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I Forge Iron

Al Stephens

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Everything posted by Al Stephens

  1. 6"x3/4" sq. Punched 7/8' hole in center. Drew ends out approximately 18" for total length of 36+". The rest was done with torch and scrolling tongs. Happy New Year to all! Al IMG_2074.m4v Can't get video to load. It shows the piece hanging from a string and rotating. Here's a couple of stills. Al
  2. The Athens Forge, a member of the AFC, will meet Sat. December 22, 2018 at 9AM. There is no demonstration planned, but open forge time will be available for AFC members to finish up those last minute gifts. Visitors are always welcome. For more information visit our website, attend forge.com, or on FB at Athens Forge, or on YouTube at Athens Forge AFC
  3. I'm rebuilding a Buffalo Electric Blower Pat. 1913. I know "grease, dirt" was not the original color. I seem to remember picture of one black with yellow or gold lettering. Does anyone know what the original factory finish colors were? Thanks. Al
  4. If you have not done so yet, please contact the Blacksmiths Association of Missouri, BAM. www.bamsite.org. They will be a invaluable source of help for you. Good luck. Al
  5. Do your thinking before you pull it out of the fire.
  6. The Athens Forge, a member of the Alabama Forge Council, will meet Saturday November 24, 2018 at 9AM. There is no demonstration planed, this meeting will be open forge time for AFC members. So bring your project, ideas, problems, and let us all help. If we can't come up with an answer, we'll make something up! There will be an iron in the hat, that will include the hammer that Josh Hill made at the Oct. meeting. Visitors always welcome. For more information visit our website at athensforge.com, or on FB at Athens Forge, or on YouTube at Athens Forge AFC
  7. Success!!! The Yellin flms can be viewed at Athens Forge AFC on YouTube. Hope everyone enjoys them. Al
  8. Welcome, Tuck58. If you get the chance come and visit the Athens Forge, a member of the Alabama Forge Council. Our next meeting is Sat. Nov. 24. You can find more info at our website athensforge.com, or on FB at Athens Forge, or seen our last meeting on YouTube, Search for Athens Forge. A local forge group is always a good place to find tools and equipment. Al
  9. Live Sream Demo Starts at 9AM. Josh Hill hammer demo from Athens Forge. YouTube. Athens Forge. Sign in, ask Josh questions, let us know what you think. We hope everyone enjoys it. Al
  10. Correction: There will not be an Iron In the Hat drawing at the Athens Forge meeting Sat. Oct. 27. Sorry. Al
  11. I saw a guy on FB the other day, This Van de Manakker, make a bellows out of a trash bag. It was simple and looked like it would work fine. I, like Thomas have used canvas, double lunged bellows, the ones I used worked great. Al
  12. The Athens Forge a member of the AFC will hold it's next meeting Sat. Oct. 27, 2018, starting at 9AM. CST , -6GMT. Josh Hill from Georgia will demonstrate and will be forging a rounding hammer with the help of a striker. Josh has been forging about 5 years, and enjoys doing Gothic style work, locksmithing, and tool making. He will be teaching a Triangle Gothic Padlock, with Ernie Dorrill at the JC Campbell Folk School Jan.27-Feb.2, 2019. He will samples of some of his locks for display. In addition to the normal activities, this demo will be live streamed at, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkeuLsue9sdNS4CJm7164jQ This will be a first for the Athens Forge and we hope to receive feedback about the event. There will be an Iron In The Hat Drawing. Visitors are always welcome. For more information visit us at www.athensforge.com, or on FB at Athens Forge, or Athens Forge on YouTube.
  13. Saw this in Clay Spencer collection, had to do one myself. Al
  14. Steamboat, that is a beautiful restoration and base. Most of the other ones like this I've seen have a adjustable block used as a stop for upsetting in the jaws. PVF Al
  15. Nicholas, Before you spend that kind of money, try and make contact with smiths in your area. Local groups are one of your best sources for any tools. Good Luck. Al
  16. I do have a swedge block, but I've also done it by using the space between open vise jaws. You just form down into the hollow. Al
  17. Spanky, How did I know this idea would meet with your approval? Al
  18. Starting with the next meeting of Athens Forge, Oct. 27, we are going to try to "live stream" the meeting the meeting on YouTube. Please visit the Athens Forge channel on YouTube for an introduction video now. There will be further information concerning the meeting posted on IFI on 10/20. Also view us at Athensforge.com, and Athens forge on FB.
  19. One of the funniest things I ever heard was when the sales girl at a leather place said, perfectly seriously, "Sir, they don't make cows that big." I still laugh about it. Good luck with the repair, have fun. Al
  20. Fangedknight, If you get a chance, try and connect with some of the smiths at Rough and Tumble, They rebuild an old bellows several years ago that wasn't even functional when they started. If the bellows at DB is working with duct tape patches, all you need to do is put a new leather skin on it. I've even worked on one that had a canvas skin on it and worked fine. Good luck. Al
  21. Jeremy, has now taken the space of the first image that comes to mind anytime I will ever be ask about 3erd hands. Well done sir!! I'm not as limber, talented, or any other descriptive phrase you want to insert, as he is. Having said that, here are the 2 that get the most use in my shop. Note that the stool has interchangeable "yokes" for holding long stock on edge for cutting in saw. Still laughing Al
  22. Strike, take some time and find a local blacksmith group near you. Try ABANA.org for a start. The experience of others will be a great help to you. Good luck, be safe. Al
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