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Everything posted by LastRonin

  1. You wouldn't consider doubling your money on it would you?... C'mon, a 100 % profit... LOL. Just kidding. Dang good luck man. Congrats and enjoy it.
  2. I believe they may have meant pics of the railing... That's what I would love to see.
  3. My understanding is that a good quality anvil would have a fair price range of $2-$3 per pound... and also depends on scarcity of anvils in your area... which would be a good thing to put in your profile so it shows up... never know, someone may be right around there who would be happy to either help you start in the direction of learning how to use the anvil the way it was meant to be... or take it off your hands.
  4. So... with the registration and the cost... one day is $120.00 and two would be $220.00 ? Right?
  5. It almost feels like they're just teasing us.... :angry: Just kidding guys. But in all seriousness, I am really watching this thread cause I definitely want one.
  6. Also... does anyone have any ideas for inexpensive etching/ contrasting techniques? Please post any ideas here that I might want to include in my comparison. I'll try to use as many of them as I can. If I don't use your suggestion, it might just be that it is outside my budget or skill level.
  7. I'm tempted to cut it in half and do a side by side comparison, vinegar vs. The Works. I'm really happy with the level of etching in only 15 minutes using the Works at room temperature. I know vinegar is cheap too, but if it is slower... Anyway, like I've seen others on here suggest many times in the past... I'm going to make several test pieces and try different techniques and see how they each turn out. Then when I need to do some etching I'll have choices to choose from to get the best effect for that project. I'll post pics and info. In the meantime, no one has answered with a yes or a no as to whether they have tried "The Works" toilet cleaner for etching... anyone? (If you notice the change from 'cut it in half' to 'several test pieces'... halfway through typing my brain stepped ahead of my fingers and decided that two points of comparison weren't enough, so I'm going to section it into probably six to eight pieces.)
  8. I wanted to try my hand at pattern welding. Had read several places that recommended starting with bandsaw blades and pallet strapping. I just recently stumbled on a small supply of each and went for it. I put together a stack, alternating 15 pieces of sawblade and 14 pieces of strapping. I used 20 Mule Team Borax... probably more generously than necessary lol. But I did manage to forge weld it into a -cough- billet. I then put a gentle twist along it. Flattened it to about 1/4" by about 1/2" Curious s to how it had turned out, I ground a section basically smooth so I could try to see what sort of patterning I'd come up with. Here is the ground and slightly polished piece before etching.http://www.iforgeiron.com/uploads/gallery/category_2/gallery_28530_2_78218.jpg Please forgive the inclusions and cold shunts... I believe I have seen where I screwed up and will try to do better on the next one. I still went on to etch and see the pattern.http://www.iforgeiron.com/uploads/gallery/category_2/gallery_28530_2_41846.jpg I didn't have any of what I could find in the forums and online as etching agents and was about to hunt down a Radio Shack for some Ferric Chloride when I remembered an experiment I had seen, Putting several small balls of aluminum foil in a plastic bottle with about an inch-and-a-half of a certain brand toilet bowl cleaner.http://www.iforgeiron.com/uploads/gallery/category_2/gallery_28530_2_53092.jpg The Works has 20% Hydrogen Chloride. This is the result after fifteen minutes in the solution at room temperature. I used a buffing cone on my dremel to polish the surface somewhat. http://www.iforgeiron.com/uploads/gallery/category_2/gallery_28530_2_13978.jpg I'm actually pretty happy with what I've learned and look forward to a more successful next attempt. Any advice or comments? Anyone else used this cheap method for etching? Or is there an even cheaper method I don't know about?
  9. LastRonin

    The solution

    This is the solution. "The Works" toilet bowl cleaner. Active ingredient is Hydrogen Chloride 20%. About $2 or less at Dollar General.
  10. LastRonin


    this is the "billet" ground basically smooth.
  11. I left the piece in a gallon freezer bag with just enough solution to cover it for about fifteen minutes at room temperature.
  12. This is my preliminary polish and etch on my first attempt at pattern welding. It was 29 layers. Alternating bandsaw blade(15layers) and pallet strap(14 layers).
  13. Eddie, what is the brand and model of that cooker?
  14. I like the details. It looks nice. Just wondering if the thinner points on the legs might have an issue with corroding/burning thru?
  15. I found this in the boneyard at a machinist I've met's shop. he wasn't there when I stopped by, so I didn't get to ask him about it... anybody know what it is? The frame it was sitting on, not bolted to though... looked like a large industrial press of some sort... well, the remains of one. http://www.iforgeiron.com/gallery/image/37089-anvilbasemaybe/
  16. LastRonin


    I saw this at a machinists I've met... not sure what it is. he wasn't there when I stopped by this time, so I haven't been able to ask him what it is... looks to me like it might make an excellent base part of a power hammer anvil...
  17. I voted "Maybe, how much we talkin here?" As long as it is reasonably within my budget... Absolutely. I am not poverty-stricken, but do not have much leeway in my budget. But to keep within what I perceive the original intent of the site to have been... the VIP benefits would need to be structured in such a way that they did not at all hinder someone who didn't have the money to get it from accessing any of the information they may need to learn and grow. So in that respect, not sure what benefits it should provide... maybe a tshirt or hat...
  18. LastRonin

    IMG 1159 Copy

    Looks great to me. For #36 (rivets) Perhaps an Altoids tin? They're rectangular and so would fit better. (And an Altoids Minis tin would do well to hold the chalk bits #21) The Altoids tins would not do well for the Borax though, they have small gaps at the hinges the powder would sift out through.
  19. Congratulations Brett. Be sure to post pics. We'd all love to see "The Rest of the story."
  20. LastRonin


    Thank you. And don't be so sure.I am positive it was a matter of how many videos, tutorials, posts and bp's I've watched and read on here and youtube (oh, and how many times I went thru each of them too) that helped me.
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