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What did you do Outside the shop today?


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6 hours ago, BillyBones said:

There is something i love about old albums, the smell, the feel,  the cover art, etc. 

I still remember the smell of old electronics like old record players being used for the first time in forever after purchasing them for like 25cents at the lions club auctions. Also the smell of new cassettes and the smell of the early first cd's. It is weird having a smell memory as well, lol. Certain songs remind me of where I used to listen to them a lot like in a certain car I used to drive. 

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Debi and I have quite a collection of vinyl, 78rpm, 33rpm, 45rpm  and a player for them. Some date from the early Victrola days and are quite valuable. One title of the single side 78's is Roamin' in the Glomin' by Harry Lauder date October 18, 1911. A lot of albums from the '60s on.

I can't control the wind, all I can do is adjust my sail’s.
Semper Paratus


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TW, that was back in like 1975, no way i can recall what the station was. 

A good place to look for old records at is thrift stores. My wife used to work in one and they had hundreds and hundreds of records. I used to go through them occasionally and pulled out a few gems here and there. I actually learned a few things about finding old rare albums so that was what i would look for, the majority was more stuff like 80's rock that my wife would buy, or 70's. 

There are still records being made today also. You have to go to the bands web site and order them or if you can find a specialty music store they may carry some. As well as you can buy new turn tables. I have a pretty decent one, unfortunately it needs a needle and that i am having trouble finding. I do like that one though. 

I have a 78 that Metallica released back in the early 80's. Me and a couple freinds were jamming out to it, thinking man this is great. One of our other freinds came over so we decided he needed to hear it. So we put it on, loud and start rockin. Our freind gets up and switches the stereo from 33 to 78, we had it on the wrong speed. For those of you old enough you know that made quite a bit of difference. 

I also have a few old wax recordings, again you would be surprised what is in a thrift store, and my mom has them in storage but a few glass records as well. 

Irondragon, if you have records from back in the early 1900's those are most likely not vinyl. Shellac if iirc. Vinyl did not become widely used until around WW2, again iirc. 

Frosty, i believe it was on the History channel back then where i saw it as well. I am so glad that you remember seeing it. Sometime i remember things like that and have to question my sanity cuase i am the only one. 

 Das, smells can be nostalgic that is for sure. My next door neighbor's mom came over to me one day and said that she loved when she would come over and i was working in the shop. She said the smell of the coal burning reminded her of her grandfather's house. A smell that always got me was that smell that comes out of your vents the first time you turn on the furnace when it starts getting cold.  

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11 hours ago, BillyBones said:

Shellac if iirc

True a shellac resin, I was just too lazy to type that in.:) They are pretty fragile and will break like fine china if handled roughly. Once my boy picked one up with one hand by the edge and about an inch snapped off. Most were single sided also.

I can't control the wind, all I can do is adjust my sail’s.
Semper Paratus


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Went today with my dad to get the Monte from the painter. Came out purty nice. Most of the chrome has been replaced and all the weather seals. This was complete paint job which includes the door jambs, under the hood and trunk. You can not see it real well in the pics but there is also 2 blue stripes in the chrome along the bottom of the sides. 




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Replaced the battery in the old 1982 4X4 Chev beater truck, we use around the place. Couldn't believe the sticker on the old one dated 12/09. I think I got my money's worth and the mgr. at the Walmart auto center said it is a record for 14 years in service. I asked him if it had any warranty left and he laughed. He said the previous record was 10 years and it was out of warranty too.:D

I can't control the wind, all I can do is adjust my sail’s.
Semper Paratus


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Das, that much room just screams big block to this old motor head.

When the guy stripped the old paint off he found 2 spots rusted. 1 at the bottom corner of the front D/S fender, and another at the rear window down along the dash. Surprisingly well taken care of. 

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On 12/17/2023 at 5:07 PM, BillyBones said:

purty nice

That looks pretty awesome man!!!!

hey Guys an Gals! Sorry I ain’t been on in a month or so,

we bought a new house and I’ve been moving nonstop to clear our house out in peavine so I could get a crew in there to do renovations and prep it for me to rent out

Me Ash N Max have been living out of boxes at the new place and slowwwwwly settling in, 

I haven’t even started moving all my stuff yet that’s gonna be an operation in of itself!!! 

I’ve got tons of steel and machinery and then all the blacksmithing stuff on top of it!!!! 

the repair shop will stay here in peavine so I won’t have to move all that stuff and customers machines thank god cause every thing else is already gonna be a hundred loads lol 

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TW, thanks. We really do not do much more than clean them up, paint em', and redo interior any more. Then we find us another project to trade for this one. We used to do this and make them go fast. But my dad will be 75 this year and he says this will be his last one. So i have located me a 454 block and rotating assembly, now just to find the 40's/50's truck that i can slam down and build me a rat rod out of. Either that or a gasser. A 64' Nomad wagon would be great for that. 

