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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by Pug}{maN

  1. ya i know, thing i have call'd work keeps me from your school till next year , or i might be able to do it this winter sometime we get slow at work then...
  2. took all my ideas and made this..... it works whell for me im happy with it....
  3. so i got discouraged tonight trying to make some tongs, about sead the heck with it all , so i came in and sat down and just stumbled across this... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UZosFgJMDkc&feature=related put it back in focus for me, and i remembered i was new at this without training and it will take time.....
  4. thats what i had to do .. they thought i was nuts when i told them what i was doing...lol... came out good though...
  5. o ya ! thats a nice one , will work whell for you ! i got a 110 pound one and use it almost more than my fisher anvil....
  6. they all have been ringing good ! nice and loud with good tone....
  7. i knew i seen that some ware ! thanks...
  8. i have been to bussy useing it to paint it yet, any one know where to get a new ash grate ? it has 2 cracks in it and its not going to last long....
  9. Pug}{maN

    new vise

    free is cool ! and yes use it to make them something...
  10. i use a plumber's torch all so when at home , at a demo i use lump charcoal and paper...
  11. so thin it out more , and deeper slots .... ill try that...
  12. lol, ya it came out nice , dont need it now though , so i might let it go to the next guy... works grate to !
  13. the problem is i dont like it ! i flatend it out at the end bent it 90 and rolled it up , and i hate it ! lol. is there a better way to do it that looks better ? i dont like the bottom of the rose where it meets the stem , think it would look better with a cup to it.. heres mine... what im looking for...
  14. good post ! i myself need to know some of these things, and mad i did some no nos at some of my earlier meets and shows....
  15. i can see it ! wow its nice to ! just like im looking for , good find...
  16. whell what ever but i know it will work whell because i see it used in a big shop all the time, runs a trip hammer a big post drill and a big grinder all from over head system with NO problems at all..
  17. nice , you make the mount ? i have a spring but no mount... i could use angle iron and a u bolt , but id like to make something that looks nicer..
  18. i got a order for a coat rack and some dinner bells so i have been doing that , its all sitting there , just the time and not 105 dgrees outside. been sleeping till late and getting up and working till 3 or 4 in the morning...
  19. nice i like it , The punches hardend any ?
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