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I Forge Iron

What is the name of your shop or business

Iron Clad

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What is the name of your blacksmith shop or business and what is behind the name if anything?

Mine is the " Iron Clad Forge ". Not too much behind the name. One day a few years ago when my son was in high school I was helping him with some research for a paper on the Civil War. When we came across info. on the iron clad war ships, I thought well, "Iron Clad" Forge would be a good name for my shop... Perhaps because the word "Iron"... I don't know.....

How about yours???

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Monster Metal.... No Job is to Big or Scary for a Monster!!

I have monsters on the brain... I had a Monster Garage sign hanging in my home shop that says "TOOLS RULE" and I just like the thought of doing MONSTER METAL.... I like big scale and brute force... ;)

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What is the name of your blacksmith shop or business and what is behind the name if anything?

Mine is the " Iron Clad Forge ". Not too much behind the name. One day a few years ago when my son was in high school I was helping him with some research for a paper on the Civil War. When we came across info. on the iron clad war ships, I thought well, "Iron Clad" Forge would be a good name for my shop... Perhaps because the word "Iron"... I don't know.....

How about yours???

Mine is "Black Dog Forge" Named for my black dog Buster who would be by my side constantly when I was at the forge , he would lie near the anvil stand and never leave my side. He is gone now but his memory lives on with every ring of the anvil.
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Corvid Forge(A division of Hack Mfg).
I`ve been called a crow because I stop and pick up anything metal to feed my habit.Crows are a member of the Corvid family.

Hack Mfg was hung on me during my factory days when I would kick out the work and mod the machines to increase production.It first showed up in soapstone on the top of a draw bench car I modded as;"Another fine product from HACK MFG!The people who brought you the 2,000 gallon per minute Cunnard piece of dung Skimmer(some assembly required,batteries not included)".I have a pic somewhere of the logo/advert,someone spent some time on it.I took it as a big compliment.
The foreman brought me down to see it and left it on the machine till it wore off. :)

PS-The Cunnard skimmer is another story involving engineers. <_<

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For now my little operation is Northwest Highland Forge....Until I think of something better :-)

I thought for a while, wrote down a bunch of ideas. I knew that I wanted a name which had something in it to identify my location, and also had something in it to represent something I'm interested in....Without sounding too childish or fantasy oriented.
I have gone to several rendezvous and other events wearing a great kilt, so lots of people know me as a Scottish Highlander, I also make a fair amount of Highland dirks and sgian dubhs.....

If you live in Oregon or Washington and want a Scottish style blade....where do you go? Northwest Highland Forge.

The name also works for when I work outside of the reenactor's circle. I eventually would like to be considered a serious professional...and I think my choice of a name will do little, if anything to hinder that.


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My shop name is Newman Forge & Pattern Inc. I do forging and patternmaking in my shop. If I were starting the shop today I would probably not put forge or pattern in the name, as it can be limiting. I once got a bit of a negative reaction from a foundry owner at a foundry association meeting because drop forging shops often compete for work with foundries. I sometimes wonder if when cold calling a new customer for pattern or fixture work and they hear forge there are immediate assumptions made as to what I do that rule me out as a supplier. I also have seen companies that evolve into businesses that have nothing to do with their names and it can be confusing to potential customers.

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This is great! I like hearing about your shop names.

Celtic...Flute forge?? I thought it would be Celtic Forge! That's interesting.

Great reply's. Lets keep it going!! :)

I got really tired of people mispronouncing Celtic forge. I had an art gallery called Cincora for a year, and everyone butchered that too.
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Mine is Holy Hammer Ironworks.

The story behind it is a little long but worth telling.

I met my wife in 2005 and she is the head of a Episcopal school and she lived on the school campus. At the time the school was owned and operated by nuns who also live in a convent on the campus. There are only two left now and we take care of them. One thing led to another and I moved in. Then a year later she convinced me to quit my job of 14 years to become the maintenance supervisor for the property which has 14 buildings and also start my own buisness, which I have my shop on the property. My name is Harold Hilborn and all my tools and equipment have HH on it so I wanted my buisness also to have a double H name. Hammer was a given but could not come up with the second half. Then it came to me in a dream and I woke up in the middle of the night and said thats it Holy Hammer. Shortly after I started working I had a chance to buy my Sayha power hammer. When I got it our priest blessed it and it became my holy hammer.

