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camp oven lifters 2


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I do a lot of camp oven lifters with bull's heads and ram's head handles. However, sometimes people don't want animal heads but still want more than just a hook handle. These leaf-wrap handles seem to fit the bill and sell pretty well. Shorter make-time than rams and bulls too. Any other ideas for handles?

camp oven hooks.jpg

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BGD: Yes, gum leaves look OK, but they are long and skinny with very light veining. I use them for key rings a lot. Have tried to forge gum nuts but it's hard to get the hollow ends. Now, a snake-head handle ... that's an idea. Copperhead perhaps.Might have to use light rebar for than one.

Frosty: I'm not good with basket twists but the hanging loop idea sounds good. Don't have a pic do you?

Michael: A multi purpose tool. That's worth a try!

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ausfire , try forging the gumnuts outta pipe , fuller down the stem , then just close in the front part a bit


Dale Russell


P.S. that's how we did them for the Tree Project

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No, I don't have pics or an example of what I mean by the loop. Maybe I can describe it clearly enough. Getting even folds for a twist would be as easy as wrapping rod around a piece of flat bar, say 1/4"x4". If you did this but left one wrap longer than the width of the strap on the far side from the shaft you'd have the loop end.

If you do the fold technique simply leave one single bend longer on the end away from the shaft.

When or if you weld the rods to form the ends one will have a staple shape bit extending beyond the bundle to make the end loop from.

I've always found basket twists challenging but discovered it's okay to cheat and take a screw driver, pliers, special made bending forks and a cool gizmo posted recently to them to tweak them right.

I hope that's more clear.

Frosty The Lucky.

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Pipe gum nuts! What a great idea. Why didn't I think of that? I did cheat and made a couple of small ones from the concave end of an old engine push rod which already had a gumnut shape. I'll try the pipe idea. Thanks for the link - great pics.


I think I have the idea. Will give it a try. I have only ever done about three or four basket twists and I think I spent most of the time with the pliers trying to get consistent spacing. An even heat is critical I think.

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Someone posted a pic and how to about making a tool specifically for tweaking baskets, scrolls, helices, etc. true. It was a really slick tool a "why didn't I think of THAT head slapper" as soon as you see it used.

I still use pliers and screw drivers to true up such because I didn't print out the how to and make the tool. :blink:

Frosty The Lucky

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I like those. I'm gonna have to learn how to make a leaf lol. As far as ideas for different decorations, I don't have any.

get on to the site that Dale Russell linked or just use this



there are a heap of good examples of leaves although most look to be gum leaves

also looks like Jeremy K has been showing off with his set

a nice set by brian bazeal too



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