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I Forge Iron

Mr. Moto

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  It did not go through.  Here it is.  I will try again.  Like I said, It's not much, but it's my last one.  Does it look like Peter Lorre to anybody but me.  I should have kept it to myself.  Don't worry, I'm done after this one.





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I get it. Yes, I do call it art - but if it no longer satisfies your creative need then it's time to move on. Totally understand!

But .... and I'm just throwing this out there ... maybe you could continue with face sculptures by finding a way to make them more intricate or complicated?

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I get it Scott, when a thing gets too easy the feeling of accomplishment tends to go out if it. I'll cut you slack on heads but I'm going to pester you for GP anyway.:P 

I'll be looking forward to seeing what you come up with next.

Frosty The Lucky.

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Shainarue, If I make another, it will be with your ideas in mind.  You are so thoughtful.

  Jèr, I'll come up with something original, I think.  Billy!  A blind Pew chasing over the rocks and flying to his death over the cliff!

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Mr Moto is a delight Scott! If I may & akin to Shainarue's encouragement, consider going after the parts that require more of your manipulation to achieve the look you're seeking? The challenge being what it took to coax the image out of the parts.


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Thank you Larry.  I found a transission shop that will give me all sorts of crazy shaped metal junk that could be shaped and manipulated to my liking.  I used to build large scrap art and now find myself being able to get back to that.  Slowly.  But those faces carried me through rough time.  I'm working on a large pelican for my sister right now. 

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Nice touch Scott! 

A hundred years later captain nemo would escape slavery and crawl onto the beach to find the skeleton and in the cloak would find a map that led to the secret island where Captain flint had hidden a second treasure and with his fellow escapees they would find the island use the treasure to fund building the nautilus! 

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He's cool Scott, who ever he reminds anyone of. 

What is the blue glass part of the eyes? It looks great. 

Almost has a antiquity art style like some lost culture. Not quite Mayan or Olmec but sort of. And with an almost Devo hat. 

I dunno, I like it haha. It is your own style and it is good. 

No problem with shifting focus but I think you have a good art style with these and you might get inspired. Never say last or never. 

Still can't wait to see what you make next. Whatever it is. 

I like the frosty with a chainsaw idea lol. 

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  Thanks Das.  Those glass eyes are just colored beads of glass, I got a bunch in a box of junk at an auction and have been trying to find uses for them, lol.

  It is a coincidence you mention lost culture antiquity because I've been watching some old movies that have huge stone carved heads in mountain sides and been trying to figure out what they were modeled after.  Olmec heads is what I am going with.  I had never heard of them so thanks.

  Bad habit, saying never....

13 hours ago, TWISTEDWILLOW said:

captain nemo

  Good old Nemo....:rolleyes:  I watched "Mysterious Island", but in that one the Nautilus was already built but worn out broke down.  Maybe fund rebuilding of it..... :ph34r:

16 hours ago, George N. M. said:

Also, Marty Feldman

  A lot of my stuff turns out looking like him and I don't even try...:lol:

16 hours ago, LeeJustice said:

Half of a wing nut could make for ears.  Half each side, of course.

  Now I will have to make another, just to try this....:).   An idea I can certainly use on other things, too.  Thanks, Lee.

17 hours ago, Frosty said:

Not much is a grand understatement

  I've always wanted to experiment with invisibility in my projects.  :ph34r:

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HEY! Hold on with the story, Das, Billy. Where's the chainsaw at the bottom of the cliff? Frosty has a strong connection with his chainsaws, he would've certainly cushioned it with his body as a last act! You can't build a secret squirrel super submarine on an unknown island without a chainsaw!

Then again if it was only a couple hundred feet onto sand, I've survived worse.

Felt like it anyway.

Frosty The Lucky.

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  I usually don't offer unsolicited ideas but maybe the chainsaw could be modifried with paddles, if the bar was long enough that it could be mounted on the end of a cobbled together log raft, like an outboard motor and speed them along to Flint' secret island and even save labor digging up his second treasure, flying sand everywhere, what with the paddles and all.  That is if it were buried on a sandy beach.

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