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The name of my shop is Fitch Ironworks. My last name is Fitch and i read something a while back about an iron mill or factory that distant relatives owned that had the name. I looked for any records of it but i couldn't find any. So i adopted the name and it stuck.

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Odd Duck Foundry. (and Forge, eventually...) It just fits. When I started out as far as I knew I was the only person in my neck of the woods doing this. I had to choose a hobby where there were no (as in nearly the entire state) suppliers for stuff. I had to make it or fake it. It also describes me, I am that poor sclub that buys the car that was made on the one Tuesday of the month where they put the "special" parts in (as in "Oh, we'll have to order that from Timbuktoo, your model doesn't take the ordinary part we have right here in stock...") I don't watch sports. I prefer working nights, I have an odd sense of humor. Etc etc etc. It just fit.

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Melsheim Forge

The surname of Melsheimer in German means "a person from the home of Mels, which is a village in Alsace/Lorane which dates back to at least the year 0900.

So, no matter where I might live, and I have no plans of moving, the name is appropriate: Melsheim Forge = Home of Mels Forge.


By the way, I am strictly a hobby 'smith. But at least it's a hobby which if you are lucky in selling sometimes, can cover the cost of the hobby.

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Mine is Holy Hammer Ironworks.

The story behind it is a little long but worth telling.

I met my wife in 2005 and she is the head of a Episcopal school and she lived on the school campus. At the time the school was owned and operated by nuns who also live in a convent on the campus. There are only two left now and we take care of them. One thing led to another and I moved in. Then a year later she convinced me to quit my job of 14 years to become the maintenance supervisor for the property which has 14 buildings and also start my own buisness, which I have my shop on the property. My name is Harold Hilborn and all my tools and equipment have HH on it so I wanted my buisness also to have a double H name. Hammer was a given but could not come up with the second half. Then it came to me in a dream and I woke up in the middle of the night and said thats it Holy Hammer. Shortly after I started working I had a chance to buy my Sayha power hammer. When I got it our priest blessed it and it became my holy hammer.

Holy Hammers Harold! Good story. Does a blessed hammer hit harder? ;)
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We used to be called Richmond Vale Steam Forge, but that got confused with Richmond Vale Railway Museum, which is near here. Or we were called Richmond Vale Steam and Forge, plus it ties us down to a locality. I remembered seeing a movie when I was at Tech called Forgemaster In Steel. So we changed from a propietorship, became a Company and the name became Forgemasters (Aust) Pty Ltd, one day I was going to have a shelf company or post office box registered in some other countries so as I could maybe add Kurri Kurri, Manchester, Cologne, and Pittsburg to the end of the name for a bit of a stir.


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I called my business "dave Budd Handmade Tools", self explanatory really. I have thought about calling my workshop "Saxen Forge" on account of my dog (Saxen) being the star attraction being better known than me by far :rolleyes: but not done so as I've no road access, post or visitor entrance type set up there yet :(

My hobby business carries the same logo (the dog in my avatar) and is called Black Dog Bondage. I tried to get the website name Black Dog Forge, but somebody had already got there first :rolleyes::P

Mine is "Black Dog Forge" Named for my black dog Buster who would be by my side constantly when I was at the forge , he would lie near the anvil stand and never leave my side. He is gone now but his memory lives on with every ring of the anvil.
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Dean's Smithy...got tired of explaning 'smithy' so I'm in the process of changing to "Pine Cone Forge" (waiting on results of the name search) We live on our 60+ acres in East Texas. Pine trees and hardwood are plentiful..."Sweetgum Ball Forge" just didn't sound right to me:)

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The name of my shop and property is Chy An Carrek (pronounced: Shuncarruk) My mom's family was from Newlyn England where the native language was Cornish. It roughly translates to "Home by the Stone" because I live on top of a rock ridge I thought it appropriate - For my business I sell under my own name: Neil Pope, Metalsmith.

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