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What did you do Outside the shop today?


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14 hours ago, TWISTEDWILLOW said:

Don’t worry i probably won’t post anything because I don’t know how to write in Dutch and the phone translator doesn’t work both ways! Lol

Google translate does a good job.

I understand french when spoken and can speak. But writing and reading is something else. Google translate is as good (as long as the sentence you start from is a proper sentence)

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18 hours ago, gewoon ik said:

if not allowed mod, how many points before I'm kicked?

The basic rule is that live links to commercial sites are forbidden, mentioning the names of companies or websites is totally okay, and giving the text of a link is a bit of a gray area that doesn't have a really hard rule. If it's the text of a commercial link, probably not cool; if it's to an informational site, you're probably good.

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Glenn's reason for no commercial links was that the companies should pay for our referrals.  They dont want to refer to us, we tried with a few of the more common smithing sites, and before you ask, YES the sites that are allowed here have paid, even though Glenn is now gone, we are following his lead in operations here.

So sites that make money from visitors, charge to view or require a membership, are not allowed.

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I spoke with Glenn for many hours on the phone once about that and he had told me about certain companies that refused to pay up but then started trying to slip in advertisements once in awhile! 

I say we all send them a bill at the end of the month and threaten civil court if they don’t pay! Bahahahahahaha

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Close Billy. You bill them with penalties for arrears and include notice to appear in court regarding advertising without permission. If they don't appear to defend the suit you win. 

You know, with the forum membership #s advertising here wouldn't be peanuts so I'm sure the suit would have to go to civil court rather than small claims and seeing as the rules are clearly spelled out the defendant couldn't win. 

I'm betting they'd default though it'd have to go to collections but you'd only have to collect 1 in 10 to break even. Of course unless they go bankrupt you can attach bank accounts, property, etc.

The real benefit would be the word getting out that sneaking adds in is a lose lose situation. 

I don't like cheats, it's theft a crime, they're criminals. By definition.

Frosty The Lucky.

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Long day today outside the shop. I dropped two smallish trees piece by piece. (They were just too close to the house and the red dogwood in the front yard.) One sugar maple and one mimosa, both never leafed out in the spring. I’ve been trying to get a lift rented for months and finally found one available.


I’ve got family in town, so I had some help cleaning up, which was great. We’re going to do some sightseeing tomorrow, so Sunday I probably be back at it. I’ve got a bunch of dead limbs in the back yard to get down while I have the lift.

I also want to pick through the wood and get some good pieces for the wood turners who setup by our forge during festivals. The maple has some good spalting and the mimosa has some good color (and I heard it’s good for turning?). There was was good burl I saw as I was cutting, but I’m not sure I’ll find it again.

Keep it fun,


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Wow!!!! David that’s a lot of work!!!!

I’ve got a number of small trees around the yard that I need to cut down poison the stumps and clean up that I’ve been putting off!! Lol

it will be pretty cool if some on the wood is recycled by local wood workers who will turn it into something awesome!!!

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Ok, so I had more work to do today than I expected…

I started by trimming the dead limbs out of a Norfolk pine in the backyard. (Lightening damage from a few years ago.)


Then, with help from my dad (who was visiting from PA), we cut down another tree piece by piece. I thought that one just had some dead limbs, but upon inspection, it was completely gone.


Finally, we moved onto the limb that I was really worried about. It wasn’t real big, but it was dead and above my forge, ready to take out my flue and probably damage the roof. We had to rope that one down in pieces…


Tomorrow, I have to return the lift, and finish cleaning up.IMG_0683.jpeg.7fcb2d852a482317fde2d80e5a212e66.jpegIMG_0682.jpeg.f59390191dce02444ba72133c915f31f.jpegIMG_0681.jpeg.10bd06073850098a759234b0fe2158e8.jpeg

Unfortunately, my family headed back tonight, so just me and my younger son to get it done tomorrow. With the day off, I was hoping to get some forging in, but I think I’ll be pretty worn out by the time everything is cut, stacked and brush removed.

Keep it fun,


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Tree cutting is always a lot of work!

Are you planning on making charlcol out of all of it or do your have a wood stove to burn it all off? 

I had a busy day today!

I went fishin this morning with my brother am we did really good! Caught a lot of sunfish and small mouth Bass!!! 

after lunch me Max an Ash went to my moms house and had lunch and then I hauled in 500 boxes of Christmas stuff and helped her get two of her trees up and ready for her to decorate…

she likes to put them up wayyyyyy early and she likes to put like 30 strands of lights on them!!! 

last year after some blown fuses and breakers I made her switch everything over to L.E.D lights!!!! 

after that she showed me a victrola suit case record player she had bought at Wally World recently and a bunch of records she found at an estate sell,

I have never messed with a record player because I had grown up with cassette tapes so I had no experience with one before this afternoon, 


That’s the coolest thing ever!!! Now imma have to get one!!!!

i didn’t know they still made those things or the vinyl records for them!!!!! 

A few weeks ago I was in Fayetteville AR for an appointment at the VA hospital there and I walked around the downtown square and went into a record store and I thought that it was weird and I thought to myself who on earth still buys these things? Lol 

now here I am after playing with one and hearing that snap crackle pop sound they make I’ve got to have one! :lol:


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The city (town really) will take the brush away and grind it up into mulch which the gets given away in spring.

I gave the first batch of wood to a neighbor whose brother has a cabin on the river. They’ll burn it in camp fires. 

The second batch of wood is going to my neighbor on the other side. His son-in-law asked for it while I was up in the lift. Not sure what his plans are. That tree was in their yard, while technically on my property. The property line is fairly problematic, but so far we’re good with it. Once my mortgage is paid off, we’ll redraw the line and call it good. I’ll loose some on paper, but nothing in reality. (I didn’t know the property line was seven foot under his garage until I was working on getting a variance for my forge build…)

It would be nice to turn it into charcoal, but I think I’m already creating enough smoke in town and keeping the neighbors happy it always a good thing! Once I repair my fireplace, I’ll start collecting firewood for myself, but that could be a while.

Keep it fun,


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17 hours ago, TWISTEDWILLOW said:


That’s the coolest thing ever!!! Now imma have to get one!!!!

This is coming from what i was learned many years ago, which may not hold true now, but a record had much better sound quality that tape or CD. The grooves in the record are literally the sound wave and the needle follows the wave to give you all the little nuanced sounds that you do not get from CD or tape. 

I watched a documentary many years ago where some researchers took ancient  pots and "played" them. They discovered that some of the grooves in those pots picked up the sounds that were going on in the place they were made at that time.

 Take everything above with a grain of salt, that is 25+ year old memory and like i said may not hold true now. 

When i was a kid my uncle had a radio station out west in Oklahoma iirc, he would send me and my parents his "old" records. I have quite an extensive collection of "ONLY FOR RADIO RELEASE, NO PUBLIC SALE" records. Full albums that were only released to radio stations. My favorite is Carlos Santana and Buddy Guy live. 

When i was a kid i also used to play DJ. i would sit for hours playing the next hit song on my imaginary radio station and talking to the listeners. 

There is something i love about old albums, the smell, the feel,  the cover art, etc. 

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Hey man!! That’s Really interesting! 
evem if it’s an ol memory it’s still really cool!!

Your Uncle owned a radio station? Do you recall the frequency? 

I grew up mostly with radio and still have it blaring all day long in my shop today 

I have an insanely large Digital collection of music on iTunes but it’s been years since I’ve bought or owned a CD 

I think that’s gonna change now, i really really like the sound of this record machine! 

so much so I went out today and bought myself one and my first record lol


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The pottery with sound recordings were thrown on a wheel and decorated with a thorn or quill. With the right equipment massaging the sound there were recognizable voices, snatches of conversation, song and laughter. I recall some audio being played on a history channel program when the history channel played programs about history. Nothing longer than a couple few seconds but very cool.

One I remember was a voice speaking a fragment of a phrase in a tone I recognized instantly, followed by several voices laughing. The joke may have been more than 4 or 5k years old but I know a punch line when I hear one. Maybe it was the one about the traveling broom straw salesman and the reed cutter's daughter.

I wonder if they've done laser scans to see if they can hear more audio or improve quality. Somebody with better Google Fu than I, want to take a look see? 

Frosty The Lucky. 

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