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I Forge Iron

Scott NC

2023 Donor
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Everything posted by Scott NC

  1. Well that looks like it has potential to me. Beats the squeegee set up. I would give you some of my ideas but I don't know what tools, skills and the size of your pocket book and scrap pile are. Also, I like to build projects like that with an idea in mind and on the fly... . (not always....) Modification and tinkering around. It's a wonderful thing when such a project turns out and meets or exceeds your expectaions. I'm not sure what you mean by an "arch over the motor" but build it solid for sure.
  2. Happy Veterans Day. That was a nice story Randy, and I almost put some quotes from it in my comment, but people really should read it. I would like to post a link to the SOFK9 memorial site I like but there seems to be issues. We didn't make it this year.
  3. Too bad I live in a black house, the charred stick idea sounds like a lot of fun. . I just took a picture of it on my puter screen instead. Actually you can barely see it in the top photo. I was still working on it. I guess what made me happy was, it included the old ring roller which went in the scrap hopper when we moved. I built a beefier one that went in also as they were both worn beyond salvation. And too heavey.... Thought I had no photo of those. I don't know why I did a collage of pictures like that, I might have been sending it to someone. The photo looks sort of ok on my small phone screen but if it's all pixelated blur on a regular size monitor IDK what to say, theres always a fly in the ointment, eh? The photo is from 2008. Time sure flies.
  4. I would go to the nearest welding supply store and ask them what best suit's your situation. Let me guess, there is none near you.
  5. I have to quit forecasting things I can't deliver on.... I will draw a picture of it tomorrow and post it. I suppose we ran out of pencils now.
  6. Happy Belated Birthday to you Mr. Bend Hossright invention patent. Glory be, I found a picture of my old home built one which is still stuck in storage in Nebraska! Only, the photo is stuck on my dilapidated, semi froze up laptop.
  7. By the way, sorry "oops" is probably slang, I actually tried to edit it to something else but was too slow.
  8. I have no plug in for the time being. Thanks for confirming my suspicions... It's been a great welder and ran fine for 20 some years and then started this irritating behavior. I think I paid $60 for it used, so it was a good investment and it can enjoy being retired until I get some wiring put in and want use it again..... I wont miss that loud generator either.
  9. Sheila and Robert will be in my prayers. My thoughts right now are strength and positivity for you, Robert, health for Shelia, and brighter, happier days ahead for both of you.
  10. Sorry, AC. I took it over to my sisters last night and plugged it in and it ran fine, no holes.... I should have done that in the first place. I just left it there. I'm going to go get a wire welder next week, I am tired of stick welding anyway.
  11. I am going to do some actual research on this before I reply. Thanks to you both. I have some preconceived notions I think.
  12. I love adventure. I think maybe if I was younger I would actualy try something like that. Right before I got out of the Navy I was offered to go to the Seals but I had to run back home instead. I know, a voice on the internet. What was the documentary?
  13. I think I might join the French Foreign Legion. Is it still active? I have ridden a camel once in North Africa (Morroco).
  14. They used to sell part cleaner solution in metal cans. A good member told me to ask at Fastenal for metal buckets once and the do have them!
  15. Couldn't have done better with a surface grinder!
  16. Bigger the better. A big hose will suck up turnings, stray pieces of metal, dead mice, you name it!
  17. Can you imagine a cannon ball blowing your hand off?
  18. Larry, I have tried pulling the rod out slowly, jamming it in real quick, swirling the puddle around, back and forth, you name it. There's a blasted hole. I use new rod. I have only tig welded a few times on my friends machine. I like the precision.
  19. Rojo, your work stands on it's own, and I admire it. Flair is just a fad. It's easy to lean on. Facebook is bloated with it. I look forward to seeing what you come up with next.
  20. I have a old Lincoln Tombstone welding machine and everytime I lay a bead, at the end of it is a big hole you could stick the tip of a ink pen in. I only use 6011 at the proper amperage and have been for years and never had this problem. Out of neccesity, I am running it off a Craftsman generator and wonder if for some wierd reason this is causing it. I ground out the bead and the hole goes all the way to the joint. It's driving me nuts. Also, I will include a photo of the project that I am working on. It is a flower I am making. You can see the glob welds where I tried chasing/covering the hole up on the leaf stems. While I'm at it, could those leaf stems be forge welded on there? I have only made a few successful forge weldings on 1/2 bar and don't know about tiny stuff. I've been mig and stick welding for a long time but never had such a problem.
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