, I have some for you. PM me for a price. No velvet though. They are reproductions from archeological finds in Louisbourg. I forged some for me to add to my (beginning and tehrefore small) collection of utensils and objects from the Nouvelle-France era.



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'Round these parts crosses are a common wedding gift, there is a particular kind called a "Wedding Cross" that incorporates two rings into the cross.  I've never made one myself, but I'm attaching an example that I have saved in my "someday" file. 

wedding cross.jpg

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I would think those manacles would be easy to escape from, all you need to do is push the pin out.
Think they had a lock or something else along with them?

Will the wedding couple be using a wedding candle (or candles?) Some ceremonies have a candle for each family, then the bride and groom use them to light a larger center candle showing the joining of the families.
You could make a holder for one (or all 3) of the candles. (Maybe one unit with 3 holders together?)

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I wasn't thinking serious restraints I was thinking something more symbolic and possibly recreational.

Those wouldn't be too hard to keep people from slipping out of by driving the wedge in hard enough they'd need a hammer to knock it out. If bad guys did that I'd put two wedges on the inside of the manacle next to a wrist.

Frosty The Lucky.

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I would think those manacles would be easy to escape from, all you need to do is push the pin out.
Think they had a lock or something else along with them?

This pin is pounded in with a hammer. You cant push the pin out. And if you would have tried to, the guards would have heard you and would then have shortenend the chain between your manacles and your leg irons. Uncomfortable.

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A triangular dinner bell could be both decorative and useful. No more hollering, just ring it when dinner is ready. 10 inch sides for family, 20 inch sides for family and neighbors. (grin)

Good idea Glenn! How about combining the two, triangular dinner manacles? formal dining for the captive spousal unit.  :wub:

Frosty The Lucky.

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