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I Forge Iron

Mom has set fire to the kitchen AGAIN!

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Hey everyone, Blueprint here! New to the forums and well to be honest I am not here for myself. My mom is a metal fanatic, but she melts in the kitchen. I know this sounds really crazy but my brothers and I are looking to get her own shop and better tools, but we do not know were to start. I know zilch about forging let alone what you need. The basics would be nice. I am really not sure what to ask here so maybe some of you can throw a lot of ideas our way. One important thing is, what kind of stores would carry this kind of stuff. LOWES, HOME DEPOT?

Thanks again and thanks for the patience

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Melting (casting, foundry work) and forging are very different crafts. For casting info I would find the backyard metal casting forum and to buy equipment budget metal casting has a web presence.

Now for blacksmithing, you can find stores like Blacksmiths Depot and Centaur Forge

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Thanks Thomas for your reply, sorry for not knowing the terminology like I said my mom is the one that does the blacksmith. I guess what we are looking for here is a how to kinda thing for getting started. See the whole deal is the surprise for our mom other wise we would just go to her.

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Thanks Thomas for your reply, sorry for not knowing the terminology like I said my mom is the one that does the blacksmith. I guess what we are looking for here is a how to kinda thing for getting started. See the whole deal is the surprise for our mom other wise we would just go to her.

Hi Blueprint,

From what you've written, it's difficlut to know if she is a blacksmith or not.
If your mother is melting metal and pouring it into molds, she isn't a blacksmith.

If she is heating up hot steel and striking it with a hammer in order to bend it to shape she is a blacksmith.

If she is a blacksmith (or wants to be one), she needs a forge (for making the steel hot) an anvil and a hammer. Does she have these things? If not, this is where she will need to start for building her shop -- and any one of these things will make a nice gift. You can buy these things at centaurforge.com -- or you can search local classified ads, craigslist or ebay for them.

A brief conversation with someone at centaurforge might be very good for you. They are very helpful there. Their phone number is on the website.

Tell us more about what your mother is doing in the kitchen & what she wants to do. It's hard to believe that anyone would blacksmith inside a kitchen. It's just too messy, too hot and too dangerous.

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Indiana has a very active Blacksmith organization, the Indiana Blacksmithing Association. There are many satelitte groups across the state. They have a web site, and it lists the groups and the days they meet and where. These groups will welcome anyone interested in Blacksmithing and will start you out on the forge. Also a good source for starter tools from members tailgate sales.
I live in S. Indiana, in Floyds Knobs and can be reached at [email protected]

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If you want to get her something for Christmas on blacksmithing you can purchase a copy of "New Edge of the Anvil: A Resource Book for the Blacksmith (Paperback)" by Jack Andrews from most book dealers or online from Amazon.com. It is one of many good books that are available.

You can also get her a year's membership in the local blacksmithing guild by locating the nearest guild at [ABANA] Affiliate List

And if you want to purchase her tools you can purchase:
- Cross peen hammer, preferably in my opinion, a Hofi hammer
- several wolf jaw tongs of several sizes
- an anvil (the bigger the better)
- a coal or gas forge (gas forge will probably work out better in the kitchen)
- cut off hardie that fits the anvil
- and other tools as strike your fancy

These tools and lots of great books are available from the various vendors found at: [ABANA] Links

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your a fine one to talk

Yes I am :D in case you can't remember or understand MODs are here to assist the membership, if you read in New site guide lines March 2008:
The Blacksmith Forum is a family site. The standards are set high. You are expected to conduct yourselves as gentlemen and ladies. Your posts are to be civil, polite, and respectful of others and their opinions. There are to be no "bad words", no personal attacks, and it should be able to be read from the front of the church on Sunday with no one being embarrassed.

If you can't act like an adult, maybe we should assist you? It strikes a nerve when a person butts in trying to cause trouble. It does not help anything. We don't get paid for our work here, I am doing my part at IFI. Please try to do yours and engage brains before typing next time.
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May we have a name and a location for Mod07 so we don't feel like the secret police are patrolling this site?

