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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by LastRonin

  1. Thanks Frosty and Mitch. Frosty: The reason was that since I didn't make the blade, wasn't sure it qualified for "bladesmithing". Lol. Mitch: After 25 years, mine has come around. She just gets mad when my projects begin to overrun... well, everywhere.
  2. Yes, mine is painted... with invisible paint. That's why I can't find it. I know it was in my shop last week... oh wait... that was a dream. :angry:
  3. Cool. I like the side profile and look forward to seeing the finished product.
  4. Anyone can post in tailgating I believe. I've seen a member whose only post on the site was there. Just don't link to an off-site sales site and keep the language family friendly. I'm pretty sure that if there is something I missed, there is sticky thread in the tailgating section explaining the rules.
  5. That is a Dwarf or Pygmy. It appears to be a doe. Does have horns too, and even beards. We have three does. The "Full-size" tend to be about half again as tall if not more. The pygmies are built stockier than the standards usually.
  6. Ausfire : "Well, here's one that's not at all welcome in my shop. It got my undivided attention as it came around the charcoal bags.We are used to the odd joe blake,and put up with pythons and the like ... but this guy is highly dangerous. Eastern Brown Snake." Isn't that the deadliest snake around there? And that is saying something... cause if I remember correctly, Australia has 7/10 of the most venomous snakes in the world.
  7. Ok.... Without pictures of the alleged blades... he coulda been grinding on a paperweight. :)
  8. Or Texans... either way yore talkin bout some darn-strange folk. :D
  9. I waited til I was at work... One of the rare occasions my job will actually permit this. Great video. Notes taken.
  10. I've cut the cylinder back to a 10" stroke, doing the helve style, the full length was way too much to use and having the extra air-space at one or the other end just didn't seem a good idea. The project has skidded off track for now, It isn't dead, but progress is on hold. It should use about 175 to 220 cubic inches of air each full stroke, depending on how it is set. (That is extension and retraction). I believe I should be able to run it as low as 60 psi.
  11. Yeah. Hardy hole on one side of the web and pritchel on the other.
  12. Thanks. Sounds familiar. Lol. I thought we were the only ones doing that sort of stuff. I need to refresh my bark stripping and basket weaving my grandpa taught me.
  13. If you're going to cut the rail off the track section... why not flip over the base, cut your hardy hole(s) in it and weld it to the other end of your block of steel, That would be stronger than a welded piece of mild even with the gusset you spoke of adding... the remaining web from where you cut the railtop off for the horn would be the tail's gusset.
  14. Frosty: LOL!!! You just proved that old adage:"You never realize you needed it until the day after you threw it away." We cleared out my main junk drawer yesterday, and I tossed several bolts that had been in there for ... heck, I don't even know how long. I'm sure I probably have others around somewhere else though.
  15. Frosty: Here are a couple of points I did not too long ago. I'm still learning knapping.
  16. Here are a couple of points I did not too long ago. I'm still learning knapping.
  17. Thanks Chinobi, chichi and mitch, Frosty, I've only had chert, flint and scrap glass to work with. Most of my stuff has been glass. And thanks for reminding me of forge brazing. I remember reading about it on here several different times, but just didn't think about it yesterday. I haven't tried it yet at all, and now I'm going to definitely try it.
  18. Got a little more forging done out in the parking lot of the hotel I'm staying in. Even had a fellow come up and watch for a bit. He complimented me on my setup and said he was surprised to see someone doing that. Anyway... here's the proof, aka pictures: A version of a Lily (was supposed to be a Calla, but I made the stamen too large), and my first Troll Cross. (It is my first lily too. The little soup can forge got hot enough to weld the leaf to the stem, but I couldn't get a good weld on the stamen into the cone, it's basically just crimped in place. I'll do better next time.
  19. Btw... I found out my lil soup can forge does reach welding temp! I did a calla lily tonight. Will post pics in my "Got a little forging in" thread under general discussion.
  20. Mild I believe, though it did seem to work harden on me some. Thanks. It started as a piece of 1/4# round mystery steel. I figured it wouldn't hurt to make this out of it. Not like it has to be tool/knife grade steel... or does it? Hmm... research time.
  21. Benton, thanks. I started with 1/4" round. Nobody & Chinobi, thanks for the suggestions. I have jewelry items like troll crosses on my to do list, have already made a small set of chase/repousse chisels and am debating trying a small knife. I might even have to try a little pattern welding for jewelry items and such. I'm not 100% sure my soup can forge will reach welding temp without further tweaking.
  22. I haven't seen or used either. But in the nature of human learning, it usually helps to have both written and visual demonstrative information when learning something new.
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