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This started out as a commission after someone saw the frog i made. It started just to even get a concept before I could quote as I've never done it before. The idea was going like this but was going to have more going on and also tiny cherry blossoms made of copper all over it. I was unsure what really to quote so after running it through my head I gave her a lowball quote. Well my low ball quote scared her off and I got a " thanks but no thanks" 

already had time invested in the concept so I made something out of it. When life hands you lemons... 

Im not upset, how could I be. I can't pay to work and I can't quit either. So I named it Fall. Might add to it might leave it alone. I dunno. 



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Copper may be the way to go. The original plan was copper cherry blossoms. I did tests on how to get a good pinkish color and found that simply cleaning the copper well then heating it up to a reddish ( almost hard to see it red) and quenching it quickly in water gave a nice pinkish/ peach color. But any way. A coppery color would work well as I'm from Pennsylvania and it's a good fall leaf color.  I like the idea. Thanks. 

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BigGun, matto, thanks for the ideas. 

59 minutes ago, JHCC said:

One copper leaf stretched out from the very tip of one of the branches, as if the last leaf of the fall holding on against the winter wind....

JHCC that's a nice idea, and well stated. 

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Ok so I was playing with a leaf design. Not a final product, let me know if the size looks too big. I'm unsure about it. But here are some arrangements of a single leaf. I'm almost thinking of making a couple to put on it. Again it's art and it's all in how it makes you feel, not always on scale. 








On December 4, 2015 at 10:36:59 PM, BIGGUNDOCTOR said:

Thanks for explaining this one, at first I thought it was a centipede, or some other bug.....

Art pieces are relevant to what you see in them. :) 

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