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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by Sabre

  1. ya you paid alot allthough i got my 110# vulcan for arround 1$ a pound from stevh and paid 86 to ship it i did pretty good
  2. my firepot is that size and is a regular size
  3. Sabre

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    seir,seir,seir The name of a mountainous region occupied by the Edomites,
  4. yes that is true i have to heard that but i seem to forget where...
  5. yes i agree it would be way safer than welding on a torch ment for somthing else.... either but one or make one
  6. i dunno good question.... thats like a tiger torch or a bell torch to i guess it would work just depends on how you going to mount it to a forge because i have a bell torch and the end is pretty heavy
  7. ya 1/2 inch will last for years and years of constant use even 3/8
  8. hey frosty lets see some pics
  9. ya thats a good sizt to use for a table i think im going to either use 1/8 or 1/4 for the table
  10. well my moms boyfriend has some customers that may be able to plasma out some half inch plate and weld it for me for FREEEE and maby supply the plate.... i hope so im poor and only have 130 bucks and thats for 150 pounds of coal so im pretty much broke uintill i work... Ill post pics of the forge table on mon or tues because im going ATVin on sat and visitin my mom today so i cant get back to the forge till mon.. then ill get some weldin pics
  11. OH well if 1/8 works then thats what ill find i just thought it would burn up quickly but what will hapen if i mig weld another layer of 1/8 on the exsisting piece? will it be stronger?
  12. Well todays the day i am going to start on my new forge. i will be welding up the table legs and top first. I still have not found some 3/8 plate or 1/2 inch plate for my fire pot so it may be aile till i get it but i will keep you updated on the build with pictures and ect.
  13. lol hey bryce i live in mission so im about an hour away and i know that my dad wants to go out and get some patio furniture there and i need o go to surrey to get some coal so maby i can stop by
  14. clinker in all the impurities burning. i got about the same ammount when i used homemade charcoal. there is really no way of stoping it either. i think that homemade charcoal may be durty or somptinh for it to do that but i am not shure.
  15. ok well glenn i read through ur link and thanks.. hey Awalker its a pontiac STE edition with a v-6 in it.. i think it still runs so i am not going to ravage the mototr unless someone has some good ideas here are some pictures i took of it to give you an idea yes the inside is smased up because i had to get out the blower
  16. well we have an old car in our yard that is a bit rare so when the transmision blew he just left it to rot.... but now i have decided to jack some parts from it... does anyone know some good parts to take? i sofar got the tension rods in the trunk and a 1 1/8 rod from the transmission but thats all i do know that i can gat the sway bar and the coil spring but those 2 are really hard to get and with the coin spring under 1000 pounds of preassure it seems more like a death wish to try and get em:o
  17. Dave y dod u kill the poor snake? lol
  18. mines Blackiron forging because i work with iron and when the iron cools down its black! My motto is just pane and simple Custom Ironwork whatch think?
  19. ok well i bought a vulcan 110# anvil about 2 months ago and the end of the horn was flattend ... how do i fix this? if you can also te face is pretty dented and i was wondering if i could take a porable belt sader and smooth out the top dont mind the fire poker im not near m anvil to take new pics:D
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