I loathe moving. The only good thing i have found with moving is that you find out just how much useless crap you have and can then purge it. If we ever move again i swear i will hire someone to at east move the appliances and heavy furniture. We did it all ourselves about 5 years ago and still have boxes that are unpacked. 

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The move to Laramie was my last one.  The only way I'm leaving this house is feet first.

And once you have moved and you are looking for something you will only remember where it was about 3 houses back.

Once you are over 35 or so you should have professionals move you, at least the heavy stuff.  Your friends' backs won't stand moving a refridgerator for a few beers and pizza.


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The bad part was the whole first week Ash N Max we’re out of state so I moved most everything by myself I was doin good to pack load haul an unload four loads a day before I give out, I could barely walk up the stairs for a week straight after that and even now my right knee is still giving me fits trying to get up or down, I went to the chiropractor but that didn’t really do much for me 

I have a 1000 pound Tommy lift gate on the truck so that saved me some of the worst part

all the steel, machinery amd blacksmithing stuff will be a pain so I’m gonna use the tractor as much as I can there, 

the plus side is the property we just bought has one big shop and another two bay shop so I’ll be able to finally get all that blacksmithing stuff out of the rain for the first time in years lol 

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Looks like TW and I settled in around the same time to finally catch up on the forum, lol!
I've also been gone awhile due to a move. BillyBones, we did hire movers to do exactly as you said - moving just the furniture! We also rented a storage container and we've been packing boxes and loading the container over the last 2 weeks. 

On moving day, the company picked up the container and transported it to the new place, where we (and my very helpful parents!) unloaded it. 

Irondragon, we've moved many more than 3 times but this is our first move from a long-term (14yrs) home. We downsized in this move - but got more land - so we purged a LOT and as we're unpacking, we're seeing we still need to downsize more. This new home doesn't have nearly the number of "clutter cubbies" as the last house (closets, lol). It literally has one shared closet between two rooms and a tiny linen closet by the bathroom. No coat closet, no hallway closet. We didn't realize how much stuff we had scurried away into those closets until we needed to find a place for them in a home without them! There's been a few things I've had to part with that was difficult. And a TON that I parted with without a care. 

Anyway, I've been working on getting my blacksmithing area set up during daylight (no lights down there yet) and then unpacking a few boxes inside once it gets dark. Our living room/kitchen area is close to looking normal. 

Anyway, I'll try to get some pics of my new (hopefully temporary) shop setup once I've got it all done.

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I have 3 daughters who have spry young boyfriends, then my best freind had 3 teenage sons at the time. But that did not stop my sprained ankle from falling down the stairs moving the dryer, the sore back from moving the couch, or the repairs needed when i backed the U-haul into the porch railing. And of course they were only there for the big stuff. 35 pick up truck loads later we were done. And that does not even count when me and my step daughter got into the fight over her getting her stuff out of my attic. I thought a couple boxes, oh no, little did i know that she had been putting box after box up there along with her boy freind, but another female that uses the other side of my dresser knew. She told me she was not touching it and i could throw it all away. Then her boyfreind quit showing up to help. Well i go to the attic, a weekend later there is a row of trash bags 40' long and 3 deep in front of the house, double stacked in places. 

Yep, rather have my finger nails pulled out. 

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5 hours ago, TWISTEDWILLOW said:

Me Ash N Max have been living out of boxes at the new place and slowwwwwly settling in, 

That is sure a LOT better than you 3 living IN boxes, Billy! 

I've had to just stop accumulating "useful" stuff and I can't say how glad I am I don't see the kind of great loot that drops in your lap! 

If you didn't pull at least one fingernail out or turn it black, you had a smooth move, BillyBones. Yes siree smooth indeed! :rolleyes:

I hate moving, first I don't like packing my digs in packages small enough to load in a truck, let alone the appliances. The last time Deb and I  moved was from my mobile home to here when I got it weathered in well enough. (Moving into a house before it's finished is another mistake!) We had Deb's house hold to move in with mine. We bought a 23' box van located for us by one of Deb's goat breeder friends and picked it up in Grand Falls.

She'd had a big moving sale and managed to do some serious downsizing, from a hobby farm she'd lived on for a decade or so, got it and the Great Pyrenees pup loaded and on the road is about a week. The going away, wedding reception party was a big deal, probably 150 people came by to look me over and say goodbye to Deb. 

Anyway we made the trip back up without incident other than having to stop by the folks place on the way but that's okay I prefer that route to Alaska over the Alcan from the East. 

