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My brother and I were on a welding job in his portable rig. We finished and rolled up. As we got into the truck I stepped on the handle of his dry extinguisher and the dust unloaded. The passenger side of his truck floor was covered with rod boxes, extra leads, and tools. Didn't take us long to vacate! I did not replace the extinguisher either because I  had told him many times to get it out of the cab mess and mounted where he needed it.


Turkey, Tc2. Turkey. I remember now...

You REMEMBER TC2 is a turkey? How could you have forgotten? :rolleyes:

The smell of burning cotton is a unique warning you learn to notice instantly once you've lit yourself on fire as often as I did. By 7th. grade metal shop 1. I still do I just don't stay lit long.

You have to pay attention to all your senses and it isn't intuitive to think your sense of smell has much to tell you. Being on fire isn't the only thing it has for you, it'll let you know the turkey is done. . . lighting himself on fire2! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: 

Frosty The Lucky.


You REMEMBER TC2 is a turkey? How could you have forgotten? :rolleyes:

The smell of burning cotton is a unique warning you learn to notice instantly once you've lit yourself on fire as often as I did. By 7th. grade metal shop 1. I still do I just don't stay lit long.

You have to pay attention to all your senses and it isn't intuitive to think your sense of smell has much to tell you. Being on fire isn't the only thing it has for you, it'll let you know the turkey is done. . . lighting himself on fire2! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: 

Frosty The Lucky.

Three-quarters horse, one-quarter turkey... :lol:

Love you, bro. :)


I can just imagine the look on Lisa's face as she asks, "Why is a woman in Tennessee sending you canned alligator?"

Because Alaskan gator comes frozen?

Frosty The Lucky.


Just need to wait a while till Alaska gets somewhere warm again; those coal seams indicate it's happened before!

Oh yeah, I used to have a geological map of Alaska and I can see terrain from S. America, New Zealand and Africa from the house but it gets really mixed other places. Heck it doesn't need to get carboniferous warm to lay down future coal deposits, we have peat bogs 100' deep that occasionally get covered with silt when an earth quake stirs things up and tsunamis spread it around. 

Coal is a renewable resource, be patient!

Frosty The Lucky.

  • 1 month later...

I have used fire extinguishers 4 times, glad I had them for each time. the first time a friend and I were shoeing in a community away from home one of the locals comes running in "the house down the road is on fire," we were able to slow the fire down until the vol. fire dept.was able to get there. We were not able to actually access the source so the fire would flare back up after we knocked it down.

The next time was a car wreck really could not get the hood open so the car eventually burned but I was able to salvage some of the items in the car for the owner.

The next one was a truck parked next to a fuel tanker I was driving by very late one night and noticed there was fire dropping down from the engine compartment onto the ground, called 911 they had me wait until the police showed up then he and I went over the fence and were able to put the fire out, not sure I would do that again as I learned they drain those trucks at night so seems like a bomb to me.

The last one was right in front of our house, we were in the yard and heard a big boom ran out to see a head on had taken place with the one car on fire 2 people trapped in it, ran back to the house got the extinguisher, got it out, ran back for another in case it flared back up but it stayed out. When the fire dept. got here they worked for a couple hours getting the one girl out of the car the driver was killed by the impact.

Only the fuel co. ever replaced the extinguisher, I think they only did it because I was shoeing for the wife of one of their drivers and i mentioned to her that I thought they should.


One important thing to learn from alot of these stories is the number of times the portabe extinguisher just knocked the fire down and gained time for the fire dept to get there. So 1st priority is still to get everyone safe before attempting to put out the fire.

I emptied 3 21/2 lb and 2 10lb extinguishers on a vehicle engine compartment fire and kept it from spreading to other vehicles until a small fire truck came. It was still burning and growing when they arrived.


In the smithy, I had 2 fires, from the hot flux squirting during forge welding.

Helped 3 cars that cought on fire.

Last but not least - One of my hobbies is experimental rocketry - where you make not only the rocket's body, but also the motor and fuel. "Experimental" also means the rockets tend to fly sideways, motors tend to explode, and bushes tend to catch fire. Well, Moses made a career off it...

22 hours ago, ThomasPowers said:

Probably one of the major reasons White Sands Missile range is out here.  Have you seen the movies of the V2 tests run on the captured rockets at White Sands?


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