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I Forge Iron

6.5” Columbian leg vise

Justin Topp

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I’m just spoiled with leg vises haha. They are fairly common around here. The last 4 I got. 4.75” being the smallest and 5.75” being the biggest, only cost 77.50$ total. So that skewed my perspective im sure haha. It’s not uncommon for me to see 5.5-6” for around 100$ it’s more common to see that than 150-200

Got it mounted, but I had to borrow the thrust washer off my smaller vise. Until I can forge a replacement. Also the pipe jaw is much simpler than expected. Some time with an angle grinder will make it easy to replace. 



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Ever used an auto thrust bearing?   Back in the 1990's US$20 was a going price for smaller postvises; I've bought a dozen or more and gradually up-sized as I found larger ones cheap.  Until I realized that the smaller ones were more useful for some tasks; so know I have 2 workbenches with a 6" and 4" vises on both, a 6.5: mounted to a telephone pole holding up the roof truss, 2 travel vises, a 5" out on loan and an extra heavy 5" vise for when I need to put one someplace and another 6.5" waiting to go in a gozinta in the driveway after the electricity is run, (so I can work 20' pieces without running into anything.)

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Equipment suited to your work and methods is what it right for you!  I just find it a lot easier to close a small vise using my knee to turn the handle than the large on. When I put a vise down where I was renting I got a medium sized but robustus build vise to split the difference.

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My 5.75” vise has the issue of being too loose haha. When it’s not tightened down I tend to smack myself in the face with the handle. Since it’s really long compared to any other vise I’ve owned. And well oiled so very little resistance. 

I’d like. Small 3-4” vise for a few reasons. I’ve got plenty of decently sized vises. And no small ones, sometimes I find the jaws are too large and awkward to clamp small things. Plus if I ever need to take it somewhere. Say a craft fair or something it’s a lot easier to move a 30-50 lb vise than a 80-120 lb vise 


Don’t get me wrong, I’d love an 8” vise haha just a small one is sometimes better for my use. 

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Good Morning,

Justin, talk to your local Mechanic (not an Auto Technician, but a real Mechanic). Ask him if he has an old 'Clutch Release Bearing" or 'Throw-out Bearing". You can buy a Throw-out bearing from your local Auto Parts store, but you need to talk to the "Old Guy" that has been there a long time. New/young people at the counter, know how to make a computor work, but quite often don't have a clue about something different. I always keep some in my locker at work.


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It looks like you can't swing a dead rat by the tail without hitting a post vise in your part of the country Justin:D. They're a little more scarce here for some reason. I think they have all been bought up maybe? There seems to be plenty of other smithing equipment just not post vises. I'm glad I managed to get one. Poor condition 4 1/2in examples are going for $150 or more. 



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I'm in the Northern Kentucky southwest ohio area near Cincinnati Thomas. You'd think there would be plenty around. There are some but I think they are way overpriced when a brand new perun with 4 and a half inch jaws only costs a bit more than $350US.

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I was mistaken. The perun post vise has 4.9in jaws for $365US. Not too bad of a deal for a brand new post vise. I need to get a better u bolt to use on my post vise it's pretty flimsy. I'm expecting it to break any day but it's what I had on hand. I might give making a bracket and wedges a go but I'm still undecided. 


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