I had walls of book shelves in the trailer, loaded with many hard bound scientific type books and I don't know how many hundreds of lbs. of paperbacks. My old library is still boxed up on pallets in the basement and well covered with other Stuff from Deb's hoard. 

We'd need another 5-6 rooms just to spread it out, one bedroom wouldn't hold my library not counting paperbacks. <sigh>

I dread the thought of our next move, this place is getting to be more work than we're really up to. A nice single story ranch on a slab with a large garage sounds really nice. I mostly just want room for my hardbacks in a comfy room. 

Downsizing my shop and tools will be major trauma but Deb was able to leave most of her goats and farm on the creek so I can do it. 

Yeah, I know but a boy can dream can't he?

Frosty The Lucky.

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As you get older you realize that stairs are not you friend.  Our house in Fort Morgan CO was a 1908 2 story with the bedrooms upstairs and the living spaces on the 1st floor.  I had fallen down them twice (once while sleep walking while taking Ambien and once when my knee gave way.  I wasn't badly injured either tiime but I was bruised up enough that my doctor said it looked like I hadn't paid my gambling debts.) And Madelynn has a bum knee from a fall years ago.

So when we were looking for our forever home single level and  decent shop space were two of the criteria.  The house in Laramie meets both of those and several others.

I hear you, Frosty, about boxes of books.  I am still setting up my library.  When we packed up in Ft. Morgan I had to go through the trauma of separating the sheep from the goats in my books.  I had to decide which ones made sense to keep that I might reread for pleasure or research and those that I wouldn't.  It was a tough and emotionally demanding job.  I managed to reduce the number by about 40%.


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I can lose most of the paperbacks, I've read most a couple few times but I just can't haul them to the dump and packing them out of the basement would mean repacking them in manageable size boxes. I have no doubt I'll run across many good memories and want to reread. 

What gripes me is the help we had packing ignored my directions and packed my reference books with the paperbacks. I have some really top rate paleontology, paleo-archeology, anthropology, geology, metallurgy, history, etc. that were just randomly packed by "helpers."

Heck, I discovered some of my gem-ology(?) books have pictures of Dad digging for and showing off various specimens. He was one of the founding members of the Boeing Rock Club, back in the day it was a Rock Club rather than a society or whatever. 

DANG, makes me want to start digging in the basement!

Frosty The Lucky.

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2 hours ago, George N. M. said:

As you get older you realize that stairs are not you friend. 

We have made friends with the sturdy hand railing, I made for our place, 8 steps to the landing and 4 steps to the floor. The real challenge is carrying heavy stuff down stairs. Fortunately we planned for that and the downstairs door can have the truck backed up to it for real heavy stuff that needs to go downstairs.

I can't control the wind, all I can do is adjust my sail’s.
Semper Paratus


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An old friend of mine always said, "I would rather take a flogging with a wet rope than make a move"...now my motto....

I had been involved in many moves with my son and daughter, apts., dorms, houses, etc.  The last one I participated in was a daughter's move from Eugene, OR to Arkansas.  I told her "I don't do moves anymore, just supervise."  I went up there to "supervise".  She contracted PODS to load, move and deliver...greatest thing ever!!!!  I helped her pack some of the last small stuff, some local movers put all the remaining furniture, boxes, etc. into the pod, slammed the doors and locked it up!  It arrived to a storage facility near here in a few days (long haul)...I never touched another thing on that move!!!!!  Hallelujah!!!!!!

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Ran around a bunch today, got feed for the horses, started meats for the Christmas tamales, and got the stuff for the sauces and masa.

I'm too dang old to deal with doing it all in one setting anymore, so I generally spread it out over a few days - one for meats, one for sauces, one for masa, and then lawdy-dawdy everybody gets together for the tamalada (i.e. a party rolling tamales) after which you steam them. Drinking optional but encouraged at any point in the process. Smelling the pork shoulder cooking for 8-10 hours without eating it kills me.

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When i was stationed in Texas one of my freinds was from San Antonio, we would go there to visit his girl and his parents. His dad played in a Tejano band. His mom would always send us back with a couple brown paper grocery bags plum full of tamales. They were so good. She is also the one that gave me my first bowl of menudo. 

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Ahhhh, good menudo is good stuff, the rest is just tripe soup.

A school friend's widower father met and married a lady. Ruben was up in arms about a step mother, he threatened to run away, hide out in the mountains, anything but call someone else Mother. Until he tasted her cooking that is, Man could that lady cook!

You had to be careful, feeding Ruben it was like adopting him. He all but lived at our place. Good memories.

Frosty The Lucky.

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