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I Forge Iron

Opinion on this anvil?

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Ah I LOVE a good for a chuckle lysdexic moment. They put a simile on my face.

A Vulcan is okay, it isn't the tools that do the work it's the clever critter with thumbs that does it. If you have time before the move I  highly recommend you hunt where you are, there are more smithing tools around for better $ than in Colorado. 

Regardless that's a pretty nice looking Vulcan just don't pay asking for it. You DO make counter offers don't you? ;)

Frosty The Lucky.

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It took me over a year to find a decent anvil and even that is in the eye of the one hammering on it.  I love my anvil, but another smith might think it's not all that great compared to some really nice anvil they have or more likely the nice 3 or 4 they own.  I started out borrowing a really junky anvil that my dad had kicking around.  While using it, I read everything I could find on anvils on this site and in books checked out of the library with the purpose of knowing the different types and such / what makes a decent anvil / and what fair prices range.  Ease into investing in your first decent anvil.  Taking your time to look just allows you to save even more money to throw toward it.  

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This is the same guy i bought my anvil from. One he!! Of a nice guy!

On 1/23/2018 at 9:37 PM, Gyrovague said:

I'm brand-spanking-new and know just about nothing about anvils.  Any advice on this one?  Seller says it's 200 pounds.  I notice that it has raised lettering, which seems less than ideal.



anvil 101.jpg


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