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I Forge Iron

Yet another what is it

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With no pics. (Didn't have a way to take pics)  But a very nice anvil, mabe about 150 pounds (just eyeball).  has 5 point star stamped into it, and double pritchel.   Asking price is a bit rich for me, but it sure is a nice looking anvil.  There are other markings; "Made in xxxx"  but that's about it.   I may have to go back tomorrow and get a pic or two, and check rebound (if they'll let me).  It's in an antique/junk shop where they sell RR spikes for $2 each.

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I believe it may be a Swedish.  But I don't know.  I didn't get the chance to get by there today, or I'd post a pic or two.  It's a very nice anvil, not used too badly.

Unlike others I've found in the same price range. 

I ran accross an HB for $1000:




  And an unknown for $500:


That's usually what I find. 

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If it's an American Star, there should be a hole in the bottom center going to the center of the anvil.  The American Star maker said it helped to cool and temper the anvil properly.  I had one about 10 years ago and sold it to buy a nicer larger anvil.

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