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I Forge Iron

Irondragon Forge ClayWorks

2023 Donor
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Everything posted by Irondragon Forge ClayWorks

  1. Like when the tourist asked a New Yorker, "How do I get to Carnegie Hall, his answer practice, practice, practice. Take some flat stock and make a folded faggot-weld. Then refine it until you can't tell it's welded and fold it again and weld it some more.
  2. Failing at something you love is better than succeeding at something you hate.~~~me
  3. That was going to be my suggestion. Looks like you did a good job to me. Think I might try that on the next straight peen I make.
  4. Wonder if it had a high carbon insert forge welded to a softer body. Never saw one but a possibility.
  5. Can't help with the price of anvils in your area. In mine it would be a little high but not out of the question seeing it's condition. I can say the post vise was a bargain, around here they go for north of $200 if you can find one.
  6. Nice find... if you put your location in your profile we may be able to tell you if the price was right for your area and you might be surprised how many IFI members are close to you.
  7. My grandfather who was a blacksmith, then automobile mechanic for a Pierce Arrow and Franklin dealer in Cleveland prior to moving to Florida in '47 had an anvil like that. He used it for an ash tray. Don't know if that was the original use for it though.
  8. As far as the apron being too hot, I find that when I'm at the forge the apron actually insulates me from the heat of the forge.
  9. If you have to add your 2¢ and someone will give you a penny for your thoughts, who gets the extra penny?
  10. jlpservicesinc and her brand new mobile shop making her signature...
  11. I cast lead for my muzzle loaders. My source for pure lead is several tire shops who save the old stick on (as opposed to clip on) weights for me which are still made from lead.
  12. Correct that uses a lot of charcoal and unless you are heat treating/tempering not needed.
  13. I've never weighed it but the guy I bought it from said it weighed 1200 pounds. The base & sow block which doesn't show in the picture is solid cast iron. As seen in the picture mine is reinforced in the center with steel plates because they were weak there and tended to break.
  14. I know it's an old thread but wondering if there are more Star users since it was started. Here is my 30 pound Star that's been going strong for the past 12 or so years. I thought it was a 25 pound but recently found out Star didn't make one in that weight.
  15. If you go to your profile and add your location we wouldn't have to ask all the time and you might be surprised how many IFI members are close to you and like me have terrible memories about where someone is located. As far as the stand all the suggestions are right on. I made one from an old railroad tie that I picked up at a Lowe's garden center.
  16. Nothing in the forge, but I began tearing out an old seldom used 10 foot long wood work table that the pack rats had made a condominium out of. Sorry no pictures of before but I'll take some tomorrow of the shelving that I still need to clean out and burn pile.
  17. Necessity is the mother of invention and usually a good solution. Looks like you found a good one, I'll have to remember that one, so much better than my Coleman stove when searing steaks in our cast iron skillet outside so the smoke detectors don't go off.
  18. You say when you grill it's with gas. Why not use the gas grill with the dutch oven and for heaven sake don't cut the legs off.
  19. I've said it before... organized people are just too lazy to look for stuff. I usually find what I'm looking for in the last place I look.
  20. Took our household garbage to the county trash compactor today and of course we checked the scrap steel bin (dumpster). Two leaf springs followed us home. We love the guys there who give us permission to scrounge. On the way out picked up a roadkill bungie cord.
  21. It's great that you have the history on your vise. The only suggestion I have is when you replace the wooden block, use a short piece of pipe and weld it to the base plate bringing the leg closer to vertical.
  22. It's better to have a choke and not need it, than to need one and not have it. They also help to keep critters like mud daubers out of the burner when not in use.
  23. "Too hot for wrought." ~~Frosty I envision another T-Shirt.
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