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I Forge Iron

gewoon ik

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Everything posted by gewoon ik

  1. Never had a broken spring. Not even when i rented a garage with the original door of 1968 when the building was build. Moist garage was well. The tools i bought new than all rusted in the 3 years i had that unit. Now in an unheated shed, no extra rust appearing.
  2. Wh is not a v-sound, it is softer. (I can't give a word in english, because i don't know any) Gluewhein on the christmismarkets is really nice. Common to see in belgium on those markets as well. Most open a week after sinterklaas.
  3. and on 60Hz; on 50Hz, the engine will run slower so your pumpcapacity will be lower
  4. Frosty, good luck with the recovery.
  5. Made a keychain heart rowan taylor style. happy with the outcome. Also happy with the anvil. Bit more efficient (and also stable, but that is on me).
  6. Wrestling with armthick elektrical wires Stupid maybe but mark the earthing pen. a few years later when trimming the grass, you don't want to trim the connection cable. You discover at some point, if lucky during a routine inspection (why do I get that much resistance to earth? It has been raining) and not hugging a machine. Never done that :ninja:
  7. Off all the pieces you mentioned scania is not one of them. I did not know they send the trucks or engines to the us. Be carefull jen. I know you don't want to hear it, but you are not 20 anymore
  8. Glenn, a platform is too simple for me to think about that. I feel now even more stupid. But a quick and easy solution for sure
  9. nice design. bit bulky maybe. I have a stupid problem at this moment. My anvil came with a wooden stump. It is to high however, something of 4 cm needs to come of. Sounds easy but the stump has a diameter of around 80cm and I have no idea how to cut it and keep it parallel with the bottom part. Don't have a saw long enough to cut thru it and don't have access to a chainsaw (bit scared of the things to be honest). all my other tools are to short even if i cut all around the stump. And i think i don't have the stamina or patient to cut it with a handsaw. somebody got an idea or tip? i', not in a hurry at this moment. I have to prepare my garden so they can landscape it (i do the tearing down of the current garden so goodbye shed, concrete plate underneed, concrete footpath and plants and other stuff)
  10. i put mine on wood. It worked fine till the wood cracked (my fault, was wood that was laying outside for a couple of years after it has been part of my roof for over 70 years, it just rotted from laying outside and than the hammering on it just killed it). But it is easy and cheap if you have scraps around.
  11. 10,5l propane is 35 at my supplier. I can forge 8-9 hours with it. But my forge is not yet dialled in supergood. I think i can 1 max 2 hours extra. Coal i believe we use half a bag every 3 hours. No idea about coalprices. Don't have a coalforge.
  12. It all depends where you life anvil. So not a general advice.
  13. Wash out with water. Use little soap if dirty to help clean it out. That is what they last teached me at my refresment coarse. The teacher also explained why use of desinfectants (h2o2 or other stuff) is not recomended and in what cases it is recommended, but she was also showing some photo's and i had to walk away (can't see blood on pictures)
  14. ah ok. They have rounded corners, bit like wood. Both hurt like xxxx. The paint on the top worn out from use and cold in winter conditions and when outside or in a sunny position, you can burn yourself. And drawers that are stuck because they are overloaded (it is steel, i can put this heavy thing inside, till it is full)
  15. it has arrived at your place or the snail is still underway?
  16. You never seen all metal desks? At some point they where all cool. And by the time I see them, they end up as the dirty desk in a shop, warehouse or some place.
  17. Fasting is done what you want : welding, bolting with nuts and bolts, self tapping screws design for metal, revets, ... Shape from tubing (square, rectangle, round, ...) to profiles (anglebars, strips, hollandprofile, massive square, round, ...) or beams (I beams, H beams, ...). Material itself can be steel, stainless steel, other kinds of different "blends" of steel. So an easy or simple answer cannot be given. Ask on a forging forum how to make a bed and you will get different answers if you ask it on a welding forum. Or a machinist forum. All starting from different shapes and materials and all using different fasting methodes. There is no good or wrong methode. Except if it fails in what it needs to be. If the bed falls apart if you put a matress on it, it is no good.
  18. seawater also does wonders to galvy chain, it works better if you put in a rusty steel chainlocker and shake it daily. don't forget to check on it; because in 5 years you can clean out the locker with a broom and shovel. this story is not based on realtime events
  19. A proper support for my vise. If it is to wobly, i expand the bottomplate. Square is filled with dirt from floor.
  20. Les thanks for the picture. I also have to make a stand for my forge, now I put it on my welding table. You put something between the shelf and the forge?
  21. Only those times the bottle is empty, it is late and you want to finish the little welding you still need to do.
  22. I believe thomaspowers mentioned a cheap and universal one. Just a bar with 2 pins thru. En in the center of the 2 a scribe. Still have to make one myself
  23. He told his story. It's more a feeling in his head since he lost his wife due to her illness than really be old. (The way he helped me moving the anvil shows it). He wants to travel and enjoy his garden. Glad I helped him with that by adopting the anvil. For all the persons with anvilenvy, a couple 230 to 270kg beast are for sale. Prices between 390 to 450 euros (mine was at the lower end of this) and a couple of 70 to 100kg between 300 and 400 euros. And the smaller ones are moving quick. I asked some folks if it still was available after a week and nope, gone.
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