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you might be a blacksmith if...

the only time you have ever been in trouble with the law is for trespassing in an old abbandoned barn.....again.

if you go to a fancy restraunt for your anniversary and you get in trouble with your wife for saying that you could make their shelve brackets, napkin rings, metal wall art, etc... better.

if your wife makes you take your clothes off at athe front porch... nto because she thinks that a workin man is sexy because she doesnt like the smell of coal...

if you think that they should make coal air-freshners, cologne, aftershave, etc...

posts 1-70 have been copied to the YMB section


someone find the other forum thread on this subject, so we can combine the two please.
I know there are several on the opening page of the site, but I think there is another one in the forum.


You might be a blacksmith if....

The first thing you show a new girl friend is your 150 lb trenton

On top of your wedding cake is one of your minature anvils { she went along with this cause you convinced her it will forge a bond of wedlock}:cool:

You cleverly arrange your wal-mart pool into the shape of an anvil

Redman sends you a Christmas card

If any of your kids are named, Peter, Henry or Trenton

Your idea of heavy metal is different from your kids

The fire dept knows you on a first name basis

Your hound dog leaves the room in disgust when you tie on the leather apron


you make your own tools... wrenches hammers ... grinders... axes.. etc because the ones from the store just aren't durable enough...

you take a shower and your gray hair comes back ... from the coal dust and grinding dust...


You get excited at the garbage transfer station when you see any of the following..

Empty disposable heilium tanks, those brown matteress bed frames, wash tubs


you start your bbq with coals from your forge
your clothesline is down wind from your forge
you wake up at 4 am every morning thinking about your project

Posted (edited)

Well, lets just say that anyone rummaging around in my 130-year-old farm buildings for stuff is likely to really really really tick me (and my mastiffs) off, especially without permission.

My in-laws spent over 50 years dealing with folks making free on their farm with their flowers, their plants, and anything else not guarded with a large dog and a shot-gun. Apparently folks felt that since it was on a farm and not fenced in or locked-up then no-one owned it. Imagine people actually thinking that digging up flowers along your driveway was free stuff.

those are some pretty good ones! Am I the only one that snoops through old buildings and such in search of blacksmtihng/antique tools???...

You might be a blacksmith if you store stuff in an old barn. Edited by UnicornForge
Well, lets just say that anyone rummaging around in my 130-year-old farm buildings for stuff is likely to really really really tick me (and my mastiffs) off, especially without permission.

My in-laws spent over 50 years dealing with folks making free on their farm with their flowers, their plants, and anything else not guarded with a large dog and a shot-gun. Apparently folks felt that since it was on a farm and not fenced in or locked-up then no-one owned it. Imagine people actually thinking that digging up flowers along your driveway was free stuff.

You might be a blacksmith if you store stuff in an old barn.

Mastifs Dave? I love mastifs! Your stuff is yours regardless but your dogs would LOVE me. Ask Deb if you don't think so.


A hammer is your first solution for any problem. Who has the signoff, to paraphrase, "If a hammer won't fix it you have an electrical problem"?


you might be a blacksmith if...

if your wife makes you take your clothes off at athe front porch... nto because she thinks that a workin man is sexy because she doesnt like the smell of coal...

if you think that they should make coal air-freshners, cologne, aftershave, etc...

you make your own tools... wrenches hammers ... grinders... axes.. etc because the ones from the store just aren't durable enough...

you take a shower and your gray hair comes back ... from the coal dust and grinding dust...

You get excited at the garbage transfer station when you see any of the following..

Empty disposable heilium tanks, those brown matteress bed frames, wash tubs

When your wife goes "We're not stopping for that," when you drive past "junk" set by the road.
Gee guys...I'm starting to think I fit in around here

How about throwing the dutch oven in the wood stove for supper when the power went out.
I use a propane torch to make coffee in my service van

Mebby thats just redneck


You might be a blacksmith: If your wife goes out in the snow to shovel a path from the house to your shop.

Yes, it is snowing, and we already have over 12 inches, and yes she has just gone outside with the announced intent to dig a path from the house to the shop. Hummm, sounds like a large hint to me.

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