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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by Sabre

  1. my first forged item was a small sharp knife... i wanted it to be a sword but shaping it was hard
  2. hey my forge is a outside and does it madder if it gets rained on alot? thanks, sabre
  3. i started by wanting to make throwing knives.... on utube i saw forges and homemade knives after that i build a forge and started bangin meatle ive been stuck to it ever since
  4. can somone post the link to the supercharged 55 and the side blast 55 forges
  5. Has any1 ever made the 55 forge? how does it work? thanks
  6. ok i have been wondering how the system works? i see juinoir members members and senior members does it work by age? or by how long you have been singhed up or how manny posts? i can for the life of me figure it out!!! thanks
  7. i just use wd-40 for my coating because it keeps the look most of my stuff stays inside unless its forge tools
  8. if ur sellin 1 what do u want for it?
  9. nice forge now u just gotta light er up and get smithin!
  10. I was wondering..... can any1 give me some tips on forging leaves. i dont want super big ones either. i would also like to try to add the leaves to a candel holder does any1 have tips on how to make either one that looks like a vine going up to the candel ar a snake or somthing cool!! i would like to make it fairly simple to! sabre
  11. yes frosty i tend to do that alot to. espically when i suck at somthing and i blame it on the tools.
  12. well i fixed one of those engines before and it seems to get really hot quickly. how much property do you have? just use the push mower to do the places you need to do! those engines run about $700 + to get new so look on ebay and ect
  13. how do i make molds to cast aluminum
  14. i pay 13 dollars for a 10 pound or bigger bag.
  15. sweet ill see one day if i can get a ride down
  16. what if my fire pot is an old aluminum drain but is quater inch thck? what is the chance itll melt the aluminum? i will replace it if it does melt but i allreaddy built it and just need to test it.. when i finised i realised it may be aluminum...:(
  17. man if you never got her she mighta died! she looks nice! is she de smelled?
  18. wow thats real nice! whered u get it?
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