I didn't think that Pau's comment was out of line as there is no location posted for the person who was suggesting that they should post a location.

Instead I feel that Mod07's comment was out of line and feels a bit threatening. A family atmosphere doesn't have to be on a "Blue's Clues" level.

I know where the door is just let me know!

Thomas Powers

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May we have a name and a location for Mod07 so we don't feel like the secret police are patrolling this site?

I didn't think that Pau's comment was out of line as there is no location posted for the person who was suggesting that they should post a location.

Instead I feel that Mod07's comment was out of line and feels a bit threatening. A family atmosphere doesn't have to be on a "Blue's Clues" level.

I know where the door is just let me know!

Thomas Powers

Wrong. You have 3200 posts on this forum. You should know how this site works by now. You should know that the mods are here to keep the site clean and safe. They aren't the gestapo. Paul B made a semi-personal attack towards the mod, and the mod replied with equal verbal tenacity. The purpose of the numbered mod names is so that the mods may patrol the site with anonymity. The view from your high horse must be obscured by something.
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As for the TOPIC of this thread, I am in Ft Wayne Indiana, but I have no clue how far the person asking for help is away from me. If he cant tell us where he is, Why should I make an offer that may entail me driving 6 hours ?

As for the other part..
Most eveyone here knows the mods are here to fill in for Glenn, if they are a problem, tell Glenn, he will sort it out. Maybe we should remember that Glenn has final say to everything here. not a Mod.

At the same time the mod was letting him know if he states location he may get offers of help. WHY does the person pointing that out have to have a full name and location what did that have to so with the comment? It DID get away totally from the topic, I believe that called thread hijacking. why attack the mods in the first place?

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Well I would ask her more what she wants to do. If she wants to blacksmith this is the right place. I would pick the Backyard Blacksmith book up from amazon .

I havent been on past few days but i seem to of found lots of fussing . Whats the deal ppl? This has ALWAYS (well since my membership) been a good, clam fourm . PLEASE dont start fussing over little things like that. I belive everyone who was affected , and us who dont have a dog in this race should forget about this and move on like this never happend. Thats my .2 cents worth.


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Hey Blueprint,

Hope your still reading and haven't given up in the rumble? This doesn't happen very often here but sort of like any place else junk happens sometimes. Don't let it stop you from posting in the future. Lots of folks here willing to help, especially if you can help describe what your mom is making or what equipment she already has.

Hope to see you around here again.

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Somewhere you question got side tracked. You have not provided a lot of information to go on but I can say I would recommend you and your mom read up on the MSDS sheets of the stuff you are using. You can look it up on line. To melt stuff on the stove in the house sounds all well and good until you realize that you may be causing more problems than you can imagine with fumes, spills etc.

Please suggest and insist that your Mom use personal protection equipment such as safety glasses, face shields, leather gloves, leather apron, and good shoes with long pants covering them. This is to protect her from spills, explosions, etc. Be sure that EVERYONE is protected that works with her, or is in the same room. Fire extinguishers are a must.

Please read up on metal casting, so you better understand what she is trying to do and the way to do it correctly.

Blacksmithing is different as a blacksmith heats the metal, usually iron, and then forms it into the shape they want with a hammer. IForgeIron.com > Lessons in metalworking > blacksmithing is a good place to start. We push safety in our craft because there are so many ways you CAN get hurt.

IForgeIron wants you to enjoy what ever you do, but please do it safely. If you have questions, just ask, or contact me directly and I will try to answer them for you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My thanks go out to everyone who has tried to answer me as good as they can with the little information I have given. My whereabouts is not that big of a deal people I do not understand how people could get in an argument, its funny believe me I got a laugh that this got so far off topic but honestly I am hiding because the person I am shopping for is on this forum somewhere and if I put my real name and address well they may find out and would ruin he surprise. I apologize for leading people down then prim rose path but I also thank those again for helping me.

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