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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by Sabre

  1. i melted cans in a charcoal forge before...i melted them in a bean can..the bean can melted and the alum got stuck in the ash dump:(
  2. lol ...yup its nice out here in cali!
  3. well how deeps your firepot now? i wiuld say it should be 3-5 inches
  4. ok..well i got a nylon washer and made it fit in the blower! the only proplem i can find is that the blower is a little harder to turn...any way to fine tune this? i painted it up and it looks all new The first three pics are the newly painted blower and the last is the before pic
  5. my buffalo forge blower broke a carbon fiber thrust washer that holds the main shaft from poping up and ticking.... Where would i find replacement parts for it.... Is there a site to order parts from?
  6. wow that is a good idea!!!!!! ill maby try that one day
  7. Since i moved to cali i have seen a lot of central machinery items...in canada we hav a brand called jobmate that is complete garbage..now o wanna know if cntral machinery is garbage or if it is good..im concernd because it looks like a cheap peace of garbage item that lasts 2 weeks and breaks because its made in china! when i was at the flea mrket the other day i passed up a central machinery 8 inch bench grinder for $15 Harbor Freight Tools One more question.... is harbour freight a store pr online thing.....if so where would i find the nearest one in costa mesa,CA?
  8. i got a file$2, a sledge hammer head 8 pounds $3, ball pein hammer $2, hot cut type thing $3 and a sears craftsmen beltsander for $25...works great
  9. Wow what a nice score! your lucky to have found all that.. im still lookin for a post vise
  10. well i went to the flea market on sat and then on sunday and i have to say....GO on sunday!!! there was a HUGE mmount of tools..a hobart mig welder for 200..just a mini one... On saturday i bought a chisle and a thing that looked like a smll jackhammer bit. I went on sunday and got an 8 pound sledge hammer head,a small ball peign hammer and a sears craftsman beltsander for 25 bucks! pics attached below. will be going with my dad next sunday! cant wait
  11. i started out using a mig and it worked well....all my welds held on my first try!.no problems
  12. Happy birthday Chris!! Hope Its Good!!

  13. wow! your lucky!!....im still waitin on finding a good used woded shop thats 10 by 10!
  14. a shop vac on a dimmer is what i used for awhile..on the lowest setting thevac still put out too much air so i made a valve form pvc and carboard! worked great...just hook the hose on the vac to the blow spot and your ready to go Try ebay for a hand crank blower...got mine from there for 70 bucks! 10 bucks to ship it witch =80 bucks.....blower works GREAT
  15. here check out these videos YouTube - Making Charcoal For the Forge #2 YouTube - Making Charcoal For the Forge Part 2 difrent one YouTube - Making Charcoal The first method is eassyer Also try talking to m brothers...i think he makes it every morning before school
  16. I think i may be a bit lucky because when i dident know much bout galvy u put a piece of it above my forge and all the galvy burned off but i never got sick.. Pic attached forge 4 - Blacksmith Photo Gallery
  17. Can you use galvy chimney pipe for a forge side draft hood? Thats all homedepot has and its even in 12 inch
  18. for me i would just go to homedepot and they have 10 inch but its galvy. yes snapping 2 togethere would also work!
  19. so if u took some egusaust pipe ( i spelt it wrong) and welded it to my tuyere then bent it up to becise the forge , cut slots in it ans firrind the end of the blower into it and then just bolted a piece of flat bar to the bottem so it supports it more. this sounds like it would work? Thanks for the responses guys
  20. well i recently bought this buffallo forge blower off ebay for $70 and greased it up..Works great... I need to attach it to my forge now...it came with no stand or even a spot for a stand ... only a handel...so i was thinkin to take 2 pieces of quarter inch round and connect it to the top and bottom of the blower an weld or bolt the other side to the forge.... i will include a pic of the forge( unfinished pic for better view) and a pic of the blower.... Being as i just got into a house in calafornia ALL my forging stuff is stuck in canada till we can get it down and because i am only 13 i really have no control over the borde to let us bring it down..... i have abour 200 pounds of rr spikes and 30 pounds rebar so i am thinkin of buyin a cheap bbq nd makin a quick forge.... Only problen will be an anvil! ill look fer one but ther than that ill be stuck with a thick chunk of steel that i found in between where the 2 tracks split( U know the 1 inch thick by 4 inch wide by 2 feet long piece where the track switches) Or a track plate Hope to get smithin asap. Thanks, Sabre
  21. thats really nice john. I like it and its classic! Hows it work?
  22. i got 1000 pounds free so i just filled my homemade trailer for my tractor.
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