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I Forge Iron

Forge burner help please.


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I have a small square forge and the problem I had was not enough air in forge if I tried closing both ends and it was just a single burn opened up back and it will handle the flame at a lot more pressure but as any forge non force air you lose a lot of heat to get your burn right I would let more in thru the back or front try that

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Welcome aboard Guy, if you put your general location in the header you might be surprised how many members live close enough to visit.

Please refrain from giving advice until you know what you're talking about or at least the jargon so what you say makes some sense.  What you just said is mostly nonsense. If you don't speak English your translation software is poor enough you're not understandable.

Frosty The Lucky.

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when attempting to post in a thread, punctuation is your friend,  and as staff I can state his American IP says he should be able to speak English if he tried, and I imagine he is playing havoc with the translators for the non English speaker here trying to read this

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With some careful review I think I've decrypted Guy's remark.  Here is my translation of what I think he was trying to say:

I've got a small rectangular crossection chamber propane forge with a naturally aspirated burner that I had a similar problem getting to work properly.  It turned out that I had closed the door openings on both ends of the forge too far.  This didn't allow the combustion products from my burner to vent properly  which resulted in the burner not being able to induce enough air to burn correctly.  With naturally aspirated (ventauri) burners you need to keep the doors open enough to keep the backpressure down to get the burner to bring in enough air to get the right air/gas mixture for a good flame.  You do lose some heat that way, but if your forge and burner are well designed you can still get the interior up to forging temperatures.  If you use a blown burner you can maintain a good flame with less worry about door openings, but you still need at least a crack to let out the combustion products.

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I certainly agree about the irritation stemming from a confusing post due to difficult grammar.  Still I have my own problems with that, and could certainly be accused with being overly wordy and pedantic in my posts.  I was just trying to illustrate why there was confusion while trying to be constructive. 

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You were, you cleared it up pretty well. I was too harsh, I just need to keep my fingers off the keys sometimes. I'm hoping I didn't run him off. You aren't going to hear anything from me about being wordy. No siree, not me.

Frosty The Lucky.


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Guy Jr. was trying to be helpful but his communications skills aren't so good. I think it's really a matter of living in a really chaotic texting world and the poor education system. I meet more and more young folk who got grades for "trying" rather than learning the subject. Seriously you can graduate high school by trying rather than passing finals. Kids who can't find the area of a square let alone a circle is becoming common. 

I'm called mean for expecting folk to be able to write in English rather than "Textlish." Being able to communicate with other people is about being clear and using terms everybody or at least a majority of other folk understand. 

I don't fault anybody for wanting to help folk, I didn't say so in my initial response but you can't help anybody if you can't communicate basic thoughts. It all to often causes more confusion than help.

Please Guy Jr. if you're still watching the forum don't go away, I apologize for my poor choice of words and probably too snappish reply. Let's talk, if you can write in English rather than text us it'll REALLY help. You don't want people reading your posts having to decipher them like they're in code do you? You made helpful suggestions and good observations, that's a valuable skill you just need a little work on your communications skills. Give us a chance to get to know the real You.


Frosty The Lucky.

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I was sitting with the morning coffee club some years ago when one of the guys asked the counter culture guys. "What happened to all the old timers?" We muttered a while trying to remember where the old guys were when another member of the "counter culture" said, "WE are the old timers."

We were a pretty quiet group for a while after that. 

So yeah Mike. I are one!:o 

Am I as gruff and mean sounding as I remember those old guys? Should I get crabbier? :)

Frosty The Lucky.


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It's only a question of who you want to be this week; same as all the rest of us :P

Remember the guy who ended up in trouble the Feds by playing with explosives? I hated his burner because it was so poorly constructed, despite the fact that it put out an excellent flame.

Did my poor opinion hurt him? He probably never even know about it. Did it hurt me? Good and plenty. If I tend to treat others better now, it was worth it.

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Oh yeah, I remember the "king of randumb," how could we could forget? He did make a good case for getting most anything to put out a good flame if you make it adjustable enough. I believe local authorities arrested him in response to neighbor's repeated complaints about the explosions. I don't know what if anything the feds had to say.

I didn't express my opinion to him I didn't figure he had sense enough to be worth my time on the keyboard. I try not getting worked up if I can help it, since the accident impulse and emotion control aren't so good. Any brain injury can put a person on a hair trigger: Laugh, cry, scream, etc. fortunately I've never been much for hitting people or breaking things in a rage.

I don't even call out trolls on the forum anymore. Point them out to the mods if they get too outrageous and suggest folk in the thread, "not feed trolls." Trolls are just too easy. They're so insecure they have to cause strife in others to find some pathetic sense of personal power. It's nothing to tweak their insecurities and send them off on a rave that gets them banished. Even in the old flame war cursed BB days where trolls ran the game they were easy marks. Worst you can do to one is cast a bit of bait and ignore them. 

Frosty The Lucky.

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