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I Forge Iron


2021 Donor
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Everything posted by Frosty

  1. Welcome aboard, glad to have you. If you'll put your general location in the header you might be surprised how many of the IFI gang live within visiting distance. Not a dumb question at all. It's always nice to know as much of the history of your tools as reasonably possible. In some cases it can make a difference knowing how a thing was made, usually though it's just NICE to know. Now put that grand old lady to work and post pics of what you make. Frosty The Lucky.
  2. Thanks, I'll link them to your blog, it'll be a lot easier and save me printer ink. (Yeah I'm part Scott you betcha.) Of course being able to ask you questions is a plus. Frosty The Lucky.
  3. Wanting the best tools possible is a normal desire. The problem comes when folk who're just starting out try to "restore" tools without knowing how they work or what they need. Been there learned the hard way, as have a lot of us. This old girl has seen use and some abuse but she's got many years in her still. Not only will she teach you and the boys the craft you can make marketable items to sell and earn tools in better condition. Get hooked up with PAABA, clubs often have anvil repair workshops and they will almost certainly have someone experienced who can evaluate yours. Frosty The Lucky.
  4. Yeah it might be a bad reg but the pressure starts out good and diminishes after time. A transient blockage is what it sounds like to me but between the tank and reg? Perhaps moisture is collecting in the reg and freezing up without the exterior temp falling cold enough to ice over? Hmmmm. Do you live in a high humidity region Mr.Maelstrom? Frosty The Lucky.
  5. Crown has little real effect and dings will forge out when you put it to work. Dings are caused by people hitting the anvil with hammers, using tools incorrectly or just plain abuse. They make less difference in forged work than a person might think. If for some reason you need a polished face then make a bottom tool with a polished face that fits the hardy hole. Frosty The Lucky.
  6. Another solution is to use a soft hammer for striking this kind of tool, heck top tools in general. Frosty The Lucky.
  7. Nice stand though I like to make them wide enough to put a little rim around the feet but properly dogged down and it's not a real issue. I just like having a place to set tools I'm using at the time. Frosty The Lucky.
  8. Welcome aboard Bondo, glad to have you. If you'll put your general location in the header you might be surprised how many of the IFI gang live within visiting distance. Your anvil looks almost out of the box perfect, all it wants is some hot steel and a hammer plied on her. You'll be able to hand her down to your grand children in perfectly fine condition, with a little care. Frosty The Lucky.
  9. Not on an open circuit. A regulator only allows a maximum psi, not a minimum so the deliverable volume is an issue. It shows pressure through the jet, an open hose or fitting allows enough flow the pressure will be below the gauge's read level. I've been thinking about your problem and the blockage was my first thought, followed by icing in the regulator or jet but if those aren't the problem I'm kind of stumped. Okay, here are a couple back ground issues that might help me get a handle: 1, Are you using propane rated hose? 2, did you use teflon tape or ANY thread sealant? What size Rex do you have? Frosty The Lucky.
  10. That's a good one Thomas but his included catchy doggerel so I gotta give a hearty thumbs up to "Little Nell." Frosty The Lucky.
  11. The ABANA website has a publications section and I believe free downloads of some issues. https://www.abana.org/ Frosty The Lucky.
  12. Matting like framing a print. Makes em purty. <grin> Frosty The Lucky.
  13. Very nice welds indeed. Say TJ, did you matt the foot before welding? Frosty The Lucky.
  14. Looks pretty good but I don't think it's completely descaled is it? I'm thinking SS tends to be less abrasive than scale so might not be the best media. How about ceramic media? Soapy water will rust the pieces almost as soon as they dry. If however you add some water soluble oil to the mix it should give you time to finish the pieces before they rust up. Heck, maybe add vinegar to the mix to help soften scale as it tumbles. Frosty The Lucky.
  15. Those are hammers. I don't know if or for what they are specially designed for so I'd just have to take them to hot steel and see. I certainly wouldn't hit them with another hammer, that can turn out B_A_D. Frosty The Lucky.
  16. Them's big biscuits! Good to see you didn't keep the retainer. Back in the day, well when I WAS making armor for SCA fighters, Shelby tube made outstanding van braces, articulated gauntlets (0nly tried that one ONCE) and such. Yeah, let's see a guy with a rattan stick do anything to a Shelby tube. Uh HUH. Frosty The Lucky.
  17. Thank you again for an excellent instructional presentation into the practical aspects of bidding, production and the boots on the ground aspects of running a business. I especially appreciate the pictorial emphasis though "I admit NOTHING!" I know you're posting these on an open forum but is it alright if I print them out? We have club members who either do or want to make a living at the anvil and anyone considering making a living providing a product or service independently should know how to calculate and bid a job. Frosty The Lucky.
  18. Lots of guys use hose without problem. My forge tends to leak too much heat to trust rubber close to the burners. Frosty The Lucky.
  19. That's almost too pretty to use. I'm beginning to think you've done this kind of thing before. Frosty The Lucky.
  20. Clean up the mess? . . . Huh? . . Eh. . . Er . . . Oh I get it! Ha ha ha ha! Frosty The Lucky.
  21. Looks like a good build. Have you tried it out tumbling stuff? What media are you using, etc. Frosty The Lucky.
  22. Pretty darned nice, I like the swoopy heart. She's going to love it. Frosty The Lucky.
  23. Real lard, biscuits, sausage gravy. mmmmmmm. Looks like a perfectly workable biscuit cutter. No pics of the biscuits? S'okay I can cut visualize biscuits. Frosty The Lucky.
  24. Looks pretty darned good. You DO know you have to feed apprentices don't you? Frosty The Lucky.
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