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What can you see outside of your shop?

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To the North---Jefferson Nat'l Forest and Big Walker Mtn,to the West neighbors pastures and cows then more J N F,to the East another neighbors cows and pastures then more J N F, to the South our hayfields,pastures,cows,wild Mallards on pond (when they're migrating), Reed Creek. Turkeys and deer unless they're in season in any direction. Seldom see black bear but see where they've been often or the tell tale smell.

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I live on the back of an Australian Air force base. So not every day but a couple times a year I get to see this.

An F111g Doing the good old "dump and burn" Fuel is released out the back and is ignited by the afterburner. At night time it turns the area to twilight with flickering shadows.
I took this pick early this October at the Airshow held at this base.
The base is also home to C17 Globmasters.
The F111's are due to be retired next year.
When we brought the place the Real Estate agent sat us down and under her duty of disclosure told us about the Air base thinking it would be a problem LOL!


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Now that's a view I could live with! Nice to see those ol' Aardvarks in flight.

I had the best of both worlds for a while - the National Historic Site I smithed at and the air museum where I was a volunteer were right next door to each other . . . I could go from outstanding vintage aircraft to coal smoke with just a two minute walk - it was heaven on earth!

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The Airshow was a bit flash for this part of the world.
Flying Demos by
A De-havilland Vampire ( only one in the World flying)
a Gloster Meteor ( only one in the world flying)
BAC Canberra ( one of a couple)
F18 Hornets and a SuperHornet Which is replacing the F111's
Quiet a few Statics including
F16 ( don't see them here very much)
F15 ( or these)
Of course the joke is all the Static displays had to go home . Didn't get much done around the house the next day to busy peering off the back deck watching the statics take off and go home. LOL
I did have a F111a Land in the back yard latter the day of the airshow.
Thats my bloke on the right
Dad brought one of those back for me on his last deployment to Vietnam. Circa 1971 Nobody seems to know what happened to mine I found this on Ebay for $40. I takes two D-cell batteries sequence is as follows.
Stopped starts to whine,
as whine increases in pitch wings extend,
It starts to move forward it picks up speed and wings retract,
Then stops after about 30ft.
It is MY special toy and only brought out if the apprentice has been very, very good.

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Sounds like it was an outstanding show. I'd dearly love to have seen the Vampire, Meteor and Canberra in flight - A real treat you had!

I've got an ejection seat out of a Canberra that I'm going to convert into an office chair (one of those I'll get to it some-day projects).

Yeah, I think the best part of any airshow is when all the aircraft leave ( "the bug-out" is what we call it) I went to the 25th anniversary show in Abbotsford B.C back in '85 - They had an SR-71 on display and on Monday after the show, when it took off it was just an amazing thing to see fly - It buzzed the tower on it's way out and went over our position at the end of the runway about 400 ft over our heads at high speed - gives ya chills to see it!

Love the F111 toy, it looks like it has your son's full attention and the little crawler looks like he's ready to hop on for a ride! Glad you were able to find one.

You definitely made a good call deciding that having an air-base in your back yard was a bonus when you bought your place!

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A 700' drop to the Pacific ocean, but right now we are fogged in ,as we often are, and i can't see across the yard.

Pete? :o

Here's the view around my shop. One towards the house, showing my commute, the other from the house showing the neighbors.

Frosty Edited by Frosty
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Nice place Frosty - gotta say, that's some shop.

Don't you just love that strolling "commute" with a cup o' joe in your hand?

After doing 11 years of spending about 3.5 hours a day going across city traffic, I'll admit - bragging about my 10 second commute (back door to shop door) to all my buddies is a real pleasure!

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Hmm, North, the backside of my house. South, the treeline marking the property line to my half-acre lot. There is an old road there that dates back to colonial times. Our line is in the center of the old road. We just moved here and when some of the foliage dies off, I plan on exploring the old road bed a bit, maybe with my father-in-law's metal detector.
East, thick hedge separating us from our neighbor. West, empty house and other neighbor's house beyond that. My shop is currently the great outdoors, but that will eventually change.

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I have 3/4 acre and planted a "rainforest garden" in the back 1/4 acre. So I can walk out into "my rainforest".

Carl, I wonder if the
A De-havilland Vampire ( only one in the World flying)
a Gloster Meteor ( only one in the world flying)
BAC Canberra ( one of a couple)
come from Temora.
Temora Aviation Museum

I suppose the "apprentice" is still wary of me.:o

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Nice place Frosty - gotta say, that's some shop.

Don't you just love that strolling "commute" with a cup o' joe in your hand?

After doing 11 years of spending about 3.5 hours a day going across city traffic, I'll admit - bragging about my 10 second commute (back door to shop door) to all my buddies is a real pleasure!

Oh yeah. I used to make the hour in and hour out commute with a cup o' joe in my hand (on the way in anyway) but like this one much better. It would've been nice to been able to insulate and wire it before the snow flew this season but there's next summer.

It's good to have a place of your own, especially when the only intruder I might have to worry about is the occasional moose.

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My stroll is about 5 minutes long, and if I look to my right as I'm walking there, I see most of the 20 acres that is cleared for growing(which we r going to plant about 8 acres of this spring) Straight ahead is the neighbors cow barn, and occasionally a few of his cows, when I look to the left, trees, lots of em!!! Out the front of the shop, I look down the 4 acres that heads down to where the mail box is! Next spring, that area will hold green houses and the orchard/Selden

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Next spring, that area will hold green houses and the orchard/Selden

Ok, now I know I'm becoming "green" saturated from the media - For a brief moment I thought Selden meant a development of environmentally friendly houses :rolleyes:

What are you going to be planting in the GREEN HOUSES Selden?

Glenn - Nice pic! My name for them is "vermin" but my GF's kids love to see them all over the field in front of my house so I leave them alone . . . so far they haven't done a lot of damage but my place is mostly indigenous plants - I don't have a lot of delicacies out for them to ravage.
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I can see my back yard, a large Beech nut tree 50+ feet high, racoons living inside, the yard slopes down to a meadow where deer, fox, coyote, 30+ turkeys all live surrounded by a wooded 30 acre parcel, and the rear of my house, a cedar shingled 2 story cape cod, with 2 large decks. I sometimes wonder why I stayed in California so long. Where I used to live was dry brown and flat. It is exactly 12 steps to the back door, and when the bitter cold wind is blowing, thaty can be a long stroll, but usually it is just enough to cool me off slightly from the fire.

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