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Before anybody asks, I don't know any of the specifics, only that Robb Gunter, an internationally known smith, just suffered the loss of his two sons, also incredible smiths. Some of you may know/heard of Robb Gunter, but the loss of his two sons is devastating. The world lost two great smiths. 


I just learned that Brad and Chad Gunter were killed when a semi crashed into their shop while they were working.  Please keep Robb and his wife, Bunty, in you thoughts and prayers.  The craft and the world has lost two excellent smiths.


I’m having a hard time wrapping my head around the situation. I can’t even imagine losing my own boys. 

I have the most heart felt remorse for the loss that I can’t fully even grasp…


The most sincere condolences,


10 hours ago, George N. M. said:

I just learned that Brad and Chad Gunter were killed when a semi crashed into their shop while they were working.  Please keep Robb and his wife, Bunty, in you thoughts and prayers.  The craft and the world has lost two excellent smiths.

Ow f@@@ nasty way. Unfortunatly explains why both. Pfff.

Condolance to Robb and Bunty. 


We need to take a breath on this. I've done several searches and good information is REALLY thin at this time, all the NM and a couple national news services say ONE was killed on site and two are being treated for critical injuries in the hospital. As of 5am AK time Sat, Nov, 11.

I offer my prayers for all involved, families and friends.

Frosty The Lucky.



While the news stories related to the accident have not been updated since the day of the accident (investigations of the cause are ongoing), and do indeed claim only one person was killed on site, NMABA did email all of the membership on Sunday to inform us of this tragedy, and an obituary is online confirming what GhostTownForge posted (I hesitate to post a link as I'm not sure if that violates IFI policies).



here is a part of the email I got from some close friends of the Gunters,

"Please pray for Rob and Bunty Gunter and family, Their two sons Chad and Brad Gunter both lost their lives in a tragic and bizarre accident on Thursday. They were both killed around noon on Thursday when a semi truck went off the freeway (I-40) and traveled across perhaps two to three hundred yards across the dirt and crashed into the building that both Chad and Brad were working in their blacksmith shop.  The truck went practically from corner to corner across the building and completely through the building running down both men in its path."

this is horrible news but I would like everybody to have good information about what happened that tragic day


We all get called home when it is our time (whether our mortal selves understand or not) and the rest of us continue on our journey of learning and experiences in this world. They are in light, peace and Gods love. We will mourn them but we are all reunited eventually. I couldn't imagine such heartbreak. 


As a former neighbor to the Gunter's, I want to express my condolences to Robb and Bunty on their terrible loss.  Although I haven't seen them for years, my heart is broken for them.  Jan Grieve

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