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Well been looking at blacksmithing/bladesmithing for about a year now and i think i am ready to give it a go. Mainly i want to forge knifes and i dont know a sword or two. I am a hunter so i would love to have some good knifes made by myself. Do you guys know any good forge brands where i can get some bang for my buck? I do not really want to build one becasue im too lazy to find parts and build it :P. I am looking at a gas forge becasue it burns much cleaner and zero smoke and such. Also if you could name some cheap anvil brands and where to get the froge and stuff i would really love it. Well thanks talk to you guys soon.

This post was combined from several posts on the same subject so all the answers could be in one place.

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Well i think ill just get a $300-$400 forge and then use free railroad track as an anvil so i can save so much money. Tools are not that expensive so yeh! By the way what kind of length and width of the track should i use? Also how heavy are they? And where can i get them? Thanks.

Posted (edited)

Well i am on a limited budget of about $400 for my blacksmithing supplies. $550 is stretching it but i think i am going to have too. Here is the forge i had in mind Forgemaster. Do you guys think this forge will work ok for knife making? My other three forges i am looking at that will really help me hit my budget closer are http://www.centaurforge.com/prodinfo.asp?number=NCBABY, http://www.centaurforge.com/prodinfo.asp?number=NCFORGE, and finally http://www.centaurforge.com/prodinfo.asp?number=NCFORGEBD. I will just be making knifes so yeh i hope you guys can help me out thanks.

Edited by AtomicForge

Buy if you like but really there is no need to spend that much. There are blueprints here on IFI so you can make your own. Also you will find IFI to be a place loaded with many very talented and knowlegeable folks to help you out along the way. Plus IFI has a list of blacksmithing groups so you can find the one near you and join it, and that's where you'll really be in good hands, face to face at the anvil with real blacksmiths and bladesmiths just like you. And oh ya, Welcome to IFI...Dan:)


The last place on earth I would look for a forge is Ebay! Don't waste your money. You can make one for a very few dollars. You need a fire pot and a source of air blast. Everything else is just the style in which you do it! So look around for stuff that will make a fire pot. An old brake drum etc. etc. etc. For a blower just get anything that blows air. Control it with a dimmer switch which can be any rheostat type device that will handle mains voltage.

If you do not have the imagination to create a forge (and a lot of other things) out of nothing then you are going to be a very dull blacksmith anyway!

Save your cash for things you have got to buy such as your anvil. Pretty well everything else you can make or scrounge!

If I have not told the truth the other regulars will shoot me down in flames.


Go to the green bar at the top of hte page, click user cp and enter your location. We would like to know where in the world you are located. This helps in directing you to materials near you and not half a world away.


Ok i have an idea in my head thanks i guess i do not have to spend like $400 on a forge. What are some good types of places to find parts? I live in Phoenix, Az so if anyone knows any good places to find old scrap and items to build a forge with i would love it


Phoenix, Az is currently the fifth largest city in the United States in terms of population with a 2007 estimated population of 1,512,986. I am sure they have at least one junk yard or recycling center. BP0192 Gas Forge uses an old freon container, other designs use pipe, etc. Find a design you like and start looking for parts. There is no right forge, just what works for you, in your situation.

Go to IForgeIron.com > Blacksmithing Groups and click on Arizona Artist Blacksmith Association - AABA. The local folks should be able to assist you.


Check out Pieh tools they are in az far better service than centaur. there are many free plans on line for building a gas forge. Un less your doing production work you can build one that will work great. I perfure coal but thats just me

Posted (edited)

I think for knife making you'ed be better off with this one
Centaur Forge-NC Whisper Momma Atmospheric Forge, Open End Model
it has open ends that you can stick long stuff in...the one I have is open in the front with a back door ...I think the open end the length of the forge would work better.also this one on ebay http://cgi.ebay.com/BLACKSMITH-LP-GAS-KNIFE-MAKER-GENERAL-PURPOSE-FORGE-NEW_W0QQitemZ190240032674QQihZ009QQcategoryZ13869QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

Edited by jimbob
Posted (edited)

Ok so i am going to build my own forge instead of buying one since it will save alot of money. My basic design i am thinking of is a coffee can forge which many of you have seen. I need it to run on propane.

Here are the parts i plan on using

Coffee Can
Ceramic Blanket (To line the inside of the coffee can)
Fire Bricks (To use as the doors to to the forge)
Propane Torch/Burner (Not really sure what to get on this one could you guys help me out on this)
Something to hold the forge up of course

So are these all the supplies i need? Also if you can tell me where i can get most of the stuff and which brands and such i would really love it thanks :P

Edited by AtomicForge

i dunno good question.... thats like a tiger torch or a bell torch to i guess it would work just depends on how you going to mount it to a forge because i have a bell torch and the end is pretty heavy

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