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Finally got this big ol' scorpion together. Started with a large plate off some sort of shredding machine and added the rest. The legs are claw hammers with harrow spikes. The tail is a chain from a corn sheller and the sting is a file handle welded to a tow ball. The head is a thing used to carry cables on a high voltage power line - needed a lot of zinc removal.  I decided to add the motorcycle chains as a texture for the body. It is finished with Rustmasters, but I'm thinking of a gloss black spray paint. It has quite a weight to it - definitely a two person lift.

I put the spray paint can beside it for size comparison.


big scorpion 1.JPG

big scorpion 2.JPG

big scorpion 3.JPG

big scorpion 4.JPG

big scorpion 5.JPG


It turned out Awesome Aus. That's going to really turn some heads or send people running lol. 

The pick heads worked out great as the pinchers. The grinding on them adds good effect. The chain on the body is a good touch. That had to be a pain. I like the look of the eyes. Ball bearings always darken up with the clearcoat. I'd like to find a better way to keep them brighter myself as they lose a little life when they darken up. Really neat chain for the tail. And nice use of the claw hammers for the leg parts. 

Over all there's a lot going on in that guy and it looks great. Almost need to add forks to a dolly to move him around ;)


16 hours ago, Rojo. Pedro said:

Cool!  how long did it take to build?

It's hard to put a number of hours on it. Do you count the hours digging around in the scrap piles to find the right scarifier point? I've been doing at bit at home in the afternoons after mornings at the forge for a week or so. I think the time to assemble and adapt all the bits exceeds the actual welding time.

16 hours ago, Daswulf said:

 The chain on the body is a good touch. That had to be a pain. I like the look of the eyes. Ball bearings always darken up with the clearcoat. I'd like to find a better way to keep them brighter myself as they lose a little life when they darken up.  


Yes, welding that chain was a pain all right. I still haven't got the MIG going so this was all done with the stick welder. The chain on the tail was a bit rusted and there was lousy earth between the links. I thought of leaving the eyes uncoated so that they shine, but they would possibly rust in time, so the clear coat will have to do.


19 hours ago, tkunkel said:

 Now I could have nightmares:)  Nice work!

 Thanks. I went into the shed to clean up a bit tonight, and it looks pretty scary in torchlight.

While cleaning up all the spare parts and stuff, I realised that I have enough left over to make a twin for this one. Maybe I should have two of them engaged in an almighty battle. Nah, I'm over scorpions for a while. The chains would make a good covering for a crocodile though. Hmmmmm.




I dont know Aus. You already have the parts mostly there. Might as well make another while its freak in your mind. ;) tho a croc. would be great as well. 


Very a live again Aus. Will send you my delivery address soon;). The back look like a shuffle of a plough and the welding’s are nice and smooth.

And yes, still jealous of your scrap pile:(. Waiting for the next creating.

Cheers, Hans


IF I took any classes I would take one right near me, Tom Savini's at Douglas education center right near me in Monesson. I believe they cover animatronics. Tho I'm confident I could create that on my own. That would take some strong motors or what not. Could get some good ideas from YouTube animatronics videos. After that it's all just building and experimenting. 


Not that fancy, just the chassis from a radio controlled toy car epoxied to the bottom with just a hair of clearance for the legs...

(If you are in a CC state---beware of ricochets!)


I did think of adding four swivel castors under the body so it could be rolled around. Very heavy to lift.

  • 8 months later...
On ‎5‎/‎29‎/‎2018 at 1:45 AM, Daswulf said:

I dont know Aus. You already have the parts mostly there. Might as well make another while its freak in your mind. ;) tho a croc. would be great as well. 

Yes, indeed. Just an update on the big scorpion. Not long after these photos I exhibited the scorpion in a metal sculpture section at a local show. It won me a nice blue ribbon and a bunch of dollars, so it is now on permanent display near my forge at my workplace (historical museum). It does attract a lot of attention and photos.

Das, I never did make a second one from those parts, but the idea of the crocodile is still circulating in my mind. In fact, I have made a start on it  but I suspect it will be a month or two before I get near the end of it. Perhaps I will have it ready for this year's show. I'm underway with the head, and I envisage a life-size body (about 2-3 metres). That's the plan anyway.

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