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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by Pug}{maN

  1. o wow , im way off here..lol, i just use a wire brush to get that off, thought you where calling rust scale
  2. this is all i got done today, next week end ill get the roof on and the sliding doors on.... heres me and my new t-shirts i had made up with my circle cp logo... i have them for sale at 15 bucks each + shipping if anyone wonts one..
  3. whell she pooped in there right where i was working, so she is not to be out side today. the dog that is..lol.. but ya i think it will work out good , im good at working in tight places , my shop is only 10x20..heres some pics of it..
  4. diesel to get rust off stuff ? thats what i been useing , vinegar any better ?
  5. i did say hammer didnt i ? im sorry i know what it is i just didnt think before posting ..lol.. ya ill just clean it up and cut the handle down...more to come...
  6. what i got done today , hope to get - r - done tomaro...
  7. whell i might never use it then , lol, unless some one wonts to trade a smaler one for this one...
  8. got to looking around and ya it will work nice ! might make one and sale it....
  9. Measures 31 inches long weighs 4 pounds, sound like a long handle to me ? are most FLATTER HAMMER's 4 pounds ?
  10. I'm doing a 16x12 and it looks to be a good size and I only have 1200.oo in it
  11. in for pics of sead tractor !
  12. now that cool ! lol..love it
  13. O. It slips over the top..OK...I see it now..
  14. i cant see how it works ...any one have a pic of it all together ?
  15. thats a big'en ! i like it...
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