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I Forge Iron

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I've said something like that here before; but don't claim to have originated it.  In the '60's Lady Bird Johnson fought to get the "temporary" buildings removed from the Mall in DC that were put up in the war---we used to joke it was the war of 1812...

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The late financial savant Dr. Milton J. Friedman said   "nothing is so permanent as a temporary government program".

Former President Ronald Reagan said  that “a government bureau is the nearest thing to eternal life we’ll ever see on this earth.”

And the old proverb  "Nothing is more permanent than a temporary solution." has been said to be an old Russian proverb.

(Which old Russian we are not quite sure.).

And that's my two cents on the question.

And it has not, yet, been adjusted for inflation.  Hmmm.

Sorry folks.  I could not resist.


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On 5/16/2018 at 11:11 PM, ThomasPowers said:

In the '60's Lady Bird Johnson fought to get the "temporary" buildings removed from the Mall in DC that were put up in the war---we used to joke it was the war of 1812...

After WWII, the college where I work bought a mobile (i.e. plywood) barracks and installed it on North Campus as a men's dormitory. It was known for years as "Federal Hall" and was soundly loathed. When the administration decided ultimately to tear it down, word leaked out to its residents who decided to take matters in their own hands. Fueled by large quantities of 3.2% ABV beer, they held an impromptu overnight demolition party and were distressed in the morning to realize that they now had nowhere to live for the rest of the semester.

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I was most likely conceived in a WWII barracks used as Married Student Housing at the University of AR in the mid 1950's...My kids were amused when  we visited and I pointed to what is now a parking lot and said "That's where I was conceived!"

OB Smithing:  my father had to forge a screwdriver as part of his engineering classes to become an electrical engineer.  They also had to design steam engines....He graduated in 1958...

3.2---dry county?   Oklahoma used to sell 3.2...


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11 minutes ago, ThomasPowers said:

3.2---dry county? 

Dry town, birthplace of the Anti-Saloon League.

11 minutes ago, ThomasPowers said:

My kids were amused when  we visited and I pointed to what is now a parking lot and said "That's where I was conceived!"

My daughter can point to the corner of 104th and Riverside Drive in Manhattan (NYC, not Kansas) and say, "That's where I was born!"

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  • 2 weeks later...

1000 hours working at a $40 improvised anvil will make you a far better smith than 40 hours working at a $1000 London Pattern anvil.

If every time you sell something you made with an improvised anvil; you put a dollar in your "buy a 'real' anvil" jar: when its full you may wonder why you thought you needed that anvil....

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