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frosty we are doing bad here too, last few weeks have been just cold enough to make ice but little precipitation and this week is supposed to drop into the -30C range with minimal precipitation forecasted hopefully there will be enough to pull the snowmobile out and for the ski hills to open

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Spring has been like that here too Alex. Three days ago the driveway was almost all clear and now it's covered in snow again, been snowing almost 2 days straight. Light but steady. 

Gotta love spring this close to the arctic circle eh?

Frosty The Lucky.

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Typical Wyoming spring here.  Yesterday it was in the 60s F (about 15+C) and sunny.  Today it is about 30 F (0C) and snowing with wind.  We are supposed to have gusts of 70-80 mph (116-133 kph).  A concert at Red Rocks Ampitheater (a large outdoor concert venue west of Denver, CO) for tomorrow was cancelled because of predicted 100 mph (167 kph) winds.

"Springtime in the Rockies"

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  • 4 weeks later...

My grandfather planted wisteria just above where this jeep is now. He always wanted to see it bloom but it never did while he was alive. The plant became very invasive and one year I had pulled the jeep beside it and it got stuck. Not needing to really move it I let it set there. 

I have since removed the original tangled mess of plant but the roots continue on constantly. I keep trimming it away but it comes back.

Anyway, I do love the blooms but wish it wasn't such an invasive vine. 

It has also taken over my lower garage, which I plan to get cleaned off this year. After it is done blooming. 

The blooms always remind me of my grandfather. 



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A neighbor of ours had a couple potted wisteria on their concrete patio well away from house, fence soil and kept it mercilessly trimmed. They were probably 7-8' tall and maybe 3 wide. When they were in bloom you could smell them for blocks around if the wind wasn't blowing. 

We had a bougainvillea in front of our place where the jet crashed across the street. When in bloom which was most of the time it was beautiful and smelled like heaven. Dad hated it with a purple passion and I didn't understand until I'd gotten big enough to turn the hose on. The hose bib was on the house where the bougainvillea was planted, dripping water made it a VERY happy thorn bush.

I swear the thorns were around 2" or longer, sharper than a needle and you couldn't break one with pliers or cut them with normal hedge shears. I took diagonal side cutters and a saw with me if I had to go under there. You could make a lethal weapon from a thumb sized switch. 

It would've been interesting to see if it and Wisteria would fight to the death. My luck they'd cross breed and produce a rapid growing thorn bush without a scent that wouldn't blind you.

Frosty The Lucky. to have escaped the bougainvillea!:o

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I wonder if a wisteria bougainvillea, (thicket, knot, MMP(Mixed Martial Plants event)? would make nice smelling smoke when you burned it? 

Kidzu's easier to eliminate than bindweed, it doesn't root nearly as deeply and goats eat it. All you need to do is convince the goats you want to keep it and they'll clean it out to ground level, even pulling it to a degree.

I also found a number of recipes for kudzu. Let us know which you like best please.

Frosty The Lucky.

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  I can't tell you what I think of bindweed.

On 4/30/2024 at 11:27 AM, Frosty said:

recipes for kudzu

  There's not much that's not edible slathered in Duke's mayo or fried in bacon grease.

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An extra thick chocolate malt?:blink:

If bacon grease maintained the flavor it'd make excellent mayo.  I like Dukes but Deb says it has too much twang. <sigh>

Frosty The Lucky.

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  • 3 weeks later...
16 minutes ago, LarryFahnoe said:

Wonderful to see your garden waking up after a long snowy winter!


It suddenly became warmer and there was a lot of work in the garden.  Literally one day, apple, plum, and bird cherry trees began to bloom... I had to urgently take care of the bees.





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Sudden warmups can really mix things up, instead of waking up in order, all of a sudden everything is budding and leafing out at once. We watched the steady slow process of the sap starting to flow to leaf buds and leaf out. My Canadian Cherry is just starting to show it's flower buds. It's progressing more or less normally here. 

I must compliment you once again on the prettiest bee hives I've ever seen Alex. If I kept bees I'd be jealous, maybe have to come up with a paint scheme of my own. 

Isn't spring grand?

Frosty The Lucky.

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Did all your hives make it through the winter?  I hope so.  Do you talk to your bees?  Some people believe that you need to tell the bees what is going on in their world.  I know a lady here in Laramie who feels that the bees are happier and produce more and better honey if you talk to them.


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On 5/20/2024 at 12:54 AM, Frosty said:

I must compliment you once again on the prettiest bee hives I've ever seen Alex. If I kept bees I'd be jealous, maybe have to come up with a paint scheme of my own. 

HI Jer !

In our area there is little sun and many gray dull days. That's why I try to surround myself with bright colors. Colorful hives are a delight to the eye at any time of the year.


On 5/20/2024 at 1:05 AM, George N. M. said:

Did all your hives make it through the winter?  I hope so.  Do you talk to your bees?  Some people believe that you need to tell the bees what is going on in their world.  I know a lady here in Laramie who feels that the bees are happier and produce more and better honey if you talk to them.

HI George !

Yes, bees spend the winter outside.

I work silently so as not to be distracted. One careless move and I could crush a bee. They don't like it very much and can fight back))) 



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I hear you about gray days, we sometimes go months without much sunlight so surrounding yourself with bright colors sounds like an excellent way to make life better. It would sure help if you placed hives in or around farm fields, meadow, and such. 

Do the bees show any reaction to brightly colored hives? I understand they don't see in the same spectrum we do but the hives colors would be different to them too, just not the ones we see. 

Frosty The Lucky.

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4 hours ago, Frosty said:

Do the bees show any reaction to brightly colored hives? I understand they don't see in the same spectrum we do but the hives colors would be different to them too, just not the ones we see. 

Bees recognize blue, yellow-green-orange colors. Contrasting colors are also recognized.

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Ever wonder what colors they actually See? I understand recognize colors, back when I was a kid I could recognize blue, green, red and yellow on the old black and white TV but not "see" the colors. If that makes sense. I don't expect you or anybody to "know", I'm just curious if you ever wonder what "Colors" they "see"?

Frosty The Lucky.

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