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I Forge Iron


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I have been looking all over the place to find 2" black iron pipe and fittings to make my forge....Been to plumbing suppliers...local yokel Ace Hardwares...a metal supply place...big box home improvement stores...and several others...I can't find ANY within a 40 mile area near me.

I guess I just wanted to vent a little...any advice?

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If you will go tho the top of the page and click on "User CP" in the green bar you can update your profile giving you location. This will help now as well as in the future as we can give better advise and suggestions on where to look. Shoot, there is probably someone just 'up the street' from you that has all you need in his/her 'scrap pile. Good luck.

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Perhaps if I knew where you were located... if in or near OKC, I watched the scrap yard (Standard Iron, on East Reno just west of Eastern st.) place about a dump truck load of 3-8' x 1-3" black iron pipe in the "sell to the public" pile. most have a slight fullered groove about 3/4" from one end and no threads but still should work and $0.30@# so way cheaper than lowes/etc. store.

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That's usually what I do. If I can't find something, I'll google that item in my city (ex: "iron pipe phoenix"). Even if I'm pretty sure the person I'm calling doesn't have it, they usually know who does. Usually it's because they get so many inquiries about it. One call will lead to another and you'll find exactly what you need. Good luck!

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If all else fails, mcmaster.com or mscdirect.com should have what you need -- you'll just have to pay shipping. Come to think of it, if you're an ABANA member, you could also try out the member discount they negotiated with grainger.com.

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If you will go tho the top of the page and click on "User CP" in the green bar you can update your profile giving you location.

Sorry...I usually do that right away...but apparently forgot on here...and since I haven't posted much I didn't notice until something was said.

Every where I go...I also ask if they know where i can get it...and I always get leads...that haven't panned out.

I went to a steel and pipe yard...they had drops...but not anywhere near the correct diameter and wanted about $.80 a pound if they did have it. Lowes doesn't have 2"...Home Depot doesn't carry it at all...all of the plumbing places I called or visited do not carry it or not in 2" either.

I am in a small town...and a lot of times you can find obscure stuff at the local Ace...but not this time. There are some small town-esque plumbers around too...and no one has what I am looking for. I called a place yesterday after 4PM and they told me that their "parts" guy leaves at 4:00...so they would pass along my number and have him call me Monday...

Meantime...I'm still looking...but I wouldn't think it would be so difficult to find something like this.

Is it necessary to use 2" pipe? Can it be 1.5" or 1.75"?
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I put mine together out of the shorter pieces they had, some 6" close nipples, and the other pieces. I can't believe your Home Depot doesn't handle it? Also check and see if they have electrical conduit in that size, although harder to work with it can be used in a pinch. If you strike out completely email me a sketch with dimensions of what you are looking for, I may be able to [email protected]

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The last (and really first) coal forge I made used 3/4" pipe. But that was a portable side-blast forge with a circular bellows, and 3/4" is what the plans called for.

So far as I know, there is no such thing as 1-3/4" pipe. 1-1/2" pipe has just over half the cross section of 2"; if you're departing from a proven design you find might find that you're not happy with the reduced flow. Much as I hate to pay shipping, I'd probably order 2" parts before using 1-1/2" and maybe having to do it twice.

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In Iowa we have "Farm" stores." Farm and Fleet. Other places have "Tractor Supply." I'll bet if any agriculture is near you, if you look for such a store, you will find the pipe.mikePS- I have what you need but zinc plated- you may have it for thhe postage expense. IT IS PLATED so you will need to build an open fire in a safe/ remote
place and burn off the plate.

I am waiting for delivery of excellent "sanitary "T"'s that look like they were made for a forge. It may be a bit of time-since my 100# is relatively small,we are waiting to piggyback it.mike

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Thanks guys. I've checked with Tractor Supply...and every place else I can think of...no go yet.

I did talk to a manager at Ace and we looked through their big book of products. They can "order" what I need...but he quoted me $65.

This is for:
(2) 3" Nipples
(1) 2" Tee
(1) 2" cap
(1) 2" flange
(2) 12" Nipples (they couldn't come up with 24" like I needed)
(1) 2" coupler to connect the two 12" nipples.

Seemed like a lot of dough.

I've been half tempted to buy galvanized (I can find plenty of that) and build an open fire away from the house and shop and just toss it all in and let it burn awhile...


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The tuyere pipes do NOT get very hot. Plastic would probably melt once you stopped the air blast but maybe not.

I use exhaust pipe as I said earlier. You can also solder up copper pipe if you don't like exhaust pipe or don't have a way to weld it.

Galvy will in no way get hot enough to burn off so I wouldn't bother trying to remove it first. If you feel you must remove the galvy soak it in white vinegar till it's gone.

Attached is a Sketchup drawing of the tuyere on my shop coal forge AND a pic of the forge in the tarp tent smithy. You can just barely see the exhaust pipe tuyere under the